wildrover wrote:lordmango wrote:I'm pretty new to the whole flute-design, but I have 2 questions:
1: A Flute (from what I've read and can see on pictures) is run pretty much like a Cooling Management?
2: The product you get from a Flute has about the same purity as a good VM still, but also keeps lots of the flavours just like a potstill?
Thanks for answering my questions.
Best Regards, LordMango.
Hey LordMango. It's pretty much a cooling management, except the plates allow separation of the alcohols so that if you run with full flow to the dephlag at the top of the column, alcohol will seperate out of the boiler such that higher order alcohols (heads) on the top few plates, and lower order ones on the way down. That way you get better "Compression" of the same types of alcohols together. It's hard to measure, and I don't own a flute, but for question #2 it's supposed to be purity of VM with pot still speeds. Supposedly supposed to carry more flavors, but I'm not sure how you measure that, or what that is saying about the resulting distillate exactly.
As you can see I have only the most basic understanding of this stuff, but that does not mean that I am wrong.
Often I am, and I can live with that, but........
Has anyone tried putting in some little taps so that you can take off product (with different abv) at the different plates, especially the few higher ones?
(The very top one then might be heads so you can keep them separate.)
Might be worth taking it off (more efficient) at the lowest one as well, or even at the bottom of the column, to get rid of what might be spent mash, instead of allowing it to go back to the boiler.
I have a feeling that this is better done in the huge commercial stills, but what the heck; it's only recently that innovators started making hobby size plate stills!
(I think this taking off of product at different levels would be called true fractional distillation).
It would be very little effort and expense to set this up to see if it would work.
PS I also have a feeling that this tap idea (no it's not original!) might work better with bubbler plates than perforated ones.