MooseMan wrote: ↑Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:04 pm
I paid £13 for 5lts last time, and it's under 40% sugar
If it's only 40% it's been diluted in some way.
True molasses straight from a sugar mill isn't that low......they simply can't extract that much sugar in the process......otherwise they would.
Oh definitely has been adulterated Bill, it pours far too easily as well.
It's just the only one I can easily get near me from the animal feed place.
Screenshot from their website:-
Next time I do a few Rum ferments I'm gonna order some decent stuff online and just swallow the postage.
Finished airing out some test jars. Trying out some new wood, pecan, French oak, dark toast american oak. The oak isn't all that different from my usual medium toast oak but holy s*it, why have I not tried pecan before. The wife and I love it, the cinnamon and nutty notes are nice. I used pints of white that were 1 month old, 15g piece of wood per jar. 1 week sitting outside, we are having 40° temp swings day to night. Shake, open for a min, close and shake once a day.
1"x24" CM
2"x52" Slant Plate
2"x18" Pot Still w/ Liebig
2" modular
Did my first gin today! Odin's recipe scaled up to 3L volume. Added in some neutral feints from a prior run & using my buddy's 1.5 gal air still, ended up with ~4.3L @ 41%. Everyone enjoyed a very tasty gin & tonic.
There are two times of year: FOOTBALL SEASON and... Waiting For Football Season
Selected the jars of my Thanksgiving CROW run and put up 6.3L at 56% in an Oregon Oak Badmo Barrel (M4). I took the outer jar from each end of the run that didn't go into the blend and put up another "Outer Banks" jar to age. I did this with a couple of previous runs I've made, and they seem to be aging nicely so I figure I'm going to keep doing it.
Once it warms up a little in the garage, I've got a finished Single Malt ferment to squeeze.
Fear and ridicule are the tactics of weak-minded cowards and tyrants who have no other leadership talent from which to draw in order to persuade.
While helping a buddy with a 3 plater column tequila run, I ran a Jesse Still-It inspired run through my Airstill: chopped up a bag of black licorice, added in some NG feints, & some All-Bran feints, & got damn near 2L after proofing down to 40%. Sambuca has a thicker mouth feel, but this stuff is just delightful!!!
There are two times of year: FOOTBALL SEASON and... Waiting For Football Season
So I had 3-4 liter (a gallon) of lime-cumquat pod infusión that was way too bitter for squeezing too much. Then another Galician Green herbs 3-4 liter that tasts too much like couch sirupe and some high quality faints (being very conservative on Vodka cuts).
Ran it in full reflux, 25l (added water) at 96%. Now it only trastes like couch sirupe...
Think this will require filtering, proof down, re-run, proof down and filtering again and re-run again before the strong herb taste is out. Then I will make black Vodka.
Monday I stripped two 10 gallon (38 L) runs of single malt in my 15.5 (58 L) gallon keggle.
I can normally strip pretty fast at high power (5500W element), but I had to back off to 35% to avoid puking (I had an inline sight glass at the top of the 24" riser before the turn to the condenser). Each time the foaming settled down I added another 5%, and I was able to get to 100% power after about 2 hours. Both runs behaved the same way, even though I added 1/4 c olive oil to each batch. I got 5.5 gal (21 L) of low wines at 25%ABV.
Yesterday I did the spirit run on my pot still, adding in 2 gal (7.5 L) of saved wash and 2.5 gal (9.5 L) of Single Malt feints. I ended up with 38 15 oz (440 ml) jars, which are now waiting for the cuts. I went pretty deep into the tails (last jar was 15% ABV) looking for some peat. I would have gone lower but my RTD probe wire broke, and without the probe my controller cut off. Time for a replacement.
Final run of pear brandy using new thumper setup, this rig has been named Nessi.
Boiler had 2 gal low wines, 1 gal water, 1/2 gal pear juice. Thumper had 1/2 gal faints, 1/2 gal water, 1/2 gal pear juice. Slow heat up (45 min till first drips) and take off was between fast drips and a broken stream. I collected 12 jars. 1-4 300ml ea. 5-7 600ml ea. 8-11 300ml ea. 12 I cranked the heat and pulled 1000ml sweet water. Jar 10 was 60 proof, that's the only one I measured.
My wife says it smells great, my sinuses are screwed up right now so I can't tell. I'll have to let it air till my allergies clear up to sample and blend.
1"x24" CM
2"x52" Slant Plate
2"x18" Pot Still w/ Liebig
2" modular
My gin feints get turned into Distiller's Treat, and that never gets shared with anyone.
This time, I doubled the Distiller's Treat by adding some white dog barley from 2020. It is sweetened to 15g/100ml sugar with 50/50 simple syrup and Monin Pomegranate Syrup to make a tangy, yummy, Xmas red, liqueur.
Finally ran my gen 6 ujssm that’s been sitting in a bucket for almost 9 months while I was preoccupied with some other things! Smells good coming off the still.
I just read an article about the dangers of drinking that scared the crap out of me.
Sugar head on the grains from a batch of oatmeal stout I brewed. Not enough to be worth running the low wines but I figure I'll do one for every batch of beer and then run them all together for a multibeer faux whisky.
"I have a potstill that smears like a fresh plowed coon on the highway" - Jimbo
First sample of pear brandy on French oak. Needs a little more time to smooth out. It's been ran through coffee filters and off the wood now but drinkable as is, should be great with some time.
1"x24" CM
2"x52" Slant Plate
2"x18" Pot Still w/ Liebig
2" modular
The wife made me empty my bait freezer in the garage to make room for Xmas holidays food, so I took out the 12kgs of frozen berry pulp that I've been hoarding all year from making hedgerow wines, and made 10 gallons of second press wine.
Should make a nice rosé for the summer!
This morning I selected the jars from my first run of "Free Grain" ASMW. This afternoon when I get back from running errands, I'll squeeze the 2nd ferment, and weigh grains for the 3rd. Once all of this is distilled, it will likely go into a couple of Oregon oak Badmo barrels for a true 100% PNW terroir ASMW. Skagit valley Malted barley in Oregon Oak barrels.
Fear and ridicule are the tactics of weak-minded cowards and tyrants who have no other leadership talent from which to draw in order to persuade.
A Baileys style cream liqueur. 12 month oaked UJSSM used with our local dark bush honey in a typical internet Baileys clone recipe. Nice. Honey and corn is a match.
A high ester rum. The washes were 55lbs of brown sugar and 1 gallon of blackstrap. The first wash was enough water to fill to the 30 gallon mark. After the first strip I used 10 gallons of dunder and water to fill. I kept the first 1-2 gallons of higher proof strip from all 5 strips in their own container to keep them separate, they went into the thumper and a few cups of sulfuric acid was added right before distilling. I used the heads & tails of my DOK that I kept and put into the pot on the final distillation. Big bright powerful esters! This is no DOK, but damn it's not too far off. I split this with my neighbor that paid for half of the ingredients and propane, we each ended up with 6.5 gallons @ 85%. I just filled a BadMo @ 65%, currently soaking a 5 gallon barrel that previously held Chocolate Sundae bourbon, and then DOK. Thinking about using red wine instead of water to proof it down for that. The rest I'll keep white!
Today I filled the 5 gallon barrel with high ester rum @ 67%, checked the FG of the panela ~1.008 ish. Going to give it a few more days before I check it again.
Steve Broady wrote: ↑Tue Jan 02, 2024 6:36 pm
Beerswimmer wrote: ↑Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:14 pm
Today I filled the 5 gallon barrel with high ester rum @ 67%, checked the FG of the panela ~1.008 ish. Going to give it a few more days before I check it again.
Steve Broady wrote: ↑Tue Jan 02, 2024 6:36 pm
Nice, mine will also be going into an L1 barrel!
Beerswimmer, I would love to try your tribute rum when it’s done aging in that L1 barrel. Hopefully I’ll see you again at the next regional gathering and we can swap some more spirits. Happy new year.
Beerswimmer, I would love to try your tribute rum when it’s done aging in that L1 barrel. Hopefully I’ll see you again at the next regional gathering and we can swap some more spirits. Happy new year.