Cancer and other medical shit.

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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by Sunshineer »

Doctors have been trying to kill me for years I'm alive in spite of them not because of them.
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by TDick »

Just found out a good friend from college 45 years ago is losing his leg this week at the hip to make sure they get all of a tumor.

cob wrote: Tue Nov 27, 2018 5:59 pm (or possibly a Porsche payment is looming :thumbdown: )
A year or two ago I had a visit to my oncologist - I refer to them as lab techs or lab rats - to follow up on my leukemia which I refer to as
"my minor inconvenience" compared to others here and elsewhere.

Anyway get my labs pulled and then the doc walks in holding the paperwork.
"Well I think were gonna have to do surgery."

needless to say I was a little shook.

"What the hell?"

"Yep we are going to HAVE to do surgery!"
"I've been looking at this new BMW." and gave me a shit eating grin.

I replied, "ah fuckit. Why not?" and threw it right back at him.

Prayers and the best possible thoughts for you Cob.
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by Swedish Pride »

never mind the stones, the stones are the undead , they'll be there when you recover.
glad you made it through surgery
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by Twisted Brick »

About a month ago I began experiencing severe chest pain. Like most males, I minimized it and waited for it to go away. It did indeed subside a bit, but I visited my doctor who reported an abnormal ECG. Immediate thoughts of heart disease, impending heart attack or lung cancer ensued. This despite being active through my 50's after a competitive swimming career and doing triathlons through my late 30's. Non-smoker except pot in college.

My doctor scheduled a stress echocardiogram (treadmill) that I completed last week. I ran the test to 120% over target with no abnormalities and ventricles measured 90% clear. Next up was a chest x-ray which came back negative.

Diagnosis? Costochondritis, or an inflammation of the cartilage where ribs connect to the breastbone. The pain very closely mimics a heart attack, but is considered harmless although related to arthritis. It was a great relief, to say the least. Plus I could keep up my beloved distilling hobby.

The absolutely rediculous part of this episode is that my insurance giant - CIGNA, fought my doctor's call for the stress test, denying approval until the doctor secured a conference call with a 'committee' who finally relented. Incidently, CIGNA recently stopped covering services provided at the (very large) hospital that all three of my kids were delivered in, wife had a hysterectomy, mammogram history, several visits to the ER, etc.

When Trump recently signed an EO on health-cost transparency and announced he wanted hospitals to disclose their secret pricing, all hell broke loose. Doctors, hospitals, and insurance companies all drew a line in the sand and dug in. And it's the guys (customers, patients, suckers) who are paying for all of this.
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by thecroweater »

Yep, no disrespect intended at all but the American health "system" is woeful by almost any standard you would care to measure it by with the exception of expertise providing you have the funds to access them.
For the last half a century it has been the only first world country without the option of universal health cover and more recently the only first or second wild country in such a position. The map below basically shows the USA and pretty much the bottom percentage and most corrupt of third world countries still lagging behind in this area. To me it seems vested interests and their lobby groups have manipulated the political narrative so as to allow the system there to continue and perhaps even deteriorate for the gain of big industry players.
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by cob »

I just finished 3 more rounds of chemo.

the first of January inspection showed no regrowth of the cancer.

this is after having found regrowth twice after first diagnosis.

so now I can look forward to 6 more years of chemo.
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by acfixer69 »

Sorry to hear cob. The cancer ride is never for sure. Too be sure my friend.
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by shadylane »

Ain't none of us going to get out of here alive.
Well, except maybe my wife. She plans on lasting forever.
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by thecroweater »

Glad to hear its in check for you cob, my mother beat stomach cancer but yesterday were at a family friend's funeral and next week will be at another friend's that both got taken by Jack the dancer. I'm in two minds to stick around as my kids have to start school next Wednesday (bloody stupid starting scholar mid week) but not only will the 31st be mum's 70th birthday but also that funeral is my best friend's step mother (his own mother was taken by lekemia when we were about 12 or so.
On another note i had a little heart problem back in October if been a little reluctant to mention, it wasn't a heart attack as such but most likely a restriction of the arteries and is still to be sorted out so I'm on blood thinners ect, had a bunch of tests and am waiting on a CAT/MRI scan then will know a whole lot more
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by StillerBoy »

thecroweater wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2020 3:33 pm n another note i had a little heart problem back in October if been a little reluctant to mention, it wasn't a heart attack as such but most likely a restriction of the arteries and is still to be sorted out so I'm on blood thinners ect, had a bunch of tests and am waiting on a CAT/MRI scan then will know a whole lot more
Why not look into getting your system cleaned up having chelation done.. clean out the heavy metals within the system, which are the major cause of these issues, cancer, heart problem, etc..

A friend of my, at 72 was on his deaf bed, skin cancer, heart problems, diabetic, high blood pressure, liver and kidneys issues.. his doctor gave him at best six months.. went for chelation treatments, and within 6 months, was on the road to recovery, all issues gone, and that was two yrs back.. now he's back to where he was when he was in his 50th..

There are thing a person can do for himself, but medical system does like we doing that..

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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by cob »

StillerBoy wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:12 pm
Why not look into getting your system cleaned up having chelation done.. clean out the heavy metals within the system, which are the major cause of these issues, cancer, heart problem, etc..

There are thing a person can do for himself, but medical system does like we doing that..

mars; on page 2 of this thread #8 from the top I posted a link to a process that is not legal in the states.

same thing? similar?
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by StillerBoy »

No not the same..

Chelation therapy is legal in the US as is in Canada.. it's best done by IV , for quicker result, but can also be done orally, just takes longer..

Chelation therapy removes heavy metal such as lead, mercury, cadmium, aluminium from the system, all very toxic to the body and the major cause of 90% of our health issues.. check the web for a clinic / doctor who does chelation therapy, call them up for more info..


Here's a few articles to get you started.. ... n-therapy/ ... on-therap/
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by cob »

last week an inspection showed suspect regrowth so surgery #4 was scheduled

for this morning, have to wait a week to see what kind of tissue it is.

the suck part of this post is that yesterday the word furlough came up.

further into that conversation I was informed that my insurance would expire

at midnight tonight. this morning the hospital called to cancel and reschedule

my surgery at some later date. it did occur on time today. it could be worse

we could have a global pandemic. ya think
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by The Baker »

Dunno what to say so I won't say anything.

But I hear you.

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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by TDick »

cob wrote: Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:24 pm last week an inspection showed suspect regrowth so surgery #4 was scheduled
So sorry Cob.
Trials like yours is why I refer to mine as my "Minor Inconvenience".
Prayers my friend.
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by goose eye »

Don't know if prayers will ofend you. If not ill add you to our circle
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by cob »

thanks goose eye for your thoughts, your words are always appreciated and respected.

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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by MtRainier »

cob, sorry about the growth and the timing. Sheesh. There's a bunch of friends here wishing you well.
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by cob »

Benign again, the clock is still ticking.
be water my friend
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by The Baker »

Good news.
And best wishes.

My clock is probably ticking faster than yours, and I am healthy; just turned seventy-nine.

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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by TDick »

cob wrote: Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:48 pm Benign again, the clock is still ticking.
Fantastic News!
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by MtRainier »

Great! Hang in there, cob. Have something good to celebrate and be safe.
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by Bushman »

I don’t want to derail your thread cob but thought I would let members know that I lost my younger brother two days ago. He fought Parkinson’s for over 20 years and recently caught pneumonia that proved to be to much. He was living in a nursing home in AZ that was on lockdown so his wife had to say her goodbyes through skype.
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by MichiganCornhusker »

Very sorry to hear that, bushman, that must have been a tough road. Nothing quite like brothers, I’ve got one of my own that I’m a bit worried about myself right now. Take care.
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by TDick »

Bushman wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 4:21 pm I don’t want to derail your thread cob but thought I would let members know that I lost my younger brother two days ago. He fought Parkinson’s for over 20 years and recently caught pneumonia that proved to be to much.
Saying "Sorry for your loss" seems a bit trite Bushman, but it's true. A good friend - 40+ years - from college finally succumbed to associated ills from Parkinson's last year. He went through hell for years and it was VERY mixed feelings to see his suffering end.
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by cob »

Bushman; I started this thread with you and your foot surgery and all those others that are or were

being embattled by their bodies in mind. there are many in the fight and all need support of some sort

or an outlet for the anguish that may come.

bushman; I to am sorry for your loss. your post is not a derailment but a welcome addition.

hopefully voicing the sorrow of losing your brother can help ease your pain some.

The Baker; I was referring to my 6 more years of chemo clock, whining in my own beer.

so to speak. I hope you are well.
be water my friend
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by The Baker »

Thanks, cob.

And hang in there.

I am well and happy but pragmatic, sometimes I can see the grim reaper over the top of the hill.

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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by Bushman »

cob wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 6:03 pm Bushman; I started this thread with you and your foot surgery and all those others that are or were

being embattled by their bodies in mind. there are many in the fight and all need support of some sort

or an outlet for the anguish that may come.

bushman; I to am sorry for your loss. your post is not a derailment but a welcome addition.

hopefully voicing the sorrow of losing your brother can help ease your pain some.

The Baker; I was referring to my 6 more years of chemo clock, whining in my own beer.

so to speak. I hope you are well.
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by thecroweater »

Sorry to hear that Bushy, lost really good mate to that a couple of years back.
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Re: Cancer and other medical shit.

Post by MtRainier »

Bushman, sorry for your loss. It's extra cruel that we're all kept from being with loved ones going through other conditions by this virus.

We're very close with my wife's folks in Pittsburgh. My father-in-law's cancer blood numbers just went up so the family is deciding on extra chemo or just letting it go. We can't travel to see him or my mother-in-law if it gets bad, so we're trying to get the remote stuff going in preparation.

I'm thankful for the community here of good people and wishing you and cob and others well through all this.