The liar's bench

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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Jimbo »

ga flatwoods wrote: Maybe I need to find something to kill like an armadillo or feral cat! I don't know...,
Ya, quick like. sounds like you damn near killed Richard
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by StillLearning1 »

ga flatwoods wrote:No longer in the monkey business. Trying to quit smoking this week, leave me be. Also means I don't want a drink for want of a smoke. Tried sex therapy to no avail. SOH wouldn't hang out with me longer than four hours and my best friend Richard ended up with a callous on his head! Pitiful sight for sure! Tried eating as not smoking causes your food to taste better. Ate a lot of lasagna and bread sticks which only served to "back me up!". Tried fishing but it rained and muddied the water. Cutting grass seemed to help but after an hour it was all cut so that didn't last too long. Maybe now would be a good time to buy 200# of grain and run it through my corona hand mill in preparation for another all grain cooking once I get moved into the twenty acres we still trying to get to closing. We are almost there. Should close by the end of this month. More stress. ;Another move after painting. Setting up shop forthcoming. Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit. Maybe I need to find something to kill like an armadillo or feral cat! I don't know...,
Good for you flatwoods! Keep at it my friend! I've tried twice and well..... I'll try again one day.

Btw. Bowling. Yes bowling helped me a lot. Keeps you busy and did a pretty good job for stress relief. If that didn't work shooting was a good pastime for me.

But what the heck do I know.....I am still learning.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by S-Cackalacky »

I quit about 30 years ago. Went to a stop smoking clinic at the hospital. They used a lot of negative reinforcement type shit. It worked OK I guess - I ain't smoked in 30 years, but for the first couple of years I would grab my left tit ever now and then - reaching for a pack in my shirt pocket. Hell of a habit to stop. Good luck to you Flatwoods.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by ga flatwoods »

Thanks for the understanding and reinforcement. Never did until seperation leading up to divorce. Bad habit for sure. Hate anything that makes one less than an independent sole. Take a few meds but working on getting off those too. Bad enough we have to eat regularly let alone worry about having cigs or alcohol everywhere we go like a ball and chain. I have enough thing I would rather not give up than to keep some of these bad other ones. Had one Sunday, two on Monday and Tuesday each, and none today. If I dint think about it I dont want one. Worst time is getting in the truck to go somewhere. Hook up the belt and hook up a smoke seemed the way to roll. This too shall pass.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by S-Cackalacky »

Those little smoking triggers are difficult to deal with - a cup of coffee, taking a dump, getting out of bed in the morning, after a meal, etc. Don't get discouraged if you slip up. The main thing is to not give up and fight it like a madman. It WILL get better with time. The first few weeks are usually the worst - getting past the nicotine addiction. Hang in there Flatwoods.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Jimbo »

Nice work woods. Rootin fer ya here!
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by SoMo »

GA my wife and I quit the Marlboros 3 years ago after watching her daddy die of cancer, I do puff on a few cigars but nothing like the cigarettes, the time has to be right for you, the reason right for you. If you can't quit which is up to you just start cutting back. One or two or five a day then taper off if that's what you need any change for the good helps just a bit. If you believe you can you will only if you are ready. Like the guys said it's those times you are used to having one those automatic triggers. Change your routines, eat carrots chew gum whatever replaces that little devil. We are pulling for ya, you can do it, even tho it's tough, you are tougher. Good luck.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Truckinbutch »

Brother , it ain't easy . Several years back I went from a $350 per month Marlboro habit to $25 a month smoking a pipe . Still haven't broken the nicotine habit . Have reduced the consumption and financial drain .
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by HDNB »

rootin for ya too.
hardest damn thing i ever did by a long stretch. it's worth it though... you will be able to taste and smell better (for you own needs as well as others) and breathe better soon. the ill effects get erased reasonably fast, so it's worth it to keep at it until your clear of it. a set back here and there is no reason to not keep on the path to better health.
this is all about YOU, so don't let me detract from your success here....but know that i smoked from the tender age of 5 to 42. i cried for nicotine...literally and figuratively.... and to this day i could chew the F%^&ing ASS off a pack of DuMaurier's... but there is NOWAYINHELL i'm letting those friggin sticks back into my life.
cheers bud, go at it HARD.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Truckinbutch »

Anybody need to say more you monkey jackin diddly wimp ?
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by S-Cackalacky »

Thanks for sumin' up TB.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by jus teasin »

Hey of luck to you.
I quit on Nov. 30th 1984 at 9:00 AM I still remember that last cig.I had a 3 pack a day habit.
I gained 30 Lbs In 30 days. loved every cig. i ever smoked.the only reason I quit was I did not know
How to tell my 5 yr. old son not to smoke with a cig. in my mouth.
You find a reason and you can do it. Its not easy but hang in there and don't smoke another cig.
you can do it With a support group like this behind you. You can't lose.

Good luck JT
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by The KYChemist »

As these kegs were all nicely wrapped up, I'm assuming they were on their way back to the brewery, freshly cleaned. The name of a local brewery was painted on them. All I could think of was the possibilities...
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by S-Cackalacky »

That would be like havin' porn on a billboard - I would have had a wreck havin' seen that.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Tokoroa_Shiner »

Nice. I saw something like that the other day. Truck dropped a pallet off at work. And I counted 11 full pallets of kegs. Truck driver wasn't too keen on me taking one out with the pallet I was already grabbing. Haha
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Red Rim »

Damn! I knew I shouldn't have taken that pitch!!,
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by thecroweater »

Truckinbutch wrote:Brother , it ain't easy . Several years back I went from a $350 per month Marlboro habit to $25 a month smoking a pipe . Still haven't broken the nicotine habit . Have reduced the consumption and financial drain .
be greatful you ain't a smoker here or you could and a zero to both those figures, the cheapest packets of crap have now topped $30 with most being around $40, pipe and rolly tobacco isn't far behind with a pouch being over $50 now . Its way getting beyond ridiculous
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Coyote »

Seven months and 10 days ago I quit a 40 + year Copenhagen habit.

Went to the Dr for a referral to the surgeon to get some metal removed
from my leg.

He tested my BP at 175/138 4 TIMES!

Doc looked at me and said "You quit chewing about 3 minutes ago"

45 days later with minor diet changes BP has held pretty steady at 114 -120 over 72- 80

Don't know how long I had been in massive stroke range but sure
glad I found out

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Re: The liar's bench

Post by S-Cackalacky »

I smoked for about 15 years without realizing I was allergic to the smoke. My sinuses would run like a faucet and I also had intestinal problems. I quit in 1984 and the allergy symptoms almost immediately cleared up. It's a little crazy if you think about it - inhaling the smoke from a burning substance. Who in their right mind does THAT?

Just tryin' to give a little negative reinforcement there Flatwoods.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by ga flatwoods »

I appreciate the discussion guys. It is pretty ridiculous if you think about it. I like to deer hunt and for sure the smell of a cigarette in the woods to a deer simply must smell like carrion would to us. Broke down and bought two packs since I was last here but have only had one since Sunday morning. I am going to get there.
Time for a good yarn now. What ya got to say TB? Where ya been of late? Here is some scuppernog brandy and cranberry juice. Whoever would like feel free to mix one. Similiar to Sky Vodka if you like such.

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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Truckinbutch »

Well , HERE I IS !............. Buried my MIL 4 weeks back . NO , before any ya'll ask ; the mule that kicked her to death is not on the market . He was sold by private treaty the same day as the funeral . There was 400 fellers there wantin to buy him . No need to advertise him on E-Bay ...... We been workin at tryin to settle the rest of the estate . I'god , wish we had had a herd of mules . We coulda sold ever damn one of them with ever feller hopin he bought the right one :crazy:
> In the mean time the state of WV told Anheuser-Busch that they thought that AB should comp more sports advertisement for WV on their products containers . AB countered by raising the WV price on their products $2 on a 30 pack . That pissed me off on both sides . Went to drinkin my own exclusively instead of downin 15 of their cans a day . I'm sure , by now , they are feeling the pain . The local pubs damn sure have . That's $400 a month out of the local economy plus the extra 5 or 6 and the barmaid's tip if I made a beer run at a time when my cronies were all at the pub and we got to bullshittin .
>Lawdamighty ! My decision in the heat of the moment may have put the economy of AB and my state both in a tail spin :wtf:
> Oh , well ..... Let the Devil take the hindmost .............. SOH is happy to not have to come and haul me home and hasn't bitched the least bit about the extra money in my bank account at the end of the month .
> So , that's the news from Mount Idey (visualize Charlie Weaver) . Keep the faith , brother , a nicotine addiction is the toughest habit I have never been able to break .
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Tokoroa_Shiner »

S-Cackalacky wrote:
.....It's a little crazy if you think about it - inhaling the smoke from a burning substance. Who in their right mind does THAT?
That's almost like people drinking the poisonous waste product from a bacteria. Lol.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by FreeMountainHermit »

HEY !!!!!! This shit tastes like piss.

Damn good piss tho' :lol:
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by T-Pee »

Truckinbutch wrote:Well , HERE I IS !............. Buried my MIL 4 weeks back . NO , before any ya'll ask ; the mule that kicked her to death is not on the market . He was sold by private treaty the same day as the funeral . There was 400 fellers there wantin to buy him . No need to advertise him on E-Bay ...... We been workin at tryin to settle the rest of the estate . I'god , wish we had had a herd of mules . We coulda sold ever damn one of them with ever feller hopin he bought the right one :crazy:

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Re: The liar's bench

Post by S-Cackalacky »

AB will be sufferin' from a poor decision. I know a few West Virginians and they all ornery SOBs that don't take well to bein' shit on. AB gonna git their shit-house tipped.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by S-Cackalacky »

Tokoroa_Shiner wrote:
S-Cackalacky wrote:
.....It's a little crazy if you think about it - inhaling the smoke from a burning substance. Who in their right mind does THAT?
That's almost like people drinking the poisonous waste product from a bacteria. Lol.
Yea, but I only drink it for its medicinal properties. I can't imagine any medicinal reason to breathe the smoke from a fire. But wait... No, I won't go there.
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Tokoroa_Shiner »

Haha. Fair enough. Lol
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by WooTeck »

S-Cackalacky wrote:AB will be sufferin' from a poor decision.
i think im missing something what is AB?
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by Truckinbutch »

WooTeck wrote:
S-Cackalacky wrote:AB will be sufferin' from a poor decision.
i think im missing something what is AB?
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Re: The liar's bench

Post by thecroweater »

Whoa you's fellas actually drink bud, be damned, I thought it was like Fosters and ya just sent it abroad as a shit stir
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