H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by rgreen2002 »

Brewhaus wrote:We are continuing to work on this. It certainly has the support needed to pass, but there are other roadblocks that need to be navigated in order to get it to the floor. Things at this point still look positive, and certainly every additional Representative / Senator that signs on in support just helps.
Brewhaus - I would like to be the first (today at least...online at least....here, online , today at least) to thank and commend you again for the effort. I am really feeling good about the movement and hoping to see it go all the way. Card carrying HDA member... :mrgreen:
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by jdetechguy »

We're at 218 co-sponsors in the house. That's over 50%. Obviously if it goes to vote, it will pass.

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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by pfshine »

221 right now keep up jd
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by masonsjax »

What does it take to go to vote?
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by pfshine »

A miracle.
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by LWTCS »

pfshine wrote:A miracle.
That's code for money. :wink:
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by MitchyBourbon »

I think the next logical step would be to cross reference the co-sponsors with the members of the house budget and ways and means committees. We should ask the members on those committees who are also co-sponsors to consider our bill so it can be put to a vote.

Is there any reason why we should not be doing this?
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by jdetechguy »

pfshine wrote:221 right now keep up jd
Yeah, I just wait for the daily email, which lags a bit.

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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by pfshine »

Was just playing with ya jd
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by jdetechguy »

pfshine wrote:Was just playing with ya jd
Ha! I finally got the 221 email.
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by jdetechguy »

230 now. Will someone please take these turkeys to a vote!!!
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by eb12 »

nothing gonna get done till next president
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by Brewhaus »

It does not have anything to do with the president, and it is extremely unlikely that he would veto this bill, as it has widespread support among his own party. Besides, once the current session of Congress closes, all bills will be dead, so it is very important that we keep pushing to get this bill passed before the end of the year.
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by rgreen2002 »

Brewhaus wrote:... it is very important that we keep pushing to get this bill passed before the end of the year.
What else can we do Brewhaus? This is a close one and I am beginning to sweat!
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by Brewhaus »

As individuals we need to contact our representatives in Congress (our House Rep., and both Senators). Don't settle for a non-response. This is especially important if your Senator / Congress-person is not a co-sponsor. If they are, send them a letter thanking them for their support of the bill (yes, most apparently DO appreciate this gesture). Urge your family and friends to do the contact their representatives, as well. The more co-sponsors on each bill, the more difficult it is for them to just push it to the side.

For our part, we are continuing to pay the lobbyist despite the dwindling support that the HDA is getting (interest waned as the raids got further into the past). We are working closely with Senate Finance and industry associations to get the bill to the floor. The likelihood of it going on its own is slim because Finance knows that everyone else with a tax bill will want to tag along, and that could kill it. Instead, they are working to find a bill that ours fits with, and one with a good chance of passing.
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by rgreen2002 »

Done.... and we appreciate the status updates as well. The extra info you give on top of my HDA info is great.
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by BoomTown »

eb12 wrote:nothing gonna get done till next president
as a political junky, professional distiller, and general knowledge of the federal government, let me simply say you are 180 wrong. This is a window of opportunity that will close AFTER the election.

be smart. Do it while Congress has nothing to loose.

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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by Brewhaus »

The extra info you give on top of my HDA info is great.
Unfortunately, we are in the 'sensitive' stage, where things are going on and discussions taking place that other parties want us to keep close to the chest for now, but make no mistake, we are continuing to push this, and push it hard.

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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by MitchyBourbon »

I should think, with 233 co-sponsors in the house and 44 in the Senate, this bill could stand on its own if it had to.

I would think at this point it would make sense for us to ask members of the house Budgets and Ways and Means to recommend that this bill be sent to the floor for a vote. I have not done so yet because I was unsure if it might interfere with your game plan.

Is this OK for us to do?
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by Brewhaus »

I agree that the bill could stand on its own, but just like the FAA Re-authorization bill, if it was put forward on its own we would have several other tax bills added to it in the hopes that they would ride through, and that could kill it. With the FAA bill it hit a point that those behind it finally said 'no', and pulled all non-related bills from it.

It certainly cannot hurt to ask your representative, if they are part of Ways and Means, to push this forward. For those with Paul Ryan or Sen. McConnell as a representative, reaching out to them can only help, as well!

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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by Knafs »

Brewhaus wrote: For our part, we are continuing to pay the lobbyist despite the dwindling support that the HDA is getting (interest waned as the raids got further into the past).

Joined last night! :thumbup:
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by Brewhaus »

Much appreciated! :D
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by masonsjax »

If it dies, can it be easily re-introduced or is it back to the drawing board? If re-introduced it seems it might be easy to get the previous sponsors to do so again. How did the marijuana people get their bill passed? Doesn't seem like it took them too much trouble once it came up. Or maybe I just wasn't paying attention to it. (hint: I wasn't paying attention)
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by MitchyBourbon »

Brewhaus wrote: It certainly cannot hurt to ask your representative, if they are part of Ways and Means, to push this forward. For those with Paul Ryan or Sen. McConnell as a representative, reaching out to them can only help, as well!

The question I want an answer to is, should we begin targeting emails to members of the house Budget and Ways and Means committee's, regardless of whether or not they are our personal rep? Particularly, those that have co-sponsored our bill.
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by Brewhaus »

If it dies, can it be easily re-introduced or is it back to the drawing board?
It can be re-introduced, but it is not a simple task. Everything starts from scratch again. If a bill doesn't pass, why would they just throw it back into the ring expecting a different result? If they really want it passed then they will talk to other representatives and re-write things hoping to get it through.
...regardless of whether or not they are our personal rep?
Generally, representatives only listen to those that they represent. If you are not in their constituency (ie. you cannot vote for them) then they have no interest in what you have to say. If you go to DC, you would not even be able to get an appointment with a representative from an area other than where you live.
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by MitchyBourbon »

Thank you Rick, for all your hard work I am truly grateful. None of this would be possible if you had not stepped up to the plate.

As long as I'm not stepping on anyone's toes that's what I'm going to do. I think we all should switch our attention to the committee's. This is not my idea, this came from someone that spent most of his adult life as a lobbyist. Btw, he was very impressed with the support/co-sponsore's our bill has. He also pointed out the same pitfalls you mentioned. The amount of support this bill enjoys is not the norm.
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by jdetechguy »

I just got a response from my congressman. It looks like they want to drive tax reform through this bill. Here is what he stated to me:

June 13, 2016

Dear Mr. Bassett,

Thank you for contacting my office regarding H.R. 2903, the Craft Beverage Modernization Act. As your Representative in Congress, I appreciate your input on this issue.

As you may know, the current federal excise tax on craft beer is $18 dollars per barrel for most brewers, with a reduced rate of $7 per barrel on the first 60,000 barrels for brewers who produce less than two million barrels annually.

In June 2015, Rep. Eric Paulsen (R-MN) introduced H.R. 2903, the Craft Beverage Modernization Act. This legislation would reduce the federal excise tax to $3.50 per barrel on the first 60,000 barrels for domestic brewers producing less than two million barrels annually, and to $16 per barrel on the first six million barrels produced annually for all other brewers and importers.

H.R. 2903 also exempts most brewers from bi-weekly filing requirements. Craft breweries are small businesses that should not be targeted by unnecessary federal regulation. You will be pleased to know I am a cosponsor of this legislation, which will reduce burdens on the craft brewing industry.

Currently, H.R. 2903 has been referred to the House Committees on Ways and Means and Budget. Recently, the House passed the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act, which made a number of tax credits important to families and businesses across the country permanent. In addition to this legislation, I hope Congress will consider comprehensive tax reform. Any tax reform package should simplify the code to make compliance less burdensome while also lowering tax rates, broadening the base, and eliminating special interest and poorly-performing tax incentives. I will continue to monitor H.R. 2903, and look forward to supporting this legislation should it come to the House floor for a vote.

Again, thank you for contacting my office. Please continue to keep me informed on the issues that are important to you. For more information on my work in Congress, or to sign up to receive my e-newsletter, please visit my website at: http://gibbs.house.gov" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow.


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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by LWTCS »

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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by raketemensch »

We're coming up on 250, out of 435. That's pretty damn good, in my completely uninformed and fairly useless opinion.
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Re: H.R. 2903 is up to 83 co-sponsors...

Post by LWTCS »

raketemensch wrote:We're coming up on 250, out of 435. That's pretty damn good, in my completely uninformed and fairly useless opinion.

Aww don't be so hard on yourself :ebiggrin:
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