HD novella

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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

HDNB wrote:don't believe the esteemed position of feed store owner has been brokered yet, but you called the name cranky. seems like it fits.
:thumbup: Cranky just inherited a feed store . Hope he gives a discount to S3 .
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Re: HD novella

Post by S-Cackalacky »

Jimbo had finished his banking and made his way back to the BBQ and Sudz. Back at the house he had picked up the phone to call Judge Rad to report a crime. He had second thoughts because he new others were playing out other angles to the mess going on in Pagosa. Best to parlay with some of the others before making his move. He was feeling a little anxious about the whole thing. He feared that Ledbetter was collecting REAL cash money to bust out - possibly even out of the country. The Society and the corrupt feds had put a damper on his partnership with the mob and he knew the mob would be getting impatient and come down hard on him. Marcel Ledbetter was the key to blowing this whole thing wide open.

Jimbo sent Jackson down to Corene's cabin to ask her to meet him at the restaurant. He had hoped to bring others into the meeting, but had become frustrated trying to locate any of them. He felt a great weight on his shoulders and just needed to sound the whole thing out with some of the others. But, he also knew that if he didn't act fast, Ledbetter could be on his way to Belize, or some damned place.

With a worried look on his face, he reached up and patted his shirt pocket to take a reality check. At that instant there was a loud knock at the loading dock door. As he made his way to the door, he wondered, "Who could that be. Too soon for Jackson to be back with Corene.".
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Re: HD novella

Post by WooTeck »

to HDNB wrote:the long awaited poker scene had to do a little tweaking to make it fit
“phill we going to do this?”
“sure lets get to it”....

Phil and eck sat in the dimly lit room. There were only 3 sat at the table including phil there was Beck and Uncle Mo acting as the dealer. he wanted to make sure things went smoothly in his establishment.
“wheres this high roller?” asked phil
“he couldn't make it tonight but will be about next weekend if you fancy it” said uncle mo.

Eck stood behind phil. Uncle Mo and beck with their large heavy handed goons standing behind them. The light shined bright down on the green felt.
"Right ace's high, blinds 100, 200." Said uncle mo As he placed the dealer chip down and ruffled the cards. Phil was feeling the sting of bank rolling the diners and drinks for the past few days, he was glad to have as much as eck could spare added into his pot. eck leant over and whispered in his ear “when you know you have him reach in your coat pocket and slam this down”. phil felt the left side of his jacket sink. he was glad he had it on the back of the chair. a little confused and worried as eck was known to have a wild streak on occasion. The first round went quickly everyone calling and checking as nothing remarkable came on the flop and subsequently after. The chatter round the table was short and to the point. Each player eyeballing their opponents in an attempt to psyche them out.

After a few rounds eck looking at the stack that was diminishing round by round "Phil man this ain't quite going like last time. we're getting fucked". Phil looking at his stack replied " yeah we are taking a bit of a beating. Just hold out I know I'm due a good hand real soon. Just you wait. "
phil's cards came in 4&5 of diamonds. a small smile came to his lips and quickly vanished. but not quick enough for beck, not to notice. beck offered “lets make it interesting and up the stakes” hoping to recoup some of the losses from the last time they had met. phill looking at his cards knowing the odds nodded “how much?”
“lets make it 1000” said beck with a smirk.
phil raised his eyebrows as he counted his chips. 20g left. fuck it he thought as he chucked in the stack.
the flap came in 6 of diamonds 3 of spades and ace of hearts. each of the players smiled as if that was what they were looking for. phill raised 500 and beck raised another 500. the next card dropped the ace of spades. phil had a shiver down his spine as he raised another 500 in an attempt to bluff beck out. to his surprise raised a further 500 with a chuckle. they stared directly in to each others eyes. phil franticly trying to work out the odds on a four of kind. the final card dropped. a king of hearts. a slight sigh of relief came over phill. he had a strong feeling he had this round the odds of having four of a kind being 594:1. thinking back to his misspent youth he was glad he had read all those books, good too as the stack he was sitting behind was loosing volume fast. he reached towards his pocket as eck dropped his hand on phil's shoulder and said “are you certain you have won this?” phil continued to reach into his pocket when he felt a huge roll of notes. he retracted the hand in shock and through 1000 towards the center of the table the light almost swinging as he winked at eck. beck called and slowly slid his chips towards the middle whilst looking at his cards.
phil flipped showing a sea of red. he sat back and waited for beck to show.
beck taking his time reached into his top pocket and pulled out a monte cristo as one of his goons behind him fumbled around behind for ash tray and a box of matches. both of which were placed on the table. beck struck a match and took a few good puffs, seconds feeling like hours flipped his cards. the first was ace of diamonds. phil's heart started beating faster and eyes widend. the second was the ace of clubs. phil began to shake as beck pulled in all his chips. chuckling away smoke covering his face he sat back. “well how much you got left there boy?”
phil ruffling his chips replied “16g”
“how bout we drop that on the next go?”
phil looked round at eck who was screaming NO! under his breath “ok” phil said as the ends off chip pile were pushed into the pot.
“good boy” smiled beck the red glow illuminating the opaque smoke around his face, as one of the goons behind counted up the chips.

“will you excuse us for a moment” exclaimed neck as he pulled phill up by the back of the neck as the other side of the room laughed. “what the FUCK are you doing phil that’s ALL we got left!”
“trust me, i think i know what i'm doing” phill said nonchalantly.
eck running his fingers through his hair “shit, well its done now. dont fuck this up!”
eck sat at the back of the room frantically trying to roll a cig and failing badly.

phil stepped back to the table and sat down “so are we going to do this?”
beck noded without saying a word.

phil knowing that there was very little he could do sat and watched the cards being dealt. beck picked them up eagerly. phil sat back and crossed his arms.
“are you not going to have a look?”
“no, im damned if i do and i'm damned if i dont”
the flop dropped slowly on to the table. 4 of clubs. 6 of diamonds. 9 of clubs.
beck put his cigar to rest and smiled a taunting smile towards phil. phil sat still and watched.
2 of diamonds came down teasingly on the table. as the dealer was about to draw the final card phill reached out. the room stood still.
“why don't we make this even more interesting” phil said with his eyes locked on ??’s.
“what do you have in mind?”
phill reached into his pocket as eck dove across the room.
“what the fuck are you doing!?”
“trust me” phil said not breaking eye contact. he slapped down a ball that read $100,000 to his surprise.
eck fell to his knees and started praying. not that he was a religious man but it seemed the best thing to do at the time.
“well you in?” asked phil
“ill see you”
the final card dropped. king of hearts. eck sat behind phil still on his knees and everyone else in shock of the last few minutes.
beck flipped his cards to reveal a nine and a seven. phill not even looking down flipped his first to show a five every one across the table relaxed a touch and phil could tell things weren't going well, the sound of eck muttering behind his head was exactly helping him keep his cool. he stared edging the second card over the faces at the other side of the table dropped. phil looked down to see a king sitting there.
as the smile slowly grew on his face he said “will that be cash or check?”

eck after hearing this dropped to the ground and started kissing the ground.
“you can come and collect it, IF you get HIM out of here.” said ?? with a scowl.

phil rushing with endorphins spun round after putting on his jacket and grabbing the ball of cash, all the chips and eck by the collar and dragged him out of the room. eck hit with the lights of the casino floor snapped back to reality and stood up still shaking.
“let me get the chips changed and then you can tell me what is wrong with you”
hearing the shouting and crashing behind them in the private room they quickly exited

the 2 stepped out in the the dark of the street and crossed the road. sitting by the bar phil asked “so what was up with you and where did you get all this cash” handing the wedge back to eck.
eck sheepishly looking at what he had in his hand peeled of a thin layer of notes to reveal newspaper below.
phil's jaw dropped to the floor.
“what happened to uncle sams cash?”
“we couldn't get it in time” said eck
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Re: HD novella

Post by ga flatwoods »

When TB, Brock, and Jaye walked into Jimbo's grill and pub, Jimbo was not out front as normal. Who knows where he was as it was a busy afternoon and the place was full but deafeningly silent. A quick glance around the insides found that TB and friends had walked into a hornets nest. Marcel Ledbetter was being backed up from the corner seat by a pissed off but calm Flatwoods who had his revolver in hand stuck between Marcel'eyes. All manner of vulgarities began spewing from Flatwoods regarding the character of Marcel Ledbetter for the piece of shit man that Flatwoods thought him to be. In no manner of misunderstanding Flatwoods plainly told Mr. Ledbetter had he not been in a public place thst he would have given him his early express ride to hell for approaching him in the restaurant as he had. No one else had heard their conversation, the only sound noticed was the shoving of the table as Flatwoods had come up with his pistol between Marcel's eyes and the table shoving forward and spilling all on it except for the bottle of creek water Flatwoods had snatched off blind with his non-pistol hand. Quit a site for TB to walk into! TB called out to Flatwoods but Flats never even glanced his way as he said "Hold your place TB, I am just going to escort this man back to his seat so he can order, eat, and leave here. Now, backup fore you never take another step and sit downwith Pogo and order a meal from this respectable place. If you not hungry give it to Pogo, he will eat it. Now dont you ever look back my way till I am gone or ifn ya do I will make my bullet slamming into your eyeball the last damn thing you see!" "You going to regret this Flatwoods!" Ledbetter mumbled under his breath. Flatwoods eye started twitching and TB had already headed that way in a rush. Just as he reached out, his hand was pinched terribly as he had managed to get his hand in the way of the the firing pin as Flatwoods had shoved the pistol into Marcel's temple and pulled the trigger a split second after he had muttered what should have been his last words. TB had just saved Marcel Ledbetter's miserable life. Ledbetter sat there and turned white as a ghost realizing what had just happened. "Come on Flatwood's, not here, not this way!" For the first time, Flatwoods looked squarely at aTB. "Yea, he aint worth it. Lets get out of here. It stinks of hog crap in Jimbo's tonight! You dont move you SOB or I WILL shoot you sorry ass from the street!" TB called out to Bertha, "I think Mr. Ledbetter is ready to order now. Come on Flats lets get out of here."
"You know where to find me Ledbetter!" My name is Georgia Flatwoods, dont forget it!
With that TB and Flats left the grill only after TB had loudly told Brock to watch and see that he orders and doesnt look this way with instruction to shoot him if he looked back or tries to get up before you leave. You know where we will be. Ledbetter didnt move and TB and Flats left with Jaye.
The hardest item to add to a bottle of shine is patience!
I am still kicking.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

WTF! What is it that plagues me ? What sin did I commit in another life for it to follow me into this one . I done been off to my wars , young and dumb . Returned seasoned and cynical . Got no further need of conflict
and the simple life I sought keeps shoving conflict in my face . I SWEAR!
>The three of us walked in the BBQ with the intent of gettin a meal and sharin news with Jimbo . He's nowhere in sight and over there in the corner is that goddamned Flatwoods settin with Marcel Ledbetter and the crowd in the diner is silent and froze in place .
>He was draggin iron on marcel when I went into action . The firing pin on that old Colt bit into the web of my hand when I latched on to it as Flatwoods squeezed the trigger . Kept it from going off . I disremember what I had to say to the both of them at the moment . I'm certain that it was not flattering to neither of them .
>Marcel was dead fish white in the face and suffering joint lock from fear . Flatwoods was struggling to clear his pistol for another shot . I twisted it outen his hand and got him outside . Brock nodded to me that he would cover Marcel .
>Flat and I talked at length outside before I was able to convince him that it was not in our best interests to kill Marcel . At least , not in public . He finally saw the light and I gave him his pistol back as he headed for home .
>I saw jimbo coming up the street so I went back inside . There was a lot to talk in there about if we could get S3 gathered on such short notice . I was clueless at the time about how Marcel had foisted a counterfeit hundred on him .
>Might have let Flat kill him had I known ....................
>Jimbo had a big bag of stories to share with us when he got back .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: HD novella

Post by Jimbo »

Jimbo walked in, pulled Woods and TB off to a quiet table and said listen up boys, Ill keep this short. That Ledbetter prick happens to be parked right around the corner from the police station. His door was unlocked so I snuck over 8 gallons of foreshots in platic milk jugs, put them all on the floor in his back seat, and tipped one over on purpose with no cap on it. Its leaking out the floorboards and making a trail down the street now. This could work out 2 different ways, someone, maybe even a police office, will see the trail and investigate orreport it. Or one of us might have to toss a cigarette butt into that trail after Ledbetter gets in and starts up. Either way, we'll be rid of the sumbitch for good. Woods grabbed his pack of smokes and started heading out..... 'Hold on tiger, says TB, let this play out for a minute, this could get good.
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

Halfbaked had grabbed a coffee and paper. He had his back against the south wall of the town's tower as he watched to comings and goings.He had been hanging around so long that some of the townsfolk had thought he had taken up residence, in fact a couple of the more chatty housewives had stopped and talked to him on occasion as the park surrounding the tower was a popular place for the women to bring kids out for fresh air.
He had told the story so many times about looking for a second residence, "a place to get away from it all" that he was halfway starting to believe it himself. Pagosa he had learned, being perfectly situated in the mountains, enjoys some pretty nice weather and lots of sun. He was reveling in yet another perfect fall day, doing his best impression of a lizard basking on the hot capstone benches.
Sipping on his coffee, Baked noted that the owner of the BBQ had been loading some milkjugs in the back of Ledbetter's car. It was strange to see Ledbetter in town two days running. In the weeks he had been here Marcel had only left his motel and service station on one other occasion to go into the grocers.
After Jimbo had finished his errand Baked was surprised to see that long, low silver Pierce Arrow pull up to curb on the far side of the corner. Two men got out and walked over to Ledbetters car and inspected it. They stopped and chatted for a moment and the big guy went in to the grocery store and emerged a minute or two later and carried a single brown paper over to the other gent in the bowler hat and spectacles.
They chatted for a moment and the big guy went back to the arrow, started up and drove aroung the corner from main street, leaving stout fellow in the hat beside Marcel's car.

Minutes later the door to the BBQ opened and a couple of locals spilled out, one of them dragging a huge pistol with him. Halfbaked let out a low whistle and muttered to himself "wild west ain't dead yet" . He recognized the two men from the hunting party that had left town a few days ago. 'or was it a week?' he thought. The men had saddled up onto an enormous mule and a big black walker that had been tied to the ground with reins draped over their necks, happily munching away at the late fall grass beside the BBQ.
As they plodded eastward, Baked closed his eyes and looked up towards the sun, allowing the heat to sink deep into his neck. He cleared his mind to think and found himself drifting back to the idea of returning to the hot springs pools just ouside of town. He had particularly enjoyed the ones right beside the river, where you could lay down for a cold massage of the rushing river water and then climb up and in to the hot pools and soak the tension out of of your bones.
When he opened his eyes again, the men had turned their animals off the street and taken one of the many paths up into the hills. Marcel Ledbetter came out of the BBQ in a hurry and made several quick steps towards his car. He had opened the door and was sliding in to the driver's seat when he froze halfway down, suddenly realizing that he was not alone.
"Get in the car, Marcel" Uncle Mo growled.
Ledbetter slid in the rest of the way and looked over at Mo, who took a swig from the brown bag. "Jesus! Mo, you stink!" Marcel said.
Mo handed him the bottle and said "drink." Marcel protested and said "jeez a little early in the day, don't you think?"
Mo handed the bottle back to Marcel and said "drink." as he glanced down to the pistol in his other hand.
Marcel took the bottle and gulped hard. He spewed out the likker in a cloud, eyes watering and sputtering, he pulled the bottle from the bag and looked at it "everclear!" he choked out between gasps.
"Drink." said Mo. Ledbetter slowly put the bottle up to his lips and sipped ever so carefully when Mo jammed the gun in his ribs and turned the bottle upside down over Marcel's face, letting him splutter and cough through the fiery liquid.
when the bottle emptied Marcel wiped his face and looked at Mo "what the fuck, man?" wiping the burning liquid from his face.
Mo replied "I told you: don't make me come back here." he opened the door and snapped the handle off, walking away to the waiting Pierce Arrow. He said to Larry, standing behind the car " come on let's go."
Larry struck a book of matches and puffed a big cigar to life. Just then, Marcel caught sight of him in the side mirror and a look of terror came across his face. A big cloud of smoke swirled around Larry's head as he turned his back and carelessly discarded the matches over his shoulder.

Marcel tried the door and found it broken. With a stricken look, he fumbled with the keys to start the car as the flames started to lick up around the windows. He managed to get it started and hit reverse as the flames found their way through the floorboards.

It was more of a "woof" than a "boom" recalled Halfbaked when he was writing the notes later. The Flames had jumped through the floor and the pressure of the ignition blew out one of the side windows. The sight of Ledbetter disappearing into the flames had sickened Baked. He had to turn his head away when Ledbetter's car had hurtled back into the Sherriff's sedan fully engulfed in flames. The ensuing fire had been even more spectacular. The whiskey burned high and light and when the tires melted they went with a "bang." Even with the firefighters right across the street, Marcel never had a chance. there was nothing they could do but stand there and watch as the two cars burned.
Last edited by HDNB on Sun Dec 07, 2014 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Jimbo »

Halfbaked, not being one for the agonizing tribulations of police reports or the presumptious and accusing demeanor of law enforcement in general, turned and walked slowly toward the ridge. 'Damn, he thought to hisself, wild west this definitley is, love this town, but better be damn careful not to piss anyone off in this here town"
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Corene had been sitting on her front porch just taking in the sunshine from the afternoon sun and it dawned on her she hadn't heard from Sarah for a bit. Last she knew, Sarah was out back gathering some vegetables from the garden so she decided to go back and give her a helping hand. There were still a bunch of tomatoes that needed picking and canning. The garden was a few hundred yards from the cabin and when she got there all she could find was a couple of small baskets full of tomatoes that had been spilled over and Sarah's hat laying on the ground. Damit she said aloud, what the heck is going on . She found some footprints that were obviously from a couple of men. She ran back to the house grabbed her day pack and her rifle and got hot on the trail of the abductors . wasn't hard to follow two sets of prints and some drag marks . After a while she could see Sarah was walking so she knew she was alive. Who would do this she thought. She knew she was at least 30 to 45 minuets behind so they couldn't be that far ahead.
The two men stopped in a little tree filled ravine and tied Sarah's arms between two pines. Where is our shine you bitch . We know you were in on stealing it. As Sarah's eyes cleared she could see the two men that they had waylaid a few night earlier. She looked at him and spit in his face. Her face exploded in pain as his fist hit her squarely in the jaw. Talk you bitch or we will go kill that other broad and lay her at your feet then kill you. We ain't got nothing to lose when the mob finds out we don't have their shine they will kill us too. Again Sarah spit in his face. Ok Otto she is all yours maybe you can change her mind about talking, besides she owes us for the other night.
As Corene crested the ridge she could she the three of them down in the ravine . Sarah tied and half naked the kid fondling her breasts and his pants down around his knees, the old man at her side getting a handful also. Corene dropped to a prone position and chambered a round she had a clear shot at the old man but Sarah and the kid were in a straight line . In an instant Corene squeezed the trigger, and in an instant the old mans chest exploded, blood and pieces of flesh hadn't even hit the ground before another round was chambered. She had the kid clean he had jumped to the side pants still hanging around his ankles. Corene could see his eyes as big as saucers as she squeezed the trigger a second time. The bullet flew straight and true shattering the kids right hip and down he went. Corene was down there in an instant taking her knife out of the scabbard on her holster, and cut Sarah down. It's OK baby I'm here it's OK your safe. She got Sarah over to a small tree stump took off her holster and pack setting it on the ground then took off her flannel to cover Sarah as best she could. She picked up her knife and walked over to the kid, he was wailing and wallowing all over she kicked him hard in the hip and yelled how did you find us, he said nothing so she kicked him again, still nothing. So she took her knife and dropped to the ground grabbed him by the collar pulled him up to her and said you either talk or I will start cutting you apart piece by piece starting with your ears. I don't know nothing , and with a quick slash the ears was gone ,. I mean it boy I want to know! Marcel , Marcel Leadbetter told us you had our booze. How did he find out, she screamed! I don't know lady and that's the truth we just pack the booze to Marcel and this Jed feller pays us. He had no sooner said that when Corene heard the thunder and felt the pulse of the pistol. She turned and saw Sarah holding the .45 long colt from her holster smoke still trickling from the end of the barrel. Sarahs eyes were cold and glaring as Corene got to her feet and held her . We need to get you back into town and to the doc. These guys can feed the coyotes for all I care and the two of them headed back to town . Corene new she had to talk with the Sherriff and get Sarah taken care of. That SOB Marcel he is going to pay dearly for this. She didn't know he already had.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Bigbob »



Marcel Ledbetter a motel owner in Muckalee Creek was killed today in PAGOSA Spings when his car burst into flames and crashed into a police car. No one else was injured and the accident is under investigation .
Local man killed in car fire
Local man killed in car fire
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Re: HD novella

Post by Jimbo »

As Corene and Sarah walked back up the trail their hearts were beating frantically, adrenaline still pumping hard through their veins. They felt like outlaws, strong, independent, take no shit kind of women. They both just committed murder, but it was justified, and they felt no remorse. Corene reminded herself them pieces of shit were no use to the human race, 'I dare anyone to have the gall to think they're going to kidnap Sarah and have their way! She wanted to turn around and shoot them again, in the head, for good measure. Her blood was pumping harder again, the intensity of the events had her tingly and glistening in sweat. She looked ahead to Sarah in front of her on the trail and became instantly damp between her thighs as she took in the beautiful curves of her body and her tight curvy ass in them tight jeans. Sarah was insanely beautiful and Corene was overcome by pure liquid desire, fueled on adrenaline and the raw outlaw taboo nature of everything thats been happening, murder, rescue, bootleg likker, carnal taboo passion, it all boiled over into a fevered yearning that needed to be fed immediately. She caught up to Sarah and taking her arm said, "babe, I need you, now!' She kissed Sarah passionately, who feeling all the same emotions and passions returned the kiss by plunging her tongue deep in Corenes mouth and sliding her hand down Corene's back until she had cupped a firm hold on Corene's ass cheek and pulled her tighter into her kiss. They broke the embrace long enough to step hand in hand into a clearing of wildflowers just off the trail. Corene laid Sarah down on her back among a field of wild primroses and kissed her deeply while unbuttoning her shirt, moving lower to her neck and down into her cleavage, the heat of Sarah's skin, the saltyness of her glistening hard body, the passion so intense both of them were trembling. The kisses continued in circles around Sarah's breasts, and lower to her naval as Corene unbuttoned and pushed down Sarah pants and panties in one slow movement. The kisses continued lower still until Sarah's knees rose up wide, the sky closed in, the flavor of the sea overtook Corene and nothing in the world mattered anymore.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Jimbo »

Bump..... Jeez, seems I scared everyone away with that post??? Lets get back to waxing poetic guys!
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Re: HD novella

Post by Bigbob »

I think everyone is still fantasizing :moresarcasm:
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Sorry , I am just plumb tuckered out from all this action. Should be back up and running in awhile.
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Re: HD novella

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I'd say.
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Re: HD novella

Post by S-Cackalacky »

"You know, the storyline here sure gets sidetracked a lot Mr. Jimbo.", said Pogo in a most innocent tone.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Jimbo wrote:Bump..... Jeez, seems I scared everyone away with that post??? Lets get back to waxing poetic guys!
Didn't scare me off . Just drifted away contemplating how I might talk Corene and Sarah into a tryst . Injudicious of me when I am a happily married man and tasked with a mission to help save our community .
>Like Corene mentioned ; a man is born with two heads . Unfortunately , God only gave him enough blood to operate one or the other at one time . :moresarcasm:
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Marcel's burial , the burned husk of what was left of him anyhow , was poorly attended to say the least . Jimbo also owned the mortuary and oversaw the buryin ground . Caused some ribald speculation as just what kind of meat he served in his BBQ .
>Anyhow .....
>Jimbo sent Pogo to dig a grave and he bitched that he had to hire pallbearers too 'cause Marcel had no friends to carry him to his final rest . Preacher was another problem . Given the premise that you shouldn't speak
ill of the dead He was hard strapped to get a preacher to stand over the grave while Marcel was lowered to his final rest . It took a substantial donation to the church to accomplish that much . There wasn't enough money in Jimbo's fist to get that sky pilot to say kind words over Marcel .
>Their moment of silence completed they departed . Left Pogo to fill in the grave .
>Pogo looked about to determine that he was all alone . Satisfied , he stared down at the coffin and grinned . "Marcel ,"he said ,"t'other folks wouldn't say no words over ya and neither will I . I just want to leave you something to remember me by ."
>Unzipping his fly , he assumed a relaxed stance and took a long , leisurely piss over the coffin before he began filling the hole .
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

"Work is killing me" Coleen spoke into the phone. "I'm missing you already. Theres no way i'm going to get back to Chicago to see you."
a pause
"No, I don't have any idea where they will send me next. It just looks like i'm stuck here in Washington, pushing paper around my desk for the time being." "Will you be able to come back soon for a visit?" She enquired
Eck hated the way long distance calls sounded, the words seemed to flow out of the earpiece like a withering stream. That, and you never knew who was listening in, so all of your words had to be chosen carefully. At least the pregnant pauses in between exchanges gave a person pause to recall the third ear listening in.
He filled her in on Phil's continuing luck and how they had taken Beck to the cleaners on Friday night. Eck ended with the sad news she didn't want to hear. "They pretty much insisted on an opportunity for Beck to get some of his money back, so it looks like we are here for at least another week."
"Oh, That's so sad you won't have a chance to meet my sister Anne before she heads home. At least i have her here to keep me entertained until you get back." Coleen continued with her little set up. "But my Uncle Jed, you know... from Texas? He's going to be in Chicago and I told him to look you up. He has some pretty deep pockets too, Eck. Maybe you could get him in on your next poker game?"
Eck had only met Coleen's FBI collegue briefly before he had left her in Washinton. He certainly looked the part of Texas Oil money with his big Stetson hat and gator skin cowboy boots. Thinking again about who could be listening in, Eck was picking up what she was putting down. "Yeah, yeah. I'll see what i can do. Maybe he can float me a loan so i could get in on the game too." he said.

Neither of them knew about the recent news in Pagosa springs and without being able to discuss the whole case story the coversation was getting thin. After they shared their goodbyes and promised another call soon, the line went dead with a click, click...click.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

>Jimbo had a big bag of stories to share with us when he got back . Our stories were less dramatic . None the less , he was interested and thought S3 would be as well . The race intrigued him even more .
"You think that Stud can beat the Bondurant's Highland Bay horse ? "
"No question , Jimbo . They have groomed him for quarter mile races and this is a five miler . You bet him to place and the Bay to show and you will show a profit ."
"What about the win ?"
"Gotta see what other entrants show up . I know I can beat the Bay . No tellin who might show up with a faster critter in a race this size . Bet like I told you and side bet that my Stud will beat the Bay . That bet is a lock ."
"What are your plans between now and race day ?"
"Simple , get that Stud in shape for a distance race and get to stillin . That blanket privilege Jed finagled for all of us to sell is an open market . All of us divvy up the corn I'm bringin to S3 and we all get to stillin for profit . 3 tons will give us a good start . Winnin 2 more and them mules back in the race will put us over the top . All of this should flush out the bad actors as has been trying to infiltrate here ."
"I'll try to get S3 gathered in two days to discuss this . Sounds like a good plan ."
>Well fed , the three of us headed up the trail . Brock , he opted to veer off rather than come home with us . The thoughts of two unattached women totally captivated his attention . He always was a 'he-whore'.
>Trailin the string toward home , SOH had time to study on things . After a time she spoke up .
"Mister , you never mentioned me entering Steppin Woman in that race . How come ?"
>"Wasn't asked . Odds win in races . What fool would bet on a damned mule in a race fronted by two of the best runnin horses in the country ? We and Brock are gonna bet her heavy at odds and the two of you better do your part to win ."
"I see .......... You are more than just a pretty face ."
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

Nola immediately picked up a line and called her brother at the Il Forza.
"Larry, them boys you tol me to listen to at the Palmer House..." Nola talked rapid fire, not with the laid back looosianna drawl you would expect from a girl born and raised in Naw'rleens. "That one that's been with the poker player, he's jus taking to his girl. She said her uncle is comin' Chi and wants some game up too. She said he's loaded!"
"who is the girl?" asked Larry
"I dunno." Nola replied " He called her. She is some secretary in Washington all she was talking about was being stuck at her desk all day. they'us just talkin' sweet and all."
Larry took the information upstairs to Enrico. Always a good bonus in it for him if he could bring a whale into the games room. The room was quiet in the afternoon, just the bartender polishing glasses and a couple of cleaners doing the rugs and washing down all the tables. Enrico was sitting in the far back corner near the exit with those two FBI agents Hazel Williams and her partner Adams.
As Larry walked up to the table, the agents stood to leave.
"I can't help your problems now Enrico" WIlliams said. "They have reassigned us for the next few weeks to some bullshit post in Washington. We have no choice. Don't worry about the liquor, them two fat pricks that got me this job are up in the hills cookin' for you right now. They will have some booze down here in ten days, or i will personally cut their nuts off for you."
"Ten days." Enrico repeated to her. "Ten days or our deal if off. Ten days and Larry and Mo come looking for you." Enrico muttered something under his breath and waved them off.
The agents turned and made for the rear door as Larry came up and whispered in his ear. A smile spread across Enrico's Lip's. "make sure he's welcome." he said "and be careful they don't know what we know."
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

Another bump . Everybody too wore out from all the fightin and fornicating to write ? We got a race to get ready for and some crooked Feds to tanglefoot .
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

Truckinbutch wrote:Another bump . Everybody too wore out from all the fightin and fornicating to write ? We got a race to get ready for and some crooked Feds to tanglefoot .

Yep, It is a hard life being single , I must say. At least Marcel met his maker and I am betting that two faced Jed is next on the list. I think I am going to just sit on the porch for awhile and shoot anything that walks, crawls, or wiggles in my direction. You better be careful, there might be some other sandbagger with a fast mule , since it is an open entry race. Seems like there are curveballs around every corner.
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Re: HD novella

Post by S-Cackalacky »

Yep, I hear that ole boy, John Boy Walton, from down near Charlottesville has similar experience and success with his mule, Blue. Seein' as how the Novella defies time and space, it could be that you'll have some serious competition in that race.
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Re: HD novella

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Flatwoods was tired. The ride across the hills and back and the poker game with the Bondurant boys, then the situation with Marcel Ledbetter followed up by Jimbo's news of the past few days was quit a strain. He hadnt even gotten out of town before Marcel had met his fate. The explosion had taken Flats by surprise, to the point of startling him. He instantly was back at the front. The smells, fears, adrenaline, anger, resilience, tension, and uncanny comfort of it all took over his whole mindset as an unaware prisoner of his own making. He had been alone much of the time when deployed-it was his job. He enjoyed it that way. Kinda reminded him of running trap line or stalking bear, mountain lion, white tails, or elk in the mountains of the states with the exception of more dangers and a more challenging game. By the end of the war, it was all too comfortable to him, this way of life the war had caused him to lead. He cursed himself and the men that saw the inherent talent he possessed. They hardened him and hightened his skills far beyond the best of those he had left at home. It took him years to try to move beyond the "training" and live a"normal" life. He had been as "normal" as he could have hoped to live for the last few years up until the last few days. Now Flatwoods had a large pocketful of money, a good supply of premium whiskey, and the felling of a necessity to ramble. He was instantly on mission, again. Problem is, what mission? All he knew for sure was that it was time to leave Pagosa Springs, at least for a while......
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Re: HD novella

Post by HDNB »

Phil and Eck had been paying rent on the patio table beside the fireplace all week, cooling their heels and waiting for the next game to come around. The food at the Palmer house was excellent and Eck could feel his belt biting in to his belly from yet another rich meal. All the talk was talked, and drinks were drunk. It was actually getting boring already sitting around waiting for another round of poker, when they knew the big game was in actually in motion in 3 other places and they could really tell no one... All this money to spend and no one or no place to spend it all on.
"Fuck it" Eck jumped up from the table. "I'm going to get this game going. They want us to play now, they can damn well do it on our terms!" He turned from the table and rounded the fireplace to run into Jed.
"Wooteck, good to see y'all son!"drawled Jed, extending his hand.
"Uncle Jed?" Eck questioned cautiously."How did you find us here?"
Eck turned back around and ushered Jed to the table and introduced him to Phil. "Coincidence I found you so fast." Jed explained. "I just needed a room downtown to set up shop and Coleen mentioned this place is great. I saw you two from the street when I was coming up to the lobby. Got myself checked in, and here I am."

They wrangled the conversation around for a bit, each looking for a little common ground. Something to build the backstory on and make their relationship plausible. Coleen had given Eck a discreet headsup on the phone and of course he and Phil had discussed at length how to make the introductions and get Jed in on the game. They all seemed to have an unspoken understanding of this and the three of them we all veterans of improvisation.
The advantage of the patio seat was the veiw of the street below. The disadvantage was not being able to see the lounge on the otherside of the fireplace. As they sat and chatted about sports teams and card games Larry suddenly appeared at the side of the table.
"Gentlemen!" Larry swung a big meat hook and slapped Eck roughly on the shoulder. "Great news! we are game on for Friday night, Enrico and Mr. Beck certainly hope you can make it."
"Aye, I was just heading over to raise the question. We are running short of time and have business back home. I think this will be our last game."
"I'm sure Mr. Beck will be unhappy to learn of this." Replied Larry. "I think He has come to enjoy the games, even though you have gave him some lessons."
"None the less," continued Eck " I have to keep up my day job. The good news is we have a new player for you, Larry. Please meet my good friend's uncle. Jed. Larry." he said with a wave of hand by way of introduction.
"Jed here is from Texas, and was hoping to join the next game."
"20,000 buy in" Said Larry as he shook Jed's hand.
"No Problem." Jed smiled "I'd be mighty obliged if you could hold my buy in on deposit. I don't like carring around a lot of cash, you never know when you can meet an unfortunate situation." He pulled an inch of cash out of his inside breast pocket, dropped it on the table. Changing sides, he extracted another equally impressive wad from the other side. "30 large to get us going" he said with a smirk.

Larry was impressed. he gathered up the cash and assured Jed that he would be welcome at the tables. "I'll let them know you will be joining us, sir." As Larry retreated through the lounge Phil turned to Eck and said "and we were worried about getting him in?? That was kind of coincidental, don't you think??"
"Yeah, I never did believe in coincidence. Two in two minutes is all but impossible. Now all we got to do is wait and see how this plays out." Eck held up 3 fingers to the waiter and signalled a round for the table.
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

I see .......... You are more than just a pretty face ."
>I try to be the man that my lady envisions me to be . We trailed our pack string home and stabled them . I had another pack train to load and deliver next week and a race to prepare for .
.Supper was short shift and hurried . We'd been gone for a week and eggs had gone uncollected . I forget who was supposed to look after our critters . No mater , they was all in fine shape except for the chickens . Eggs hadn't been collected and several of the hens had gone broody .
>Nemmermind . SOH served me and her a fine omlette for supper and then we retired to the fireplace for a drink . Her preference was MCH malted corn . I opted to just use my own white dog . It got us to the same place at the same time . I started gettin that nasty gleam in my eye about the same time she started gettin doe eyed . Let the games begin !
>In the wee hours of the morning we began a post coital talk . DIfferent than others , I'd guess . Instead of further dallying we began discussing business .
>Draped over top of me with a lock of my long hair in the fingers of one hand , she kept smoothing frown lines from my brow between post coital kisses .
"Mister ? Have you really given thought to this race and what we are risking ? It's an open race and how do you know that we have the fastest critters in the race ?"
"I don't ! Simple fact that makes up races ; the difference of opinion . Often times it is the rider that makes the difference . Who dares , wins . Audacity can overcome superiority in any conflict .
That lickspitttle Walton boy has a good mule with a good chance of toppin you if he had the balls to ride that mule . He does not . I've raced him before . He shies off of trustin his mule on the downhill and that pisses off his mule on the uphill . Mules have no respect for fear ."
> That early morning magic of hair twistin and brow smoothin had almost worked it's trick . We had cuddled up for another time when the mule and the dogs went off at the same time in alarm . We both dove for cover while grabbing our respective arms .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: HD novella

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We had cuddled up for another time when the mule and the dogs went off at the same time in alarm . We both dove for cover while grabbing our respective arms .

What was it TB?
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Re: HD novella

Post by Truckinbutch »

"Hello The House", was the call . I recognized Brock's voice and invited him on in . He was bad in need of a drink and had a tale of horror to relate about his venture into the Skodies .
Seems that his social call to Corene and Sara was rebuffed with rifle fire . Damned accurate rifle fire , considering the range that it started and the fact that Brock is right swift when rifles are being fired at him from any distance .
Well , he ain't bleedin . Does have a notch in his hat brim and a dim view of a couple of crazy women that would open fire on him before he even got close enough to howdy the house and state his intentions .
Not like them . Oh , well . Just something else to sort out before I go for the next load of grain .
If you ain't the lead dog in the team , the scenery never changes . Ga Flatwoods made my avatar and I want to thank him for that .
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Re: HD novella

Post by corene1 »

As TB sat there and pondered on what Brock had just said he got to thinking. Corene and Sarah are at Corene's cabin just outside of town and he knew for a fact that they were staying there until the society had their meeting and could come together on a plan. He also knew that she wouldn't take shots at Brock , she knew he was on their side. So who would it be that was up squatting in Sarah's cabin in the Skodies ? He could only scratch his head on that one. He would go up to Corenes place in the morning and get this squared away .
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