Soft Drink Wash

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Soft Drink Wash

Post by Misflt »

I'm interested in trying adding some soda's to make some smaller sample washes. I'm thinkin Dr. Pepper would do well in a mash, I just wonder if any of the other ingredients will harm anything, like the sodium and preservatives. The Mrs. bakes bread and salt doesn't harm the yeast in it so I'm guessin it won't. Just an idea. A friend had a couple of those boxes of soft drink mix that ya hook up to soda fountains. Wonder what it would do on its own if I added nutrient and yeast and water to get the SG I want. Its just corn syrup, flavoring and some preservatives. Seem's like it should work. I'd run it in a pot still of course, to try and keep some of the flavor. Just a passing thought.

Any idea's guys?
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Re: Soft Drink Wash

Post by MitchyBourbon »

There was a link somewhere around here of a craft distillery that had a video of them making a wash of coke syrup. Can't vouch for how it tasted.
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Re: Soft Drink Wash

Post by dakotasnake »

its of course up to you but i would recomend going very simple to start, get the feel of running your still, the washes , cuts etc. theres some ez recipes in the tryed and true section to get started with, pick one out run it a few times then worry about xperimenting
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Re: Soft Drink Wash

Post by Jimbo »

Sounds like a fun experiment. :thumbup: Let us know how it goes.
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