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Saying Hello!

Post by Tasgrasshopper »

Well I'm like most people who find themselves trying to get their heads around how to use a still. And which Still!!
Ok after doing a lot of reading and asking questions on another forum ( which seems to have folded ) which still should i build, my first choice i thought was to make neutral sprit, then i thought a pot still would be the place to start, 2" or 3" column and how long should they be! Then a seed was planted by Crow who posted a pic of his plated column and I thought something to aspire to in the future. A trip to the scrap yard to find some 2"copper pipe to make my pot still and low and behold a pallet of 1 metre long copper pipe in sizes ranging from half inch to four inch in Diameter (one happy camper) so more reading required after coming home with not only 2" but a few lengths of 4"as well, the wheel's are turning!! Crow's plated column pic's.A lot more reading and came across Olddog's Magic Flute Mk1. "Thank's Crow"
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Re: Saying Hello!

Post by pounsfos »

welcome welcome

2' is a good hobby size, start there, you can runs reflux stills as pot still by leaving the tap open and controlling output via temp, so best of both worlds.

Dream big, but start small, and most importantly have fun!!!
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Re: Saying Hello!

Post by Saltbush Bill »

Tas there is much information and many build threads here about 4 inch plated columns, its just a matter of studying enough of them to find what will and what wont work.
I often see people say they cant build because of a lack of equipment and skills.
I for one had never attempted to solder anything more than a couple of thin electrical wires before building my first still, Im sure many others here where the same. As for fancy tools, you really don't need much, other than a hack saw or pipe cutter, something to solder with gas or similar, a few files and drills, and the drive to make it happen.
Plates can be made perfectly round by spinning them in a drill and laying the edge off the plate on a file.....thats how I did my first ones ..and how I trimmed my new ones to the perfect size for the column.
Many a plated column has evolved from very little, don't be scared of by those who say its too hard.
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Re: Saying Hello!

Post by Bushman »

Welcome, I would like to echo what Saltbush Bill said. I started by soldering I Liebig on my first still as I thought that would be the easiest part to make. Good luck it is a great journey.
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Re: Saying Hello!

Post by Saltbush Bill »

100% Bushy.....a liebig is a great first it first....... then the rest of the pot still.....from that point on nothing can stop you.
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Re: Saying Hello!

Post by Tasgrasshopper »

Thank's for the welcome, i am well on my way down the rabbit hole so to speak.
After a lot of reading and some pointers in the right direction by members here my pot still is up and running, and will soon build some sort of packed column for neutral spirit( more reading required ), I stocked up on copper tube after a trip to the scrappy's the other week.
Many Thank's Tas. :thumbup:
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Re: Saying Hello!

Post by Saltbush Bill »

Your done for now......You wont ever look at a bit of copper pipe the same way again.
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