How old were you the first time you got drunk?

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How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by OlympicMtDoo »

Don't know exactly why this thought came into my head but I was reading a thread that brought back old memories. I turn 69 in a couple of days so I have memories that go back quite a way. The first time I can remember getting drunk and I do mean shitfaced was when the family was moving to the other side of town (population 950) so it was a small town. My stepfather was a big drinker and so were his friends. It was one of my jobs that day and probably the most important one to keep the help and my stepfather supplied with fresh beer at all times. Being the thoughtful person that I am I always brought the beers opened and ready for consumption, there were no twist tops back then. So I got the first swill out of every beer I served along with cleanup of the forgotten half beers sitting around. I was 8 years old by the way, by the end of the day I deposited most of the beer on the ground behind the new woodshed. I was very much expected to keep up with my other duties no matter what shape I had put myself in. First drunk like many was fun for a little while. :sick:
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by ScurvyWaters »

I've only ever been drunk once, and that was when I was in my 40's.
(My father is a terrible alcoholic, so I've always been very careful in enjoying myself.)
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by Deplorable »

I started going to keggers when I was about 15. I was well into my 20's before I learned moderation.
Now that I'm on the pinnacle of my 50's it's a very very rare occasion I get drunk. I drink a couple ounces of homemade whiskey a night or a couple glasses of wine and I'm good.
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by OlympicMtDoo »

Ya I rarely get drunk now either I was mostly talking about a first. The green face kept me from a second for quite some time.
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by shadylane »

First and last time I got sloppy drunk, I was 16 and drinking MD 20/20 wine.
Puked on the propane tank in the back yard and it corroded the paint.
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by Bradster68 »

shadylane wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2023 4:47 pm First and last time I got sloppy drunk, I was 16 and drinking MD 20/20 wine.
Puked on the propane tank in the back yard and it corroded the paint.
I drank mad dog for a while. Cross the border into Detroit and bought at the liquor store. Super cheap and an easy drunk.
I vaguely remember the different flavors. It was like super cheap. I was 15 the first time I tied one on. Yeah,puke was in my story too.
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by Yummyrum »

I guess I might have been around 11 or 12 when I started to have a sneaky sip of Dads booze cupboard . It was only a sip out of a bottle for curiosity and it was never enough to feel any effects .

The fist time I remember actually getting inebriated was during my school certificate exam week . I would have been 15 and Mum and Dad went back back to work and I decided to crack a long neck of Beer . I had just skulled it and was feeling pissed when the School rung home and asked why I wasn’t there doing my Metalwork exam . I staggered to school and passed the test with 86%. My mum couldn’t work out why I did so poorly in that exam ….. told many years later .

First time I got totally maggoted was when I was 16 .It was the xmas eve partying with my work buddys .
That put me off drinking for many many years .
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by 8Ball »

As a teenager and as sailor in the USN during the 70’s, it’s a wonder that I’m still alive today. Too many substance abuses & other close calls due to stupidity to mention here. Suffice it to say that I managed to survive, raise a beautiful family, and lead a successful professional career without a criminal record. I’m squeaky clean today except for the casual sipper a couple times a week from my personally made stock.
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by jonnys_spirit »

I was about eight when my older brothers started feeding me md 20/20, southern comfort, and other nasty ass libations. By 12 I had hijacked my dad’s copy of the moonshiners manual (read cover to cover and wore it out) and then started adding yeast and a ballon to a jug of koolaid. 53 now and “i learned my lessons” a while ago….

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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by 8Ball »

jonnys_spirit wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:02 pm This ain’t the liars bench - true stories only - please fadda, forgive me my sins..

Preach, brother. :)
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by Yonder »

Grandpa’s farm in MD, must have been in the mid ta late 50’s or 60. He made some cider in the barn, hard as a rock. He and dad treated me to a cup or two. Remember that sweet tangy taste..
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by Tōtōchtin »

I rarely drink to say I'm drunk. I was 65 when I got really drunk my first time. It was my first time around a still. I asked my friend to triple distill some Raicilla so I could have it at barrel strength. I will never put a glass under a spout the rest of my life. It tasted like water, after getting falling down drunk I woke up at the ranch,walked 8 km on a sunny tropical morning to get my bike. Head clear as a bell. My friend makes a good drop.
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by Wildcats »

Me and my cousin stole a bottle of Jack Daniels from my aunt. I was 10 and my cousin was 9. We drank about halfway thru the bottle and then we got sick. Needless to say.. we got our asses busted real good for that one.. but we were "raised" by hippies so we were always allow to "smoke" and have a beer from time to time.
I'll never forget that bottle of Jack though. We got sick AF. Now days I never get drunk. I have a few drinks almost every night and sometimes more than a few. But I like to stay in control and being drunk is not how I want to feel. Cheer's 🍻
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by subbrew »

As some others on this thread old MD20/20 was the culprit. I was 15 and went to a high school dance. About a 7 block walk from the auditorium to my house. Winter with ice on the streets and sidewalks. I could not stay upright and ended up crawling much of the way. Damn that ice was cold on my hands. Spent much of the next few hours praying to the porcelain gods. It was a sweeter flavor of grape MD20/20. About a week later was either Christmas or Thanksgiving and my mother said us kids could have a small glass of wine if we wanted. It was a Morgan David wine and I had to leave the kitchen when she opened it as my stomach started to flip just from the smell. To this day I can't stand a sweet grape wine.

For many years a hard drunk was an annual thing. Once a year would remind me how bad it hurt and I would refrain for another year until the memory faded. Then the interval started to get longer. Not sure if I was getting smarter or if the pain and recovery was just that much worse as got older. Last one was a couple years ago, damn cousin kept filling my glass. Hope to not repeat for at least a few more years.
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by sadie33 »

My parents never had alcohol in the house. I never really had the urge to drink, didn't really know anything about it. When I met my husband he drank beer and Jack Daniels I soon discovered wine coolers. I'm a slow drinker so I would only have 1. We bought our first house when I was 22 and some friends came over to celebrate. I only had 1 wine cooler left so I went to packy, they were out of Seagrms, but they had Jack Daniel watermelon. I had no idea the difference. I also didn't understand shots, I thought they were like samples so you could taste it before buying a whole bottle. Needless to say I was a little tipsy when my Uncle walks in with Goldschlager. My husband kept telling me it was strong, but I didn't understand strong. I thought he meant hot like a fire ball and I wanted to drink gold flakes. :roll:

yup-age 22...NEVER again! he couldn't even mention the word Goldschlager without me almost getting sick. :sick:
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by seamusm53 »

I was 26 in New Orleans and 'twas over a girl. I weighed about 120 lbs. and had literally inhaled a Hurricane from Pat O'Briens. I immediately walked back to my hotel and it hit when I hit the spinning bed. Had one too many beers a few years later and came home only sl tipsy. I am 70 now and just don't like ETOH except for taste. So I have given away most of what I have made over the last 20 years.
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by tombombadil »

17 or 18.
Chugging a bottle of Margaritaville tequila.
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by NorthWoodsAb »

The very first time , I honestly don't remember. Secondhand info from my Mom. I was in kindergarten, age 5 maybe 6.
I had a tooth ache.
My Dad made shine, was always available around the house, not a big deal nor big attraction. Just always there. Normal.
Anyways Dad always had a "little brown jug" in the fridge filled with a coffee liquor, Tia Maria type thing he made. Very tasty.
Back to the tooth ache. So one morning I wake up with a tooth ache, didn't say anything to Mom cause I hated Dentists. Knew "the little brown jug" had a soothing effect on Dad so no orange juice this morning, "I think that's a pain killer", and down the hatch.
Tooth didn't bother me that day.
Or the next 3 or 4 days.
So at this point I haven't mentioned that Mom was a teacher. So was Mrs. McKenna, my teacher and family friend.
So by day 4 of self medicating my tooth ache, Mrs. McKenna phones Mom with a concern about Jr's sobriety. That very same day Dad comes home and notices a considerable volume missing from "the little brown jug" .
He blames Mom.
Mom was never a drinker.
She did, however, remember the phone call from Mrs McKenna.
I got hauled up on the carpet, said "yes that's great toothache medicine" got Mom off the hook and I met Dr Molarhauler the next day.
Was 18 or 19 the next time I got enebriated. But have never had a 3 or 4 day bender since.
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by NormandieStill »

My parents had what was considered a "European" attitude towards alcohol and from around 10 years old I was allowed a glass of watered down wine with a meal on special occasions. So by the time I was a teen I was used to the idea that drinking was a social activity as part of a nice meal.

At 15/16 I started going to parties and got fairly frequently drunk enough to "communicate with God on the porcelain telephone". A friend from that time swears it was near weekly but I'm sure it wasn't that bad.

By the time I went to uni I'd mostly gotten heavy drinking out of my system and ended up being teetotal for about 9 months as a reaction to the frequency with which I drank (At £1 a pint for Guinness and a bar 300m from my room it was easy to fall in to a rhythm!).

So to answer the OP, my first time being properly drunk was when I was about 15. But I have some good stories from the 4 or 5 times since then. 😂
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by Saltbush Bill »

I to did the watered down wine thing with the blessing of parental supervision.
It's when I got involved with a 2L flagon of Tawny Port on a camping trip with some mates at about 16 years of age that the trouble began.
God I've never spewed so much in my life before...... the next day I almost wished I was dead.
It was many, many years before I could stomach Port of any sort again.
Not really sure if that first lesson really sunk in, to this day I'm still known to have a couple to many at times.
Just as an add on........I was sitting once at lunchtime with a hangover after over indulging the night before. Working in a quarry at the time, old fella next to me says " You know, if you ate a hamburger and it made you as sick as a big night on the booze can, you'd never eat another burger in your life"
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by harold01 »

Not really sure if that first lesson really sunk in, to this day I'm still known to have a couple to many at times.
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by Bushman »

I don’t remember it but when I was around 2 years old my parents had a party and one of the guests left an open bottle on a table. I guess I drank it and my parents said I wobbled around kissing everyone. But I don’t drink more than one or two at the most any night. In college I wrestled and played rugby. After rugby games the host team always partied with the visiting team. Back in the day did a lot of drinking which we called piss-ups.
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by Bradster68 »

Probably 12ish. My brother's friend would come by and give me and my cousins 2 beers each. He'd say go lay down in the bean field and don't let anyone catch you.
It was powerful stuff back then.
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by Twisted Brick »

I was 15 (135lbs) and had just arrived at the dunes for the weekend with my older brother and his friends. They all had tube-frame sand buggies and the air reverberated with the sound of raw uncorked horsepower. At 11pm I cracked my first beer on an empty stomach and got a great buzz. Four or five into it I was toast. I woke up the next morning in the camper and wondered what hit me.
NorthWoodsAb wrote: Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:07 pm
I got hauled up on the carpet, said "yes that's great toothache medicine" got Mom off the hook and I met Dr Molarhauler the next day.
Thats a great story Northwoods!
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by NorthWoodsAb »

Twisted Brick wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 11:59 am I

Thats a great story Northwoods!
Thanks TB glad you enjoyed it.
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by Yummyrum »

NorthWoodsAb wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:25 pm
Twisted Brick wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 11:59 am I

Thats a great story Northwoods!
Thanks TB glad you enjoyed it.
It certainly was NorthWoods.
I cracked up when you mentioned Dr Molarhauler … oh the imagery :ebiggrin:
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by NorthWoodsAb »

Yummyrum wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:55 pm
It certainly was NorthWoods.
I cracked up when you mentioned Dr Molarhauler … oh the imagery :ebiggrin:
Thanks Yummy happy to share.
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by OlympicMtDoo »

Funny stories, I love it. I really like the burger thought that if a burger ever made you that sick you would never eat another one. Funny how we all would have enough sense to leave that burger alone if it did that to us but cheers to good drink. Fun stories thanks to everyone for sharing. :clap:
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by HDNB »

I finally quit drinking for good.

now i drink for evil.
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Re: How old were you the first time you got drunk?

Post by Renhoekk »

About 13 or 14. My parents bought a 4 litre box of white wine - and my young little brain immediately realised that they wouldn’t be able to track the liquid level (unless they had X-ray vision). So I was tapping it off by the cupful and drinking it like juice. Bounced off a few walls on my way to my bedroom and don’t recall much else. My wine theft was never discovered, though
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