I am an all grain beer brewer getting into distilling. For my beer setup, I have a 15gal stainless mash tun with RIMS, 10 gal boil kettle, stir plate for starters and controlled fermentation. I just got my 20L copper pot still with onion head and did my initial clean running a 50/50 water vinegar mix through it. I would say I can brew a pretty good beer and hoping those skills can lend into distilling.
I am hoping to experiment making some whiskeys, vodkas and tequilas. I had a failure today making my first bourbon whiskey wash. Having not worked with corn before, I went heavy on the corn(20 lbs) along with 5lbs Rye malt and 2.5 lbs 2-Row(Out of stock on 6-row). I left behind a lot of starches in the mash tun, I couldn't keep sparging because my pre boil volume would have been well over 10 gals. I collected about 9 gallons and boiled down to 6. My OG was 1.046. \
Ive been reading around on here and it sounds like I need to boil the corn until thickened to extract corn sugars and then bring down to 145-155 to convert the malts. I am going to do a small test batch on my stove to experiment with this first before making a full batch again.
Ill be fermenting with White labs 050 Tennessee Whiskey at 75F and then running through the still.
Any tips on the distillation? Speed, temps, etc.
Thank you in advance for having me and hopefully Ill be talking with everyone soon.
Getting into Spirits from All Grain Brewing
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Re: Getting into Spirits from All Grain Brewing
You are correct on the boiling corn. The other two options are to buy flaked corn, then it's simply like doing beer, no need for boiling or use a high temp amyl then you only get to about 180.
Also you don't have to boil after the mash tun, just pitch and go. Let the enzymes keep working. You are not trying to have sugar left. Ferment it dry.
I just ran a porter and it finished at 1.003. Won't be doing a hopped beer again, made a mess of the heating elements.
Also you don't have to boil after the mash tun, just pitch and go. Let the enzymes keep working. You are not trying to have sugar left. Ferment it dry.
I just ran a porter and it finished at 1.003. Won't be doing a hopped beer again, made a mess of the heating elements.
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Re: Getting into Spirits from All Grain Brewing
Whats happening that you need to boil the corn? How long do you boil?
You leave all of your grains to ferment? I have a false bottom and recirculate my mash so trying to get the grains into the fermenter would be tough.
How to add hops to your boil is subjective in the brewing world. I use a flame so its not so bad. I put my hops in a muslin bag to boil. You can get a hop spider and hops will not touch your element.
You leave all of your grains to ferment? I have a false bottom and recirculate my mash so trying to get the grains into the fermenter would be tough.
How to add hops to your boil is subjective in the brewing world. I use a flame so its not so bad. I put my hops in a muslin bag to boil. You can get a hop spider and hops will not touch your element.
Last edited by texasspur21 on Wed Nov 08, 2017 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Getting into Spirits from All Grain Brewing
welcome, toss up a pic
I'm just the bank and the mule
post your still pics here
http://homedistiller.org/forum/viewtopi ... 16&t=66917
post your still pics here
http://homedistiller.org/forum/viewtopi ... 16&t=66917
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Re: Getting into Spirits from All Grain Brewing
A picture of a beer brew day, the wash I just made and still.
Re: Getting into Spirits from All Grain Brewing
Welcome to the forums!
My Build 2" CCVM
http://homedistiller.org/forum/viewtopi ... 17&t=68341" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
My still up and running 1st and 2nd runs Yahoo!
https://youtu.be/KYZUiHw79vY" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
http://homedistiller.org/forum/viewtopi ... 17&t=68341" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
My still up and running 1st and 2nd runs Yahoo!
https://youtu.be/KYZUiHw79vY" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
Re: Getting into Spirits from All Grain Brewing
texasspur21 This is going off topic with the pics and all. Please answer interesting question with a new thread. This is a welcome thread.
Re: Getting into Spirits from All Grain Brewing
Welcome Texas,
Corn can be a pain to work with. you definitely have to cook cracked corn to release the starch, this is not the case if you use flaked corn from the brewing store.
...maybe try doing some simple all-barley beers for a while while you get your stillin' legs under you ...then start exploring with recipe development. You can make some good likker with a (no-boil, no-hop) pale ale, or brown ale recipe .
Corn can be a pain to work with. you definitely have to cook cracked corn to release the starch, this is not the case if you use flaked corn from the brewing store.
...maybe try doing some simple all-barley beers for a while while you get your stillin' legs under you ...then start exploring with recipe development. You can make some good likker with a (no-boil, no-hop) pale ale, or brown ale recipe .

Practice safe distillin and keep your hobby under your hat.
Practice safe distillin and keep your hobby under your hat.