SS Keg Pot Still, 2000W element with power controller. Finally got enough stripped low wines to do me Spirit.
Been readin' and re-readin all the while. Everything. It's so fascinating.
Started at 9:00 PM. Medium plus a little touch more power. Slow and steady wins the race, right?
I believe I put in about 3 to 3.5 gallons... About half a glass carboy? at 30% abv. I got little glass oval things as boiling chips, plenty cleaned. Takes up a lotta space so's I can cover me element easier. I added about a half gallon of soft, filtered water, just to be sure the element had a little cushion, I'm new and don't like fire.
So, I start getting my drippies about 45 mins in. Collect 250 mL fores, saved for shop cleanin. Collected in 200mL increments. I don't know proper cuts, should help... Stream breaking at the bottom, 'bout toothpick size.
I ran outta jars, that's why I started wantonly collecting in the glass jug.
So, this all seems a bit tight to me... Feelin like I did somethin wrong. As fer cuts, my smeller aint too good. The lady aint back for a few days, so I figure I'll give her sniffer a go when she's back. Meanwhile, the jars will breathe with coffee filters on em.
So now, I'm gonna go read about cuts. The main thread, again, and the few I got bookmarked. There's a lotta gold info by the regulars kinda hiding in other posts. To anyone readin this, got any quick tips fer a guy with a smoker's nose?
I did manage to pick up a sweet-apple type scent from the first two jars.. Heads, right? After that, it all smells just real good... Anyhow, off to read.
edit: fixed the damn table