islander20 wrote:Forgive me if this has been answered, can I do a small run of gin in a large boiler? Ive got a 15 gallon keg as my boiler, i'd like to make a 3 liter batch of gin. Should I just water it down a lot? I use propane so no worries about covering an element.
But if you put botanicals in the boiler (like the recipe suggest), you’ll get some residual “scum” left behind, especially if propane fired with minimal amount of neutral charge. So, you’ll need to clean it out good after the run and if you’re coming in through the 2” Sanke opening, it may be tricky to clean.
If you typically make your gin in 3 liter sizes, or less, then it might be best for you to build a “purpose built” gin still. I made one with a 16 quart stainless stick pot. It is externally heated with a modified hotplate. The lid is clampe on with a dozen miniature binder clips (from the stationary store). The opening lid allows me to get in and scrub the scum from the insides when the run is done.
So, sometimes specialized equipment is optimum for specialized operations. Sure, it is a little more investment, but having the right tool for the job facilitates operations and quality.