On 8th gen of this. I really dont understand what's happened. Everything was fine (its either nuked,drank or on oak.)
Anyway ran again yesterday and i knew something wasnt right straight away. It stunk and tasted foul. As it was being run back through today i didn't think too much of it. The picture shows the results of today's run. Its just as foul with a higher proof.
Iv done nothing different since gen 2 when i first added backset. Anyone any ideas what happened? Would pellets come through 8 gens later?
I thought i was wrong once,
But then i found out i was mistaken.
Hello all. Im getting ready to start a sweet feed ferment. We have a North 40 Outfitters that sells "Sweet cob" The ingredients label is this...
Barely Rolled, Corn Rolled, Oats Whole, Molasses Products, Preserved with (Ethoxyquin, Butylated Hydroxyanisole, Butylated Hydroxytoluene), Phosphoric Acid, Citric Acid, Disodium EDTA.
Would the preservatives cause an issue? Or the phosphoric or citric acid?
about COB, I seen on line that TSC sells "sweet COB" i dont know the difference between that and "SF all grain" other than price.
getting ready to run gen 4 of SW and UJSM. wash has a real good sour taste and im going to remove two plates from 6 plate column and see if taste improves.
i used red star bakers, from more reading i want to try a distillers yeast because it read it will work more as a amylase and convert some of the starches to sugar slowly. anyone have a opinion on that.
i see some add vitamins and lemon. i read some where its not needed for this wash because of nutrients in feed. i use paste and lemon when i make birdwatchers wash, also at what point do i ck PH level, i just purchased a meter.
would anyone tell me what i will notice if i compare a wash like these to a mash, which i think is a one time mix.
Whelp, Started the wash today. My starting gravity was 1.055, seems low? Should ferment out to about 7.2% Can someone tell me if I need to add some sugar to bump it up or just keep with this one and fix it next time around. I am using distillers yeast if that makes a difference. Cant wait to run it. It will be my first official likker. woohoo.
Ok, so I picked this sweetfeed for my very first run. Will mash it in this weekend and should have my still ready to run by next Tues. Looks like I'l be doing the cleaning (with vinegar first) run & use this for my sacrificial run on Sat. Then try the real thing on Sunday. Wife's going to be pissed off I'm doing it on Easter, but I don't think I can wait another week. The only sweetfeed I could find around me has pellets in it. I have read good and bad about it. I know they turn to mush and some say it taste bad, we'll see. I already plan on straining it. It was only $14 a 50lb bag so I thought I would give it a shot. Worst case is I'll save it and add it to future runs.. Gotta keep reading
check around at some of your smaller grain retail places you can still find it, you may just have to check 10 different places, or just buy grains and mix your own, molasses is really easy to find
Sweetfeed in many country's has pellets now days. It tends to be mineral supplements and vitamins compressed with alfalfa, it's crazy to try to separate the pellets. There is a different name for sweetfeed it's called cob all the corn and other grains mixed with molasses minus the pellets. Looks smells and works the same but no pellets to make you sit for hours picking them out. Most feed stores have it in stalk it's a teat feed so now antibiotics, the freed store is a great place to pick up lots of different grains at a huge savings. I like to use chicken scratch it's wheat barley corn oats mostly whole but if you have a grain mill it's a great buy I pay $14.00 for a 18kg bag. If your not living in a area that has no feed stores just go to a pet store if they don't have what you want in Stock they can order it. I have bought 18kg bags of grain from Total Pet here in canada was around $12.
it's been too long, I need to do a sf to replenish my stock.
I think this go round I'll do all 4 separate
15 gal each
all corn
all oats
all barley
all moll
At the end add 10% by volume rum wash to the spirit run.
Hey there...
just out of curiosity, do you use Amylase with a sweetfeed mix? I'm very new to this deal and I was under the impression that you needed either malted barley of amylase to convert the starches. The sweetfeed that I have seen doesn't have malted barley.
Will be running mine tomorrow:
~8lb sweet feed with molasses added little corn, maybe 1lb
~8lb sugar
8.5 tbs red star bakers yeast
6 gal of water
Started at 1.085 on Sept 23rd today it is 0.093 (I'm amazed)
Still occasional bubbles, not sure if it is done (first time doing anything with grain)
Have to change Bokakob to do just pot instead of reflux
I use horizontal freezer that we do not use, put small heater in there and digital thermometer set it to 30-33* C, I spray the heck out of it with solution to kill bacteria.
Question: I am wondering, if I limit oxygen to freezer(I open it to stir the mash twice a day) will it kill the fermentation?
jmiller5804 wrote:Hey there...
just out of curiosity, do you use Amylase with a sweetfeed mix? I'm very new to this deal and I was under the impression that you needed either malted barley of amylase to convert the starches. The sweetfeed that I have seen doesn't have malted barley.
Welcome to HD!
You need to read Cranky's Spoonfeeding thread in my signature before you make anything. You'll do yourself and others a big favor.
This is a question that will be answered by doing your due research.
Hello all,
I posted a welcome message in the appropriate thread, Sweet Feed though is the reason I joined!
I have run off 2 batches of this with excellent results. For my third batch I did not have any cane sugar and instead used 5.5lbs of corn sugar. OG came to 1.059 ish. I plan on running tomorrow. Has anyone done anything similar (cant find any search results) and if so what can I expect tomorrow (i.e advice on particulars of cuts). Thank you!
Ran it off yesterday and after cutting heads I was left with enough hearts and a bit of tails to get 1/2 gallon of 100 proof. It's worth mentioning I threw the feints from the last in with this, I like the flavor that it gives. I may start using corn sugar more often. It had a nice clean taste and more of the flavor of the feed came through, didn't have as much of a sugar wash bite to it. I put it on one stick of toasted and one stick of charred oak. Will revisit in 30 days or so.
first batch went well, ended up with 1 liter 63% 1 liter 50% and almost 4 liters of 40% (I stopped distilling at 20%)
as per instructions I added sugar again to hot backset, stirred it and once cooled down added to fermenter - not long after it started bubbling again, not as nice as first time but it is there
Product smells very nice, smells very sweet almost fruity.. since I do not drink till new years can't say much about taste,
Will be dividing the higher proof into portions and adding some toasted oak sticks and cherry sticks and maple sticks
Hoping to run second batch on Friday
Not sure it would do much since the grains aren't being cooked very deeply. On the surface it appears to me they are only using the grains for flavor and the sugars are from molasses and added cane sugar. I like the idea of adding corn sugar instead because it typically produces a smoother flavor. This recipe is similar to the Corn Flakes Whiskey on another thread, the grains are there for flavor which is ultimately all we are looking for anyway.
Thinking about starting a new thread. I am sweet feed obsessed! I have done the original recipie, most recently with corn sugar, and tomorrow am going to run off a batch with brown sugar. Next I was thinking about a batch with liquid malt extract boiled and added over the SF. Then I got to thinking why not try it with corn syrup...molasses... Its so cheap and a bag goes so far and it finishes so quick it is just begging to be played with!
I had a sample last night of 5g @ 62.5% of sweet feed I have had on oak for about a year. Its really come around. I also have 2g white that's a year old also.. need to sample that next Going to let it keep going. See were it goes always have the white to cut things with if I end up with too much oak (Right now it lightly oaked and can use more vanillas starting to come through nice). 7g @ 62.5% should last me a while I am seriously thinking of added sugar maple to the 2g of white to add some nice maple flavors and undertones to help enhance the vanillas sorta like Coolingwood Canadian Whiskey.
Grog, did you end up using the LME? How,d it turn out? I brew too so I've always got some laying around. I just ran my first batch of sweet feed tonight and am very happy with it! Pulled one jar aside to drink white and am going to throw oak on the others.
I have not yet. I wanted to do it this weekend but had to go out of town. Good chance I might tomorrow. Going to use 6lbs LME, boil it in 2 gallons of water to get a hot break and pour it on top of 4" of sweet feed. I'll stick with bakers yeast too, having pretty good success with it. I have some corn sugar laying around to get it to 1.070 OG if needed. I'll let you know!
Hey y'all. I'm giving the SF a try. Sitting here mixing it up now. Figured it'd be a good time to start it. Almost finished with building my first pot. Should be done tomorrow or the next day.
Went to one of the ag places we use on the ranch to get a bag. The SF we have here seems a little light on the corn, but heavy with barley. I'm hoping this is gonna come out good. I'll keep y'all up on progress.
Should've waited to post the last one. Finished up and threw the cover and airlock on. Gotta SG of 1.060, maybe a hair more. 8% out of a five gal batch. Now comes the wait...
I Just put together the recipe and plan to pitch it in the morning. I have been doing NChooks bourbon recipe with good luck but thought I would try this one as it is real easy to put together. I have not read all 125 pages of Both recipes were 6 gallons. Thanks.
Ignore last post something messed up. I was trying to ask why so much yeast is used as compared to NChoochs bourbon. I use one pack of EC118 in that but this recipe calls for 5 packs or 8tbs. The corn recipe is 6 gallons also. Thanks for the help. Will let you know how the sweetfeed works out.
Hey y'all, just a quick update. Finished the ferment. Got a FG of .992. Pretty happy with those results as of now. Finished building everything, gotta do the cleaning run(s). Now I have a question....
It's getting mighty cold out here, especially at night. Plan on making applejack pretty soon too. So I was wondering, I racked off my beer to clear out the rest of the yeasties that might have gotten in there... What if I left it to "freeze distill" before I ran it? Would it be ok? Lose flavors? How would it effect cuts?
Thanks in advance
I've read through a lot of this thread. I'm in Oklahoma and I'm not having any luck finding sweet feed or cob without the pellet so I've decided I'll try to make it on my own. I thought I saw someone make a post about this but I can't find it. Does anyone know what the recipe for this would be? Like how much corn,oats,barley and molasses would I use to make this mix? I'll be making a 15-30 gallon ferment. Thanks for any help.