HD novella

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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

ga flatwoods wrote:Alright SC! It is your turn or maybe even someone else new to the script....calling out Woodshed, thecroweater, windycity, Michigan corn husker,bearriver, skow69, wootec, Bigbob, acfixer, wv cooker, halfbaked, Rad, Tate, uncle Jessee, Bushman, anyone. You all have been reading this so now contribute!
:thumbup: Well said .
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Re: HD novella

Post by S-Cackalacky »

Well goddam, If I could get a word in!


Sometimes good information can pop up from the damnedest sources. Don't matter how much intelegence and sophisticated clandestine snooping that's goin' on if ears ain't in the right place at the right time. But, I'm getting ahead of myself.

First a little background. In most small towns, Pagosa Springs being no exception, there are unusual characters that nobody pays much mind too. In Pagosa Springs one such character is a funny ole boy called Pogo. His appearance draws varying emotions. From some it's fear, others it's sympathy, and some it's ambivalence. His appearance is, to say the least, unusual. He walks with a twitch in his step, one arm hangs limp, his back has a pronounced hump around the left shoulder and there's an inexplicable distortion to the features of his face. His manner of dress is no less bizarre. He wears a red cloth ball cap with the bill flipped up in the front. His shirt is dirty, threadbare, and torn and his dingy carpenter pants are about 4 inches too short and show off his mismatched socks and ankle high brown brogans.

He lives on handouts and most folks give freely to him. He loves Jimbo's BBQ and can be found on the loading dock most days for the noon meal. He's more than a little off in the head and can be found most afternoons standing on the street corner downtown across from the McCrory's five and dime store. The towns people seem to get great delight in asking him what he's doing there, in which case he always provides the same answer - “Just waiting for the streetcar.”. When asked where he's goin', he just says, “back”.

Not many know how Pogo got to be who he is now, but I do. My Daddy knew him – they were friends in their youth. Daddy told me that Pogo's name was Arthur Peerine. He said that Arthur was a good looking boy back in the day and attracted many young gals. Daddy recounted a time when a young gal named Sarah tried to make him jealous by goin' off with a young feller named Joseph and how Arthur never even noticed. It wasn't that Arthur didn't like girls, but because he had a greater love in his life. He owned a 1909 Harley twin V and everything he WAS was about that modersicle. And there lays the reason he is where he is and who he is.

Story goes that many years ago as the town folk milled about the sidewalk and shops on main street, there was heard a tremendous roar in the distance. That twin V was moving at great speed from the far end of town. As it neared downtown, it didn't slow up. The engine grew louder and louder and the folks moved off the street and into the store fronts with puzzled and anxious looks on their faces. There was a terrible silence except for the roar of that engine. As the Harley blazed into town, the front wheel caught one of the recessed tracks of the old defunct streetcar line. The modersicle flipped into the air and Arthur held on with a death grip – not wanting to separate from the thing he loved most in the world. Arthur and the modersicle tumbled down the street in a mass of jumbled flesh and metal and came to rest in front of the McCrory's five and dime. Arthur was hauled off to the hospital in the bed of Hiram Walker's model T pickup and what was left of the modersicle was taken to what is now Marcel Ledbetter's garage and fillin' station.

So now Pogo is left to ponder what happened to him and who he is, although his damaged mind can't quite come to grips with any of it. Now and again his mind grabs onto the memory of that twin V and he will set off to walking the ten miles to Ledbetter's garage and fillin' station. On one particular day as he rumaged through the scrap heap behind the garage, a shinny car rolled up out front and he could hear an angry voice shouting at Marcel Ledbetter. Ledbetter stammered and whined back at the angry man. Then there was the sound of car doors closing and the car pulling off and heading in the direction of Pagosa Springs. Ledbetter heard a little noise and made his way to the rear of the garage. “Pogo, what the hell you doin' back here. You know that damned mdersicle was scrapped out years ago. Now, get the hell out of here you crazy fuck!”.
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Re: HD novella

Post by S-Cackalacky »

Jimbo stepped out the back door with a beer tray covered with a dish towel. “Hey Pogo.”, he said.

Pogo, sitting on the edge of the loading dock with his legs danglin' over, didn't even look up. He said, “Mr. Jimbo, I sho like yo' barbeecoo.”.

Jimbo said, “Pogo, when you finish your dinner, I'll take you up to the truck stop and buy you a shower bath.”.

“No need.”, said Pogo, “I just hiked out to the creek by Miss Corene's and took one.”.

Jimbo asked, “Did you see Miss Corene while you were there?”.

“I didn't see her, but they wuz a man thar. He came out and fussed at me for bein' necked in the creek, so got my cloz on an' wuz fixin' to leave when Mr. Ledbetter come up. Mr. Ledbetter yeld at me again and said, “you get from here you crazy fuck.”. So, I got on out o' thar.”.

Jimbo asked, “What do you mean “he yeld at you again”?”.

“I was out to the garage yesterdy lookin' fer my modersicle and Mr. Ledbetter yelled at me then too.”.

“Why did he yell at you there.”, asked Jimbo, “You always goin' out there looking for that modersicle.”.

Pogo said, “I thank he was feelin' poor because the man in the shinny car was yellin' at him. Said, you get me my money back or I'll be comin' for you – you sorry shit.”.

“Was it a silver car kinda low to the ground? Was the man wearin' a fancy suit of clothes?”, asked Jimbo.

“Yea, that's it. Do you know him Mr Jimbo?”

“Yes I do. He was here in Pagosa Springs yerterday. You finish up your dinner Pogo and just leave the tray here on the loading dock. I got some people I need to see. Knock on the door and tell Bubba I said to give you a beer.”

“Thank you Mr. Jimbo. I sho' like yo' barbeecoo.”
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Re: HD novella

Post by S-Cackalacky »

Well? Somebody? What, did I fuck it up?
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Re: HD novella

Post by woodshed »

Gotta say, pogo sounds a lot like Chris, our resident homeless guy. Been here for 15 years. Harmless. But a bit touched.
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Re: HD novella

Post by S-Cackalacky »

He's an actual character from my childhood in S. Cack. And, he really did loose his mental faculties in a motorcycle accident. Was also called Pogo and stood on the street corner waiting for a streetcar.
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Re: HD novella

Post by ga flatwoods »

You did wellSC thanks! Nice intro to a new character and well written as well.
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

SC, you been holdin' out on us brother.
brought a tear to my eye. in my town, the same gentleman's name was Harkey. his particular mental malady was brought on by nothing less than a freight train. by some miracle he lived to remind us stupid teenagers:
"you crazy, you kidz all cray-zee."

now...you got the hammer, so erase the comments and lets get back to the story!
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Pogo could have been Lister Farmer ,Jr That I knew because I worked in the deep mines with his Dad . Lister Sr kept that V-Twin wrapped in chains for 25 years in his basement so it couldn't hurt another young boy .
Coworker of ours , same age as me , finally talked Lister into selling it to him . He restored it to factory new and rode it twice . It killed him on the second ride ................... There is inherent evil in this world .

>Keep on writing . Like HDNB said , you got hidden talents .
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Re: HD novella

Post by Bigbob »


STRANGE MAN SEEN IN FOREST! Do not drink what is offered is the advice given.
MISS SARAH VISTING. miss Sarah is visiting CORENE up at her cabin
In case you have seen this man around town and just thought of him as a silly drunk, this is POGO, real name Arthur Peerline. His story was one of promise, but a motorcycle accident ended that. Now he wanders around town looking for handouts. Try to be nice as he is completely harmless.

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After repeated request for interviews Judge Rad refused to discuss the trial saying " I've said all I'm gonna say about those boys. They won't be seen around these parts anymore.
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

Woo teck left the courtroom in a huff. Muttering under his breath "i can't fuckin believe i stayed for that." he quickly sought out the other reporters and filled them on the details. two of them were itching to get the story on the wire, with their editors up their ass for burning expenses and no story coming back up the wire.
Once Eck had brought them current on the courtroom scene, the young one from Boston broke in with "I gotta run with the notes from yesterday, them crooked FBI bitches will make for some good copy"
Eck reined them in "whoa boys, we gotta look at the bigger picture. There is a lot going on here. Ledbetter was riding some serious heat for counterfeit cash he is distributing back to the cities through drivers stopping at the motel."
"Them Feds obviously got their hands on a big pile 'o that queer too." Halfbaked threw in. "I'm wondering if that's how the fake shit has been hitting the businesses around here, because Ledbetter was sure surpised to learn it was comin in close to home." he added.
The cub reporter from Boston said " i was grabbin' ar cuppa at the dinah, and i heard that bitch FBI tellin the the other to beat it up to Denver and get thar caw back pronto"
The other young fella spoke up "I know we all shook on this, to get the whole story and share the by-line together, but damn guys, my editor is crawling up my ass!'
EcK got serious; "listen. This is a big story. You go off half cocked and fuck this up for me, i'll feed your names to the bosses in Chicago personally!"
"This is getting bigger than all of us so let's give them the story the Feds are released to their agencies to face administrative discipline. dress it up a bit so we can get to the real story and follow that cash!"
"Phil, if you can hang here and do the back story, I say me an 'Baked here make for Chicago and get up on the mob...Boston, if you could get to Denver before that Gman man and find out what's going on at the divisional office, that'll keep us busy for the week."
Halfbaked piped up " it'l be a bitch for me to get the paper to fund the trip, Eck."
"I'd be lucky to get a bus ticket home for what i've given them so far..." he trailed off.
Eck jumped up " Half," he said, " we got no choice brother. We gotta go where the story is taking us!" and started for the door.
Halfbaked was still stuffing his papers and clothes in a bag when he heard the Buick start up. "you in fellas?" he asked the young reporters
"Aye" "Aye" they both replied.
"OK" he said "reconvene on Friday, maybe we can get this done for the Sunday rag" and was out the door, pulloing on the door handle as Wooteck pulled the big Buick around the drive.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Woo teck climbed out of the big Buick and handed the keys to Eck . "Tank's full , regristration and insurance are in the glove box . Check the oil every time you fill the fuel tank . I got something more I need to check here locally . See y'all Friday to compare notes .

>Eck grabbed him by the arm ,"What gives here ? I thought we were all in this together ."
>"We were and we still are . I just got a lead I got to track down on my own . A face from another world and another war . The only chance I have is to do this on my own . I think I have a favor I can call in for the benefit of all of us ."
>Eck took him at his word and wheeled the Buick out of town . Woo ambled down to the Ledbetter Stable and started dickerin with the manager , Clovis , tor the rent of a horse for a spell .........
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Corene and Sarah had finally found the trail that the suppliers had been using and had set up an observation point . It was only Wednesday but they had seen some fresh mule tracks . Sarah said it has always been on Thursdays , there must be something going on in Pagosa we don't know about. They had only been there a half hour or so when they saw a couple of pack mules and two men coming down the trail . Corene laid out her rifle and got them clean in her scope. I have seen those two hanging around Marcel's hotel and he has a stable also. They only had a partial load on the mules and were moving pretty fast. The two women decided that they needed to get closer and maybe hear what they were talking about so they headed sown the hill as quickly and silently as they could then started to cut across to find a hide near the trail. About a mile down the trail they found a spot where the trail crossed a little creek and figured this would be a great spot, plenty of brush and rocks to hide in plus they figured that the packers would stop for a bit and water the mules before they finished their trip down. As the packers got to the creek they stopped for a rest and let the mules graze and water for a while. The two men were sitting on a little rock ledge talking. Corene could barely make out their voices but could hear enough to make out what they were saying. I don't know where them two stillers run off to but the boss is going to be plenty pissed when we only bring half a load down. We are a day early but they should still have a full load for us, guess they got wind of the Feds down in Pagosa and made tracks out of here. Can't say as I blame them things are getting out of control down there. Once we get this stuff back to Marcel's hotel and unloaded it might be time to take our cut and skip town too. Corene looked at Sarah and told her Marcel's no tell motel was just outside of town . They aren't going to come in to unload till late at night s as not to raise any suspicion . We have to high tail it back and let TB know what is going on. Maybe we can get the whole group there and catch them red handed unloading the hooch. They slowly slipped out of the hide and headed straight down the mountain. As they headed down Corene chuckled a bit , What is that about asked Sarah. Well Sarah , I just proved TB wrong, he thought I would shoot them fellas. Sarah looked at her and said well , There's always tomorrow.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

SOH and I were settin on the front porch enjoyin the dawnin and a fresh cup of cofee when the dog started growlin . Not agressive , just tellin me somethin was comin . I just maintained my position on the porch and watched .
>Here come this two by twice hoodiecrister ridin a sway-backed , bone spavined rental horse that I knew whee it came from . Them fuckin Ledbetters ! Wasn't much to recommend the 'Hoodiecrister' .
>He dismounted and tied his nag to the yard fence and then 'Hallowed the House '.
>SOH returned his call , "State your bidness or fill your fist . Makes no nevermind to me !
>"I'm lookin for TB . I think I know him from another war and owe him ."
>"Ride on in , pilgrim , just keep your hands empty .
> Memories flooded back on me when I heard that voice . Couple of old wounds twitched a bit in sympathy . SOH fetched him up on to the porch and we looked each other in the eye .
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Re: HD novella

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"Brock ! I thought you was dead from the last word I had ."

>"That news was exagerated a bit , pilgrim . Forrest sent me word that you was in a tight and I needed to pull your tit out of the wringer yet another time ."
"Ya know this feller ?"asked my missus .
"Yep . He's another cousin I hadn't told you about . We been fightin , back to back , since our grade school days in the coal camps . I'd trust him with my life , but you watch him close . If we ain't in a fight together he would steal your radio and leave your music ."
Brock cleared his throat and opined ,"Nice history there , Pilgrim , What's it take to get a drink around here ? 'Fluffy', how are on the coffee and biscuit makin ? I could stand to eat ."

>"Fluffy ! You Son Of A Bitch ! I'll show you Fluffy . I'll cut you three ways at once ; long , deep , and continuous ," said SOH as she rounded on him with a butcher knife and murder in her eyes . I intervened and Brock had never moved or turned a hair .
>"No offence intended , mam . It was an affectionate nickname for a large framed lady that is still looksome . You ain't fat , just a mite fluffy around the edges ."

>The tension I felt in SOH led me to believe that it was going to be a while before she and Brock became friends . None the less , I was glad to see him . I had another battle tested ally watchin my six while the community sorted out this mess that had been visited upon us .
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

"Och, Aye!, Laddie...you listen to me tae me now!" Eck's father came throught the phone with his thick Scot's accent. "y'll nae be messin' with d' radge ned's now by"
"Da, i been in the hills here with these teuchters for weeks now, and it's nae good." Countered WootEck, "ya want me here geein it yaldi, but ya treat me a wee bairn!"
Eck was indignant and slipped into his thick brogue when pressed by his father.
"I wiz nae , Lad" th old man said
"I'm skuddy skint here man, an i wouldnae be callin if this wern't quality lip." Wooteck cut in " I'll be on these swick ned's wi or witoucha Da."
"Ye say they Fed's, they be passin' squint boy?"
"Aye Da, this is the bigyin" Said Eck "I cannae keep on skint, man. I need you to send some spondoolies my way."
"Och, Laddie, we'll get you some scran and bevvy. His Father replied. "mebbe enuf for a wee swallae doon the pub."
They finished up their business and with a new lease, Eck finished up with a cheery tone "that's barry, Da, give me love to Gran." he rang off and returned to the car and said to Phil "we're minted phil, the auld man hates crooked polis, i told him them jobby jabber's wi' the FBI were squint, and he was dafty wi' glee!"
"What??" Phil looked at him sideways :wtf:
"sorry" Eck translated " the auld bastart is evergreen, he's sent some cash up ahead to Chicago so we can get a room and some food. He hates crooked cops, and when i told him the FBI was on the take with queer money, and feeding the mob's bars with fake scotch, he was hoora gingin ta put a chib in the dugs."
"umm, OK." said Phil. :roll: "i guess if that means we can get some dinner when we get to Chi, that's great!"
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Corene and Sarah were only a few miles from TB's house and they were still trying to figure out all the connections. She was sure TB had held back a little information from her but that was just his way, she knew he was good as gold on his word and he was ready to kick some ass as he put it. Still , she thought he is holding back something from me so I don't do anything rash. They were trying to make the connection between the shiners and the counterfeit money. They knew for sure from overhearing the packers , that Marcel was involved in the shine end of the deal, but why would the mob be here? Was he selling to the mob and getting counterfeit money for the booze. That didn't make sense at all, what would Marcel do with funny money. He would get caught in an instant trying to pass it. Besides he stayed local and very rarely left Pagosa Springs. She also knew Jed was involved and thought somehow he must be the link between the Feds and the mob. Agent Williams was involved also so she and Jed are going to have to work hand in hand as the other goons had already ruined any chance of an operation in town, and Jed still thinks we don't know he is involved so he may be a little careless. Maybe the Feds are passing the fake bills in hopes they can pin it on the mob then frame the mob for the counterfeit money and bootlegging. That would put some of them away for a long time and the agents in charge of the bust would skyrocket to the top. That sounded so much like Jeds style . She asked Sarah , You think Jed has brought the mob here to set them up. That is very possible she said. Jed does know the hills and could get on their good side pretty easy by getting them a still set up in the mountains then pay them old boys running the operation with bad bills while keeping the good money for himself and his agent buddies. Could be how Marcel came to have a couple of those bills in his pocket. Thier minds were still spinning when they got to TB's place. Hey ! Old Man, you here? Tb came out with a little scowl, who you callin old man? Well TB things are getting kicked up a day. Them fellas are comin down the mountain as we speak and they are going to drop off the booze at Marcel's place tonight. I see you got company so we will head out and let you visit. Well Corene he ain't no regular guest he is a friend from way back and is here to give us a hand. Well then we need to get the society together and make a plan to catch them boys at Marcel's and find out what is going on. Sarah and I are going back to my cabin and take care of some business there. Let us know when the gathering is.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

"Like Hell ! The two of you get in here and set to table .Be a poor thing for you two to nail Jed's bal..................ummmm I mean hide to the wall before we know the real plan . We want to take this whole machine down with no loss to us .
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Re: HD novella

Post by S-Cackalacky »

Jimbo went to the bench and found Flatwoods coming out the door from the store. He was the only one around. Jimbo filled him in on what Pogo had told him. "Flatwoods, we need to get everybody together. I'm not sure what to make of this new information. Marcel's a sumbitch and a low down snake in the grass, but I never figered him to be workin' with the mob. And, that Jed - just don't know what to make of him. Have you seen TB or Corene? We need to get our heads together and talk about some of this shit." Flatwoods said, "Last I know TB was takin' off up into the hills tryin' to track Corene down. Ain't heered nothin' from either of them for a couple of days. They's a lot goin' on here that we need to get together and figger out. I'll see if I can round people up and we'll meet agin over behind your place. The bench is a little too public for this."

The two parted in hopes of pulling together a meeting. Jimbo headed back to his place to get things ready and Flatwoods took off to round up the boys.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Word filtered out and we had nearly full membership turnout for S3 back of Jimbo's place . I introduced my cousin Brock to the group so there would be no misunderstandings about him . Corene introduced Sarah in the same manner .
Between us all we pieced together a whole cloth of a story of what our community was facin . A few things , like a couple of fresh graves up in the Skodies was left out . Some chips are better left where they fell . The general consencus was that we wanted to tanglefoot these crooked Feds without it fallin back on us as a community . Most folks was in agreement with what Forrest and I had come up with . Turn them Fed's greed against them and cause them to implode .
>There was a few that just wanted to kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out .................. Ya just can't do that , nowa days . Ya got to be a large bit more subtle .
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Well that is a fine Idea TB how we going to do that? All the Feds have skee dattled out of town except Jed. Now if we was to put a lot of pressure on Marcel and promised not to plant him out in a field somewhere he might be able to convince Jed that them others left him here to take the fall for them. But first we have to catch him red handed with them fellers coming down the hill with the hootch. Now if we hijack the hootch and it doesn't get to Marcel them mobs boys are going to be real upset. That hootch might be a valuable playing card for us either way.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Good thought , Corene . Not only can Brock steal your radio and leave your music , he is some bad , awhile , at mule theiften . With a bit of our help he might get a few mule loads of whisky and have somethin to trade on with Jed .
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Well we need to get a plan and get it into action them boys is comin down the hill as we speak. I am getting pretty antsy just sitting here waiting I may have to go out and keep an eye on them fellers just to keep me from doing something stupid here in town, and you won't let me go kick ol Jed out of my place till this thing gets settled so let's hear the plan you have come up with. I say we go steal the hootch and plant it at my old cabin and have Marcel tell the mob boys that the packers got waylaid by a crooked Fed and the booze was being stored at my cabin where Jed is. Then have Marcel tell the mob boys about the funny money the Feds are trying to blame on the mob. We have to get Feds and the Mob at each others throat then we can clean up the leftovers. I know it's a rough plan but I am open for options if anyone has one.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

"I like the way you are thinking , Corene . What do the rest of you fellers think ?" said Butch .
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Well I guess Sarah and I will go stop them fellers with the mules and you guys can figure out what to do next. No matter what ,we have to get that whiskey and turn Marcel into an ally , or at least get some leverage to do our bidding. Wait just a second piped up TB I am coming with you. You aren't gonna shoot them are you? asked Corene. Sarah was trying to hide the chuckle she felt coming out. Nope I am not but somebody has to grab the mules I am figuring you and Sarah can side tack them fellers attention for a second or two don't ya think? Yes sir, I think we can do that . Off they went moving as fast as they could through the woods cutting the trail that they knew them packers would be on . None too soon either they were within a mile of Marcel's before the three of them had them in sight. What we gonna do now asked TB. Don't know a man alive that can turn down helping a lady in distress. Corene and Sarah both unbuttoned their tops a bit and showed a little cleavage . That don't look distressful to me he said. Oh it isn't but it sure is an attention getter, AND when we get their attention you better get the drop on them!
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

corene1 wrote:Well I guess Sarah and I will go stop them fellers with the mules and you guys can figure out what to do next. No matter what ,we have to get that whiskey and turn Marcel into an ally , or at least get some leverage to do our bidding. Wait just a second piped up TB I am coming with you. You aren't gonna shoot them are you? asked Corene. Sarah was trying to hide the chuckle she felt coming out. Nope I am not but somebody has to grab the mules I am figuring you and Sarah can side tack them fellers attention for a second or two don't ya think? Yes sir, I think we can do that . Off they went moving as fast as they could through the woods cutting the trail that they knew them packers would be on . None too soon either they were within a mile of Marcel's before the three of them had them in sight. What we gonna do now asked TB. Don't know a man alive that can turn down helping a lady in distress. Corene and Sarah both unbuttoned their tops a bit and showed a little cleavage . That don't look distressful to me he said. Oh it isn't but it sure is an attention getter, AND when we get their attention you better get the drop on them!
Yep , and my cousin Brock is trailin with us . I done tole you he can steal your radio and leave your music . He is the reincarnation of Huckleberry Finn . And my life-long best friend . We both know that it is going to take a bit more work than flashin some nice tits to steal a 6 mule pack train from a couple of crooks .
>Corene and Sarah had their broke wheeled wagon in place and a supper fire in place when the bootleggers came upon it with their pack string . The smell of good cookin ant the sight of fine cleveage convinced them to stop for the night . The wagon wheel could be fixed come morning .
> Them gals all 'spradly out" in the campfire light was a temptation to me and Bock and we wasn't even the target . Brock , he slid in and got a hand full of herbs dumped into the coffee boiler and we waited for the gals to serve them a cup . That takened a while . I think them gals liked wallerin about for a while bein eyeballed before we got back to work a stealin them mules .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: HD novella

Post by ga flatwoods »

Of the two guys on mule train, onewas younger and one was older. The young one was a sandy haired slender man, not hardened yet by years if hard work and strife. Kinda reminded the girls of a city boy gone country. The other man was just the opposite. He was hardened by the years, farmers tan, with some wrinkles from a face showing shegrin and scowl. Hewas not near as talkative as the young man. It was easy to tell he was tired from the trip and more restless at the same time. The smell of coffee and the meal caught his attention more than the cleavage. He was at the point in his life that many men come to realize regarding women. One day, if he lives long enough, a man would rather have a pork chop than a shot of leg! He had been slow to take to the coffe being a man who would eat then drink. He preferred his coffee after the meal along with a nice fat rolled Prince Albert. This action was not going well to the likings of the girls nor TB and Brock but they had to wait to the right moment. The older man smoked his cigarette and drank his coffee as he checked the mules. When he returned to the other three he said "Not to offend, but thst coffe tastes like hell! But before we leave I will have another! You had better get another if you want boy we gotta go. We can come back in da morn an help these gals with all they need!" He let a slight wink out to the young man only intended for him but Corene caught it. She knew he was determined to leave . She poured the young one more coffee as well as the older man encouraging him to sit a spell. It was real obvious to the girls that the younger one could have cared less about the meal though he did eat heartily. He was interested in the two of them! "Where yall from? Where ya ben? Where ya going? Is yall sistas? Cousins? Kin a'tall? Yall surenuff pretty! I'd be wishin I had cousins look like ya! Ya's married? Where's ya man folk?" The questions were getting more inquisitive and harder to cover for those two gals as they were not accustomed to intentionally lying to anyone. Bothe Corene and Sarah tried to answer the questions without stepping on their own toes but the older one was restless. Something had to be done for a stall tactic. So Corene winked to Sarah and the game was turned up not just a notch but to max. So the girls kinda paired themselves off with the men. Sarah took to the older man and Corene to the younger. Odd matching till ya think about it. Older men like to think they still can handle a young woman while younger men smarter tha most know that there is not as many games to be played by an older woman and that still many a fine tune have been played on an old fiddle! So it was a good match. TB and Brock were watching, hungry, needing coffee, and now feeling like pervs! Soon Brock would have his chance, maybe. The older man was tough to be made to sit. Sarah was having a much harder time than Corene in getting the men's "curiosity peaked"! The old man was beginning to feel the effects of the coffee kinda hard now and pronounced that they had to go. Sarah was helpless to stop him before Corene stepped up to the plate. "Now that wouldn't be in your best interest sir! Ya see it has been a while for us both and you two are the only coboys around. If you got it in ya and ya up for a one man rodeo ya just might want to sit back down!" The old man now having his hair ran through by Sarah's finger while her leg was thrown over his explained " well if ya want sime love tonight, I might have just enough for the each of ya but I am not as good as I once was but am as good now as I ever was!" He began to try to run his hand up the insides of Sarah's thight. It appeared game on. However Corene saw this happening and something strange went over her. She felt, what is the word for it?, jealous! She jumped up from the young mans side where she ad been blowing in his ear and pulled Sarah away from the older man in a gentle kind of way and said to Sarah "Let's show these two something they aint never seen!" With that she began unbuttoning Sarah's shirt, reached in cupping a feel in each hand without exposing anything and pulled Sarah in for a kiss right in the mouth! The men werent going anywhere now!
"Holy shit!" said TB as he gazed down on the scene. Butch had not been watching. "What is it?" he said to TB. "Oh nothing! Gomget them mules while I watch this, I mean them. I got ya back Brock now go get them mules! " with that Brock set about to do one of the things he did best. And TB, he sat back to watching over the flock forgetting his desire for a pork chop!
Needless to say but Corene's actions shocked both her and Sarah. Fortunately they shock was short lived and not witnessed by the drugged bootleggers. The shock grew sensual. Neither woman had ever kissed another before or had a hand placed so softly and caressing upon their breast. The men too had never seen such and were in awe but the their dismay they were feeling oh soooo tired. The women were feeling everything but..... itmwould not be long now for either couple!
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

ga flatwoods wrote:Of the two guys on mule train, onewas younger and one was older. The young one was a sandy haired slender man, not hardened yet by years if hard work and strife. Kinda reminded the girls of a city boy gone country. The other man was just the opposite. He was hardened by the years, farmers tan, with some wrinkles from a face showing shegrin and scowl. Hewas not near as talkative as the young man. It was easy to tell he was tired from the trip and more restless at the same time. The smell of coffee and the meal caught his attention more than the cleavage. He was at the point in his life that many men come to realize regarding women. One day, if he lives long enough, a man would rather have a pork chop than a shot of leg! He had been slow to take to the coffe being a man who would eat then drink. He preferred his coffee after the meal along with a nice fat rolled Prince Albert. This action was not going well to the likings of the girls nor TB and Brock but they had to wait to the right moment. The older man smoked his cigarette and drank his coffee as he checked the mules. When he returned to the other three he said "Not to offend, but thst coffe tastes like hell! But before we leave I will have another! You had better get another if you want boy we gotta go. We can come back in da morn an help these gals with all they need!" He let a slight wink out to the young man only intended for him but Corene caught it. She knew he was determined to leave . She poured the young one more coffee as well as the older man encouraging him to sit a spell. It was real obvious to the girls that the younger one could have cared less about the meal though he did eat heartily. He was interested in the two of them! "Where yall from? Where ya ben? Where ya going? Is yall sistas? Cousins? Kin a'tall? Yall surenuff pretty! I'd be wishin I had cousins look like ya! Ya's married? Where's ya man folk?" The questions were getting more inquisitive and harder to cover for those two gals as they were not accustomed to intentionally lying to anyone. Bothe Corene and Sarah tried to answer the questions without stepping on their own toes but the older one was restless. Something had to be done for a stall tactic. So Corene winked to Sarah and the game was turned up not just a notch but to max. So the girls kinda paired themselves off with the men. Sarah took to the older man and Corene to the younger. Odd matching till ya think about it. Older men like to think they still can handle a young woman while younger men smarter tha most know that there is not as many games to be played by an older woman and that still many a fine tune have been played on an old fiddle! So it was a good match. TB and Brock were watching, hungry, needing coffee, and now feeling like pervs! Soon Brock would have his chance, maybe. The older man was tough to be made to sit. Sarah was having a much harder time than Corene in getting the men's "curiosity peaked"! The old man was beginning to feel the effects of the coffee kinda hard now and pronounced that they had to go. Sarah was helpless to stop him before Corene stepped up to the plate. "Now that wouldn't be in your best interest sir! Ya see it has been a while for us both and you two are the only coboys around. If you got it in ya and ya up for a one man rodeo ya just might want to sit back down!" The old man now having his hair ran through by Sarah's finger while her leg was thrown over his explained " well if ya want sime love tonight, I might have just enough for the each of ya but I am not as good as I once was but am as good now as I ever was!" He began to try to run his hand up the insides of Sarah's thight. It appeared game on. However Corene saw this happening and something strange went over her. She felt, what is the word for it?, jealous! She jumped up from the young mans side where she ad been blowing in his ear and pulled Sarah away from the older man in a gentle kind of way and said to Sarah "Let's show these two something they aint never seen!" With that she began unbuttoning Sarah's shirt, reached in cupping a feel in each hand without exposing anything and pulled Sarah in for a kiss right in the mouth! The men werent going anywhere now!
"Holy shit!" said TB as he gazed down on the scene. Butch had not been watching. "What is it?" he said to TB. "Oh nothing! Gomget them mules while I watch this, I mean them. I got ya back Brock now go get them mules! " with that Brock set about to do one of the things he did best. And TB, he sat back to watching over the flock forgetting his desire for a pork chop!
Needless to say but Corene's actions shocked both her and Sarah. Fortunately they shock was short lived and not witnessed by the drugged bootleggers. The shock grew sensual. Neither woman had ever kissed another before or had a hand placed so softly and caressing upon their breast. The men too had never seen such and were in awe but the their dismay they were feeling oh soooo tired. The women were feeling everything but..... itmwould not be long now for either couple!

This was something that She and Sarah never felt coming , a warmth and desire that had been left un explored. Maybe this is why they had both been so long alone.
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

Wooteck and Phil rolled down the highway, aimlessly chatting to keep their minds off of the dangerous situation they were heading into. As they drove past the squat little one and half story postwar houses the goverment had commissioned for returning soldiers the neighbouhoods opened up to the aging American four- square suburbs that still showed the promise of more prosperous times. The big lots an well manicured gardens told the story of a growing city with the steel mills providing thousands and thousands of jobs. Now, after the war the steel mills had been shuttering and the latest layoff of 6000 men had cast a gloomy pall over the city of Chicago and the decay was starting to creep out from the older parts of the city. Not obvious yet, but the few cars on the road were older and showing wear and a few of the smaller business fronts had "for lease" signs in the windows.
The guys went quiet as the downtown core came into view, the big grey buildings formed an imposing skyline and both of them gave an audible swallow at the sight.
Phil said "i'm a bit out of my element here in the City Eck"
Wooteck glanced away from the road " These boys have nothing on the gangs doon Embra." " the Lads there been killing each other for centuries." Eck continued, concentrating his gaze on the road once more "we'll just be staying out of sight and listening anyway. Until we get they lay of the land that is," and glanced over with a :wink:
First stop was the Bank to pick up some cash that Wootecks father had wired to them, and being freshly minted the reporters made their way to the Palmer House. It was a grand hotel, right downtown with an inviting portico. The huge sweeping limestone staircase was illuminated by massive candelebras flanking the immense stone bannisters. The high flying, butressed canopy was ornately painted and massive clock over the front door was flanked by stone sculpted angels.
"Holy shit! Eck, can you afford this place?" Phil asked.
"Ah, tis nothing. The Auld bastart owns one of these in Scotland, and they have complimentary suites for executives when they visit!" " we only have to tip well, and the bill goes straight home to dear ole Da."
"Damn!" said Phil "any chance he's adopting?"
The fellas went and checked in, and once settled and cleaned up made their way to the hotel's restaurant on the second floor. The balcony they chose was warmed by a two sided fireplace that kept the chill from the lake at bay. It was still unseasonably warm, an "indian summer" in the truest sense, and the balcony gave them great vantage of east monroe street, and a view pretty much right into the front window of the Mob's headquarters " Il Forza".
"Oh Man!" Phil always opened with embellishment, Probably a habit brought on by dreaming up headlines. "Is that Dave Beck going in there?"
A big black limosine had pulled to the curb outside Il Forza and a couple of Burly men had jumped out to usher a heavy set balding man in a black wool coat. Beck's jowls hung freely when he leaned back into the Limo and offered a hand to a very leggy and very lovely brunette in a long red gown.
"who the fuck is Dave Beck when's he's home?" Enquired Eck
"That's the president of the Teamster's Union." said Phil in awe, nodding down towards the street."The most powerful man in Chicago. Their union has over a million members."
"Not that that will do 'em any good" said Eck as he thought about the headline in the paper he had seen in the lobby, "6000 jobs lost" was the headline over a picture of the crowd in front of the fenced off steel mill. Wooteck had been schooled in economics by one of the most powerful men in Scotland. His father.
"There is far bigger money money at play that the scraps that feed the unions i'm afraid."
Still, he was impressed with the quality of arm candy the old flabby prick could afford.
Last edited by HDNB on Sun Nov 09, 2014 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

The reporters kept an eye on the comings and going at Il Forza through the courses of their own meal. The food was lavish, as you would expect in fine hotel. Phil had enjoyed a steak and Eck had cleaned his plate with a wad of bread in his fingertips, mopping up the last of the juices from an exquisitely seasoned sea bass.
"Oh my God!" said Phil, "I don't care if i don't eat again until tomorrow!" patting his fatted belly.
Wooteck had ordered them Glenfarcas 25 year old for dessert and as the snifters arrived, a pretty young red head glided to the table and offered a tray; "cigars gentlemen?" She said.
Eck admired the curve of her back, and her long long legs with sheer stockings that disappeared into the short skirt, "hmm..." he said, glancing over the tray.
"Phil, would you care for a Monte Cristo? Perhaps a Romeo or Punch?" Eck took his time in selection, drinking in the curves and folds of her skin-tight dress when Phil distracted her by asking "may i have a better look miss?"
"Bless you!" thought Eck as she shifted her weight and turned her back to him, affording him an unimpeded veiw of those lovely legs, coming up and making a perfect ass of themselves.
Eck found himself not a little aroused and blushed deeply when the young lady turned back and said, "a Monte Cristo then sir?"
"Umm, yes, yes, that would be fine, miss!" he declared, gaining some composure. The young lady deftly unwrapped the cigar, clipped it and handed it to the transfixed Eck.
He wetted the cigar and drew a deep breath, savoring the spicy aroma as she struck a match and bent forward, "a light sir?" she enquired demurly as the match light danced shadows across her ample decolletage.
Eck suddenly found himself hungry again as he looked through the smoke, puffing the cigar to life.
Just then, the long silver Pierce Arrow they had seen in Pagosa springs pulled up to the Il Forza. A gorilla of a man unfolded himself from the driver's side and went around to open the passanger door. A shorter, but equally stout gentleman emerged, the light from the front window glinting from thick specticales beneath his bowler hat.
"Eck, have a look at this ride" said Phil. Wooteck reluctantly peeled his eyes away and looked down the road, to see the men enter the restaurant.
"That's Uncle Mo and Larry" said the pretty redhead. "you don't want to be messing with thim"
"Your Uncle Mo? enquired Eck.
"No, silly!" she replied, giving him a little shove on the shoulder and a wide grin. "Uncle Mo works for those men down there...she nodded towards the restaurant. "They're a dangerous lot and you'll be wantin' t' steer of 'em." she said.
"Hmm, was that a Scot's accent i heard buried in there?" Eck thought to himself "Thank ye, Ma'am, we'll be sure to follow your advise" he said with a bright smile.
The Cigar girl cleared off and Eck told Phil "let's hit the bricks man and see what we see!" The gents tossed back the scotch and pushed back from the table. As they made their way to the exit Eck could still feel the spot on his shoulder tingling where she had playfully touched him.
I finally quit drinking for good.

now i drink for evil.
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