
Discussion and plans for legalizing our hobby.

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Post by TYDY »

Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but...

My better half is really paranoid. :crazy:
Me, not so much.
I mean, since this IS all just hypothetical and theoretical discussions, :roll:
what is there to be worried about? Right?
Don't get me wrong. I fully understand all of the legalities involved
as well as the ramifications.
I guess what I am trying to get at is, how often do you actually hear
of someone being "harassed" over their theoretical hobby??
I'm obviously not talking about your local hillbilly ijit out selling shine.
But for the low key, careful, safe, quiet guy who may possibly
want to imbibe in something that he may or may not have made himself?
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by WIski »

#1. Always take all proper steps to be SAFE in all operating practices.
#2. Don't SELL.
#3. Don't TELL........ANYBODY!!!
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by TYDY »

WIski wrote:#1. Always take all proper steps to be SAFE in all operating practices.
#2. Don't SELL.
#3. Don't TELL........ANYBODY!!!
= YOUR GOOD TO GO........... :ebiggrin:
#1. Absolutely. Retired fire fighter. Need I say more?
#2. Ugly, not stupid.
#3. So what exactly do you tell your "friends" when they come over & you "share" a hypothetical drink?
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by Swedish Pride »

I wouldnt share
be very select in to who you share the fact you make your own.
It killed me early on not to chat to me mates about the hobby, to date only me and my wife have sipped my produce
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by moosemilk »

Depends on how close and trustworthy the friend is. You should know who you can trust with your life, and could trust even after a falling out should it happen. Those that i trust that far, I tell. I'm fortunate to live in a city that is about 25 years behind the rest of the country, and a spit and handshake are more solid than a signed statement. But there are those I don't tell. If, and that is a big IF i decide to share with them, it's simply something i had attained through a friend of a friend who met a good ol' boy that happened to know somebody with some real shine. In the end, it's up to you to decide who you tell/share.

Re: Paranoia?

Post by RedwoodHillBilly »

moosemilk wrote:I'm fortunate to live in a city that is about 25 years behind the rest of the country, and a spit and handshake are more solid than a signed statement.
Me too, as it should be.
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by TYDY »

RedwoodHillBilly wrote:
moosemilk wrote:I'm fortunate to live in a city that is about 25 years behind the rest of the country, and a spit and handshake are more solid than a signed statement.
Me too, as it should be.
Same here. I call the area we live in Mayberry. Definitely small town USA on the plains.
Small towns have down sides too, though, when it comes to something like this.
I guess on the + side, I don't have many friends around here & it's over a mile
to the closest neighbor. So, there's that I guess. 8)
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by nerdybrewer »

My first son in law says I ruined him for store bought liquor.
He used to be able to drink JD & Beam and the rest and think it was good.
Last time he tried one of those he said it was like drinking paint stripper.
Got another son in law who is coming to the place where he can tell the difference between good liquor & dreck, sometimes it's a long and slow learning curve.
Also have a great friend, closer than a brother, I share with and talk freely with him.
He's getting some equipment together and I imagine it won't be too long before he asks me to show him what I've learned.
He's a lurker here, reads loads and really prepares before jumping into something, way more careful than I'll ever be.
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by Hillbilly Popstar »

Not share?

I don't think this hobby would be nearly as attractive to me if it weren't for the joy of sharing my hard work.

But still, as lose tongue as I am, I have only let a handful of people in on my hobby.

I'm probably not as careful as many of you though. I just don't see the "man" being concerned with my little 1 gallon runs. I may be wrong though...

Yet stil, I don't distill in the wide open, and my neighbors aren't aware of my hobby. Only a few drinking buddies and some coworkers that have illegal activities of their own to worry about.
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by Wooday »

Two other persons know including SWMBO, and as far as she's concerned it's one more thing ensuring I don't make her an angry ex.

I only share what comes from the "friend of a friend".
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by Massassi »

i guess it depends on where you are. In Canada (where i am) there have been a few cases of stillers brought up on charges, and if they haven't been selling then the case has been dismissed. i've been living under the assumption that this means its now a grey area rather than absolute black. its my risk, and many wont want to do the same, but i dont hide that i do this. I dont advertise it either. and i certainly dont sell.

up to you to weigh the risk/reward
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by jb-texshine »

To the op,
The only person I've heard of in the year and a half that I've been here ,that was a member here is magnetic tarantula.
He got busted due to ex-w troubles...
Best bet, don't let anyone know what's up. Don't post pics of equipment on Facebook, don't name your kids little league team the white dogs or white lighting or any other such...
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by DAD300 »

I've only seen a few "normal" people get in trouble...and it was spouse issue. Woman scorned dropped the dime during divorce.
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by nerdybrewer »

Remember boys:
Happy Wife Happy Life!
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by kiwi Bruce »

I invented an elaborate story about a shiner in Southern New Jersey name of Mr Hills, first name William, Billy to his friends. He makes the best damn single malt you ever tasted. Just someone I know, who makes the shine I share at family gatherings. My kids know because I've taught them the craft, and they know too, how to shut-up. Only other person outside by immediate family is a very good friend and fellow stiller and he lives way away from my state.
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by thecroweater »

In the words of a wise member here "pride will get you caught so I'm tole"
If ya wouldn't trust a fella with ya money or livelihood then don't trust him with ya liberty, that simple
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by jb-texshine »

+1 crow,
And if they ever ask to meet the ol shiner so they can get their own ,tell them "I'll ask" when they next ask tell them"I asked and popcorn said fu(% you! " ......
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by craftsman »

I have been in this little hobby for now on 35-years off and on. A little paranoia is a good thing because it keeps you safe. I worry more about forgetting a safety step that could lead to an accident than having anyone turn coating and droppin' a dime .
Being very careful and selective with friends or family is wise. (living in rural farming area helps) Sharing products with others as Christmas or birthday gifts have always been met with smiles and enjoyment. A time or two an individual was potentially dangerous. It sure is nice that I am too busy otherwise with working. That makes folks wonder where you found the time. I think talking up the hobby is a good thing with the right person. I just think we all need to be a better judge of character. I think more people know about my hobby that live 100-200 miles away than anyone nearby. I think people in close proximity are more of a threat out of jealousy and being nosy. In the end the best remedy is don't tell and never sell ! (and keep products out of sight and out of mind.)
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by goinbroke2 »

I too am in Canada..and I wouldn't possibly be able to name all the people who know. I am a very strong proponent of home made spirits and usually it turns into a lecture when I pull a bottle out. I have about 150 people working under me and probably 50-75 have heard my speech. So far probably 15 or so have taken up distilling because of me and I've found many other who were hiding the fact they were stilling "came out".

Once I get the micro going I will REALLY be pushing home distilling in the media!
Numerous 57L kegs, some propane, one 220v electric with stilldragon controller. Keggle for all-Grain, two pot still tops for whisky, a 3" reflux with deflag for vodka. Coming up, a 4" perf plate column. Life is short, make whisky and drag race!
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by HDNB »

really the only thing i consider liberty-threatening is if a kid gets into it and does anything stupid. In Canada if your, or any, (under drinking age) kid gets into likker you are responsible for the actually have to show due diligence of keeping it secured, in modest amounts. If you can't show due diligence and they were to die from alcohol poisoning or get pissed up and steal your car (etc.) or just fall off the end of the dock and could expect to face (serious) charges.

if that likker was are F-*-*-*-*-*.... with a capital F.

I keep it locked up. It's without doubt the #1 safety concern for me.
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by jb-texshine »

Once sat a week in jail for getting some beer stole from my ice chest... When the kids got caught they said I gave it to them... Kids lived down the same street I lived on but I'd never even seen them.5days and time served.
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Re: Paranoia?

Post by HDNB »

jb-texshine wrote:Once sat a week in jail for getting some beer stole from my ice chest... When the kids got caught they said I gave it to them... Kids lived down the same street I lived on but I'd never even seen them.5days and time served.
so it wasn't paranoia...they really were out to get you!
I finally quit drinking for good.

now i drink for evil.
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