"One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

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"One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by NcGunny »

So...we were out and about today and the wife says "You need a bag of corn" a shudder runs down my spine knowing I will have to walk into the local --- My father is likely my brother local feed store--- I pull in,jump outta the truck eye up the locals hanging out front and in I go. I see no bags of cracked corn on the floor but I do hear someone groaning up at the front counter. (Something told me to leave,but I just didnt listen) up to the counter I go..I look over it and see one of their kids...well the guy is in his 20's...sitting with a greasy pair of pliers looking in a mirror trying to pull his tooth out! Iam like WTF!!! He looks up at me and the sweat is running down his face.."I need 50 pound sack of "weevil" free cracked corn when ya get a chance".He says " Ma pa says you be da only one who dont like dem weevils in dis here corn. So we give ya da good stuff so yous dont get dem bugs in yer mashes" I spin around looking to see if anybody else is around listening but the coast is clear. The guy lets out a hoot and says not to worry cuz his dad be a cookin right now. Then he asks if I can help pull his tooth out in trade for a free sack of corn. How hard can it be? Pliers in hand...I proceed to yank that sumbitch out by the roots. Got my bag of corn for free...got home and now I have a tooth that is loose a aching like holy hell!
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by S-Cackalacky »

Damn man - that's some weird shit.
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by DFitz »

Well? Did you enjoy pullin his tooth?
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by S-Cackalacky »

Maybe you should change the topic title to, "What would you do for a free bag of corn?".
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by Da Yooper »

Good thing you didn't hear the words (squeel like a pig) :shock:
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by T-Pee »

Jay-zus. Did you at least give him a quarter for the tooth? :wtf:

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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by bearriver »

Hell, with him and all his sisters you might have a real good influx of corn :)

Between all of em, they probably still got a full set of teeth left!
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by Truckinbutch »

WOW ! I ain't gettin close to this one :wtf:
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by crazyk78 »

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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by NcGunny »

Lol..they are really good people but very stereotypical of some people I knew from Va when I was growing up. Lol..was thinking of that thread "You might be a shiner if..."
You might be a shiner if..... You practice amateur dentistry to get free supplies
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by T-Pee »

Folk have been nicknamed for much less. Image

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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by Soggy Bottom Boy »

Did you post this in the wrong thread?! Should this be in "The Liar's Bench" thread??? .....nah, I guess it is too frikkin' weird of a tale for it to be a made up lie!!!

Real life, .....quite often stranger than fiction, .....almost unbelievably so! :wtf:
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by pfshine »

Thats it from now on you are the tooth, gunny. I had one gunny everybody called tooth but that is a whole norher story
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by Mr Shine »

You got a purdy mouth boy. :)
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by Prairiepiss »

My local mom and pop feed store. Is just the opposite. They are uptight asses. Every time I go in there they want to sell me something better for my animals. Bit they don't know shit about animals. Just what the feed producers tell them. Hell they couldn't tell me what percent their rabbit pellets were the other day. They had to fumble through a book to find it. Still telling me it was the best thing for my rabbits. Not even knowing what it is.

I would live to knock one of their toofes out. And I'm not talking pliers.

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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by IrishEnigma »

Idk much about animals but I did give away a bag of sweet feed a sheep owner not to long ago. Was told that it wasn't pelleted was all natural. Turned out to be pelleted but held together by molasses. She was feeding it to her sheep/goats as a treat. The kids did however get to play with them as well as pet the horses. Was worth the bag of sweet feed.
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by rubber duck »

hell I had 2 wisdom teeth pull out pulled out by a pashtun goat herder with a multiply tool,and I all I got was a couple of shots of shitty brandy I think. I remember him say this will not feel good, ya no kidding kinda I figured that.

He jerked them out clean and fast, best dentist I've ever been to, gave me a shot of something to stave of infections,blunt ass needle i don't want to know. Cost me about 12 bucks. Got the other 2 pulled in the states 1400 bucks and it was a nightmare, that dentists needs to go to go to goat hearding school.

But the point of the story is I didn't get a bag of corn.
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by LWTCS »

Jumpin jee-zus on a pogo stick Ducky......and Gunny.

Those two stories make the hair stand up on the back of my neck.
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by Prairiepiss »

Long time no hear duck.

I was in a third world country tour in the military. Got a toofis ache. They were gona send me to a local. I had already taken a friend to the local hospital a week prior. And it scared the crap out of me. So I told them no I wasn't going to a local. I would live with the pain for another month. And take care of it when I got home. Our doc said I don't blame you.

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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by ga flatwoods »

I saw my daddy more than once take to drinking a fifth of Canadian hard and heavy until 3/4 gone. Would take the old style braided trout line that required waxing and wind it around the subject tooth. He would finish off the bottle and pull it out. Damn! Made me cringe every time! Last one I recall before he died he asked me to pull. I tried to get out of it but he insisted. I only snatched half hard enough and broke it loose but not out!!! :shock: :wtf: :sick: I will never forget in all my days the blood cursing scream he let out. I snatched again to no avail. By this time he could have pulled the jaw bone if needed and he did it himself with one sharp snatch. Packed cotton after spitting for about five minutes and went to bed and passed out groaning. He was groaning in his sleep. Will never pull one of mine that way I assure you!!
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by Halfbaked »

:sick: When I was a kid (8-10) one of our friends had a pair of dentist pliers. They looked almost like a pair of linemans pliers with a place where the tooth was to go and a little narrower . They would come over and bring them to the house every 6 months or so. If I had any teeth that were loose I had to tear them out my head myself. Damn Ga Flatwoods I had forgotten all about that till I read your post. Now my mouth hurts.
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by heartcut »

I've stopped to wipe my eyes twice reading this thread, that's some funny shit. Deliverance meets white dog.
I once flew in to shore in West Africa from a rig to get a couple teeth worked on (split when hit by a regulator tube), walked into the dentist's office, looked around, left, bought some valium so I could sleep through the pain and flew back to the rig. Couldn't find a goat herder but probably should have, that was miserable.

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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by IrishEnigma »

Never pulled one of own teeth except for a loose one, but I had a wisdom tooth ripped out before the novacain had kicked in. The doc have 3 doses, then a couple minutes later he was like can you feel this? I told him yes without a doubt. Said well we have to get going. felt him split my tooth into 4 pieces, yarn all all 4 out, and after all said and done he asked me if I wanted to see it. Walked out into the office and my gf at the time was freaked out bc I was pale as a ghost. Walked outside and puked from the pain. After I hopped in my truck and a couple miles down the rd my mouth went numb.

Later that night I was walking upstairs to my apartment and blood just started gushing out of my mouth. Apparently the stitches came undone. Swallowed a shit ton of blood, enough again to make me puke in the kitchen sink. There was a blood trail all the way up stairs across the kitchen floor and on the cupboard doors below the sink. Not a drop on my shirt though..

I'm not queezy with blood either, at all. Probably the worst $300 I've ever spent.
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by Prairiepiss »

heartcut wrote:I've stopped to wipe my eyes twice reading this thread, that's some funny shit. Deliverance meets white dog.
I once flew in to shore in West Africa from a rig to get a couple teeth worked on (split when hit by a regulator tube), walked into the dentist's office, looked around, left, bought some valium so I could sleep through the pain and flew back to the rig. Couldn't find a goat herder but probably should have, that was miserable.
That's the same part of the world I was in. You couldn't have paid me enough to go to that dentist.

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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by cob »

we had novacain and "modern" american dentistry when i was a kid more than 55 years ago. and when your new teeth are growin in
crooked and overlaped, and the folks not bein rich, one of them ortho dentist's wasn't on the list of options.
so one of those teeth has to go to make room for the rest of them. on the bottom in the middle a tooth
was chosen to come out. well the dentist broke the tooth off, cut away the gum with a scalpel, cut out a section of bone,
and commenced to bust out the remaining bit of tooth and root with a hammer and chisel.
there is something fundamentally wrong with a grown man beating on the face of an 8 year old
with a hammer and chisel.
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Another half baked story but trus

Post by Halfbaked »

My lluck with payin dentists were not much bertter. I had 2 top wisdom teath that were impacted and they gave me some laughing gas and a couple of shots. I felt the knife goin and slice the entire gum and he pealed it back and took a pair of those pliers and broke it off. On the second one now that was a diff story. he cut put on pliers and broke it clean off not out. Next came the hammer and chizzel. I thought th was going to break my jaw. 15 or 20 hits with that hammer and chizel should be all of it. I had slivers coming threw the gum for over a year.. So bad

On a trip to the dentist to get a tooth filled I had way to much numbing and tooth was filled just fine. Entire side of my face was numb. Eating lunch i ate half of my jaw blood meat and everything. I wouldn't have noticed it if blood wouldn't have rolled down my mouth. The next time I went to the dentist I told him from now on if I have cavities we will fill them with no numbing. He looked at me funny. We had one and we filled one no numbing. No problems or pain after that. It was a little discomfort when we did it but all was good. 1 Was 15 1/2 and got to drive home on everyone on everyone of these trips. Even the one that I had laughing gas.
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by Jkhippie »

halfbaked wrote::sick: When I was a kid (8-10) one of our friends had a pair of dentist pliers. They looked almost like a pair of linemans pliers with a place where the tooth was to go and a little narrower . They would come over and bring them to the house every 6 months or so. If I had any teeth that were loose I had to tear them out my head myself. Damn Ga Flatwoods I had forgotten all about that till I read your post. Now my mouth hurts.
Damn, hb, where'd you grow up?! On the set of "Saw"? :shock: Did you have to put your own money under your pillow, too?
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by swampdog 2 »

Got drunk about a month ago and pulled one that damn thing must have been two inches long the ole lady said I was a man of steel asked her why she said that she said because I had rust in my drawers I assured her after pulling that tooth it wasn't rust :wtf: :oops:
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Re: "One Wrong Turn" into the feed store today.

Post by Halfbaked »

Jkhippie wrote:
halfbaked wrote::sick: When I was a kid (8-10) one of our friends had a pair of dentist pliers. They looked almost like a pair of linemans pliers with a place where the tooth was to go and a little narrower . They would come over and bring them to the house every 6 months or so. If I had any teeth that were loose I had to tear them out my head myself. Damn Ga Flatwoods I had forgotten all about that till I read your post. Now my mouth hurts.
Damn, hb, where'd you grow up?! On the set of "Saw"? :shock: Did you have to put your own money under your pillow, too?
I grew up in da skewl of hard knowks which is located in dem der hills.
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