Now that it is kicked up, I can add to my earlier post.
I had an iron still with a copper spiral as a condenser.
Very nice still, I still miss it!
Nowadays I have some copper stills, 2 of them about 10 litres. For these I have one watercooled copper Liebig and one aircooled spiral ss condenser.
I can fire a still with 2.44 kW for the Liebig but only 0.7 kW for the aircooled spiral.
On the other hand: when running with the Liebig I have to pay attention all the time and it needs a lot of water. Or an elaborate re-using system.
When running with the airspiral the whole system has only 1 valve: for the gasstove. When I have regulated that, it stays stable and needs only changing the sample bottles in time.
So when I have enough time, I use the spiral. And relax.