Determining the Point of the Heads to Hearts Cut Within the

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Re: Determining the Point of the Heads to Hearts Cut Within

Post by bellybuster »

Interesting thread, the idea seems good to me but using anything other than precisely controlled electric elements would result in useless data.
Even a slight breeze with a propane fired boiler would affect the vapour temp/speed and throw your temp diff off. A propane burner can vary dramatically in power input even indoors with no breezes.
Would be an interesting experiment with well controlled electric and valves that can be repeatable set to the exact same position
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Re: Determining the Point of the Heads to Hearts Cut Within

Post by Prairiepiss »

Lester wrote:
Prairiepiss wrote:You would be better off with a thermometer in the normal position. And another lower in the column. That would give you more of a heads up.
Thank you PP. Now I realize that you have essentially agreed to my proposed scheme. Two thermometers near the top of the column and watch out for the change in temp, yes? What I'm proposing is to link the 2 thermometers' output together so that the temp reading will be immune to changes in atmospheric pressure. I bet Odin does the same, if not, well, that's something else to try. :)
I didn't agree to anything. I could probably spell your experiment out here like a fortune teller. But I'm working on that whole keep your mouth shut. And be nice thing. :silent:

And one can tell from your posts. That you are convinced this will work. And nothing any of us can say will change your mind. At some point you have to just throw your hands up and say. Go for it. Let us know how it works out for you.

I have the same thoughts as Rad on still automation.

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Re: Determining the Point of the Heads to Hearts Cut Within

Post by NZChris »

NZChris wrote:BTW, USB thermos are cheap now.
Looking at a plot of temperatures in a cheese cave last night, my cheap USB thermo isn't as accurate as I had hoped it would be. The output is showing flat spots where I know there aren't any. I was hoping it would be accurate to at least 0.1, but it isn't. :(
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Re: Determining the Point of the Heads to Hearts Cut Within

Post by RevSpaminator »

In my professional life I live and breath automation. I'm no stranger to it and will automate things most would not have thought possible.

The complexities of a fluid system that is comprised of as many different compounds as a simple sugar mash makes automation of cuts near impossible. Your transitions are gradients and always a moving target. Talk about a seriously nonlinear system.

If you want to automate cuts, learn cutting edge neural net technology and build a machine that can taste as sensitively as the human brain.
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Re: Determining the Point of the Heads to Hearts Cut Within

Post by Lester »

NZChris wrote:
NZChris wrote:BTW, USB thermos are cheap now.
Looking at a plot of temperatures in a cheese cave last night, my cheap USB thermo isn't as accurate as I had hoped it would be. The output is showing flat spots where I know there aren't any. I was hoping it would be accurate to at least 0.1, but it isn't. :(
That's sad to hear NZChris. The problem is the analog-to-digital (A/D) converter inside the USB dongle, it is not "monotonic". I have designed several testers for A/D converters in the past and this is one item we test for, monotonicity or missing codes.

Those flat spots will remain in those spots for the life of the thermometer. If it is not in the range of temperature of interest then you might still be able to make sense out of the readings.

I would suggest that you heat up the dongle itself with a hair dryer, while keeping the actual sensor at a constant temperature. You should not see any change in the temperature reading. This would tell you if the reference inside the dongle is stable. If it's not then might as well not use the thermometer it at all. I have a few thermometers that failed this stability test.
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Re: Determining the Point of the Heads to Hearts Cut Within

Post by Lester »

RevSpaminator wrote:In my professional life I live and breath automation. I'm no stranger to it and will automate things most would not have thought possible.

The complexities of a fluid system that is comprised of as many different compounds as a simple sugar mash makes automation of cuts near impossible. Your transitions are gradients and always a moving target. Talk about a seriously nonlinear system.

If you want to automate cuts, learn cutting edge neural net technology and build a machine that can taste as sensitively as the human brain.
What you said makes a lot of sense. :thumbup:
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Re: Determining the Point of the Heads to Hearts Cut Within

Post by RevSpaminator »

So many people are running around dreaming up new fangled automation for running their stills. We should put our heads into ways of making this hobby safer. Like a flow or temp sensor that makes sure takeoff is being cooled properly and controls a kill switch. Or spill prevention, etc.. You get the idea.
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Re: Determining the Point of the Heads to Hearts Cut Within

Post by Hound Dog »

RevSpaminator wrote:So many people are running around dreaming up new fangled automation for running their stills. We should put our heads into ways of making this hobby safer. Like a flow or temp sensor that makes sure takeoff is being cooled properly and controls a kill switch. Or spill prevention, etc.. You get the idea.
These would be very good ideas to kick around. I have seen some ideas on the board here and there but a lot better could be invented I am sure. There are some pretty technical innovators here!
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Re: Determining the Point of the Heads to Hearts Cut Within

Post by InglisHill »

You could use a k type thermocouple with your terminations at the two places you want to measure on the column.
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Re: Determining the Point of the Heads to Hearts Cut Within

Post by Maritimer »

RevSpaminator wrote:So many people are running around dreaming up new fangled automation for running their stills. We should put our heads into ways of making this hobby safer. Like a flow or temp sensor that makes sure takeoff is being cooled properly and controls a kill switch. Or spill prevention, etc.. You get the idea.
That project won't get very far on HD. I'm pursuing it here: ... 86#p121377" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow .

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Re: Determining the Point of the Heads to Hearts Cut Within

Post by RevSpaminator »

I'm talking about making the still safer, not running it unattended. Big difference. A spill can start a fire no matter how closely you watch. I wouldn't ever expect anyone to leave their still running unattended.

But that is really a subject for another post. I was just trying to make the point that people should focus their creativity on things that make sense.
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Re: Determining the Point of the Heads to Hearts Cut Within

Post by Maritimer »

The post is about making the still super-safe. Automation is just an add-on.

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Re: Determining the Point of the Heads to Hearts Cut Within

Post by RevSpaminator »

Which post do you think I'm talking about? Maybe the better word would be thread..

"Determining the Point of the Heads to Hearts Cut Within the" is referring to automating cuts, not making operation safer.
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Re: Determining the Point of the Heads to Hearts Cut Within

Post by shadylane »

RevSpaminator wrote:So many people are running around dreaming up new fangled automation for running their stills. We should put our heads into ways of making this hobby safer. Like a flow or temp sensor that makes sure takeoff is being cooled properly and controls a kill switch. Or spill prevention, etc.. You get the idea.
I agree.
Some things can't be automated on the hobby scale, Cuts is one of them.
An E-stop circuit, using temp and pressure from the pot and condenser is a good idea.
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Re: Determining the Point of the Heads to Hearts Cut Within

Post by Lester »

RevSpaminator wrote:So many people are running around dreaming up new fangled automation for running their stills.
There must be something very wrong with my English (not my first language BTW). I never said anything about automation. I simply proposed heads-up when the heads to hearts cut point is coming, using a differential thermometer, because I know I can not rely on absolute temperature only.

Never mind. :yawn:
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