Many like to post about a first successful ferment (or first all grain mash), or first still built/bought or first good run of the still. Tell us about all of these great times here.
Pics are VERY welcome, we drool over pretty copper
planethax wrote:Pitched 100g of active dry yeast wash was 100*f
Sugar water flakes was on heat for 60 minutes
15 minutes at light boil
if you pitched, then boiled as stated, i'm with C1, you probably killed most/all yeast and then by some miracle they got a colony going in the anaerobic water and then your ferment actually started...kind of a delayed reaction.
if it's fizzing now, it's working... so i would just give it the time it needs, the temps you are working at now should finish soon. don't forget to rack it off for a day or two so it clears, otherwise the solids may burn in the boiler.
planethax wrote:T
I realize my issues with temp at first affected the ferment but it has been stable last five days and expected closer than 1.0320
That's why I thought it was my lack of aerating causing it.
It is still going
Picture a glass of cola
Seems to be about as much as this is fizzing.
if it's fizzing like soda, that's great! from 1.03...i'm betting 4 more days, then a day to clear and then rack it let it clear for another day or two...looks like next Saturday is your day *keep it warm
How did the ferment finish up for you? As you seemingly determined, a stable and controlled ferment temperature is very important. I'm curious how it came out (flavor, in your opinion) and what your final gravity was.
Life member, representative, and proud supporter of the Hobby Distiller's Association.
It finally finished Last Friday, 0.992
Ya, for sure I need a stable environment.
I now have a heater, thermometer and proper SG meter.
And since it won't be my First wash anymore I should have more will power to "Stay the F%$# Out of IT!!!!" lol
As for taste and flavour? Well I like it but have no experience to go on as it is the first time every drinking non commercial.
I have 3 liters away aging (1 on a bourbon stick, 1 on JD chips and another on JD chips and a chunk of cinnamon stick)
Left 1 liter just plain, diluted to 45-50%(my eyes are getting bad lol) that I drank with some Sprite last night.
I really enjoyed it.
Did I enjoy it because it was good, or because of the satisfaction of my first batch?
I hope its a little of both but probably more the latter.
I am thinking on doubling up the Frosted flakes this time, and I have 7 gallons of back set I am considering using in ferment.
But I may just dump that and do it again for the third run.
Overall I am quite pleased with this, I hope some one else tries it!!!
It I imagine will be almost identical to Odin's Corn Flake Whiskey.