Have to ask a question, my head is about to explode with all the treads i've read in past 24 hours about Feints Runs
I've been collecting low wines from runs for a couple of months, I tried 9 most viewed recipes in "Tried and true recipe book" (

Everything from runs lower than 50% ABV i collected to 20% and dumped in the container, yesterday i ran 12 gallons of that...added backset from Wineo's to make sure i have liquid covering my element.
I do not know the abv of low wines that i put in boiler because it was way too cold (-11C in garage) but none of it froze so must be pretty high ABV
Ran it quite slow, using pot still (1.5" diameter pipe 36" tall) took me over 8 hours, first 1 liter i threw away, the rest collected from 80% to 40% in mason jars
I have 11.64 liters of product
80-77% ABV - 6 liters
75-68% ABV - 5.06 liters
62-40% ABV - 4.25 liters
Below 40% - 1.5 liters
All the high ABV product smells and tastes good, no burn
Low ABV has a bittern after taste to it - not keeping that
here is the question/issues/dilemma I've been having:
Did i end up with too much high ABV product?
is it because it is heads or did my heads and hearts blend together and i can not distinguish which is which?
On first run in this still i usually do not get past 74% ABV product, usually starts at 74 goes to 68 stays there for most of the run then it dropps
Now I am thinking if I should put it all in boiler and run it through Boka to make sure i do proper cuts?
Edited: didnt know how to word it properly, had to re-write everything 3 times