Fluffy white sediment

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Fluffy white sediment

Post by PossumPie »

Im in the process of making whiskey in two batches. I made low-wines from my first 6gal. of sour mash, and have my 2nd 6gal batch fermenting. I usually make low wines out of both, then combine them in the still to do a final run pulling off foreshots, etc. Anyway, I got thinking that toasted white oak barrels that I have take a long time to flavor/mellow the shine, so I took a piece of aged white oak I use in the fireplace, split it into manageable pieces similar to what people buy to add to their shine. I roasted them in the oven for several hours to remove residual moisture and caramelize the sugars in the wood. I then did a quick propane burn of them until the color was acceptable. I put them into my 5 qts of low wines and after 3 days it is turning the clear low-wines a slight whiskey color, but there are fluffy white precipitate on the bottom of the glass carboy. I can't recall ever seeing that in other batches of shine, so it may be something from the wood. Anyone have any idea? It looks like someone dumped instant mashed potato flakes in the bottom of my carboy.
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Re: Fluffy white sediment

Post by NZChris »

Did you check that the carboy was clean?
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Re: Fluffy white sediment

Post by The Booze Pipe »

Why are you putting wood into low wines?
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Re: Fluffy white sediment

Post by NZChris »

Probably just a bit of carry over that you didn't notice on stripping day.

I use wood in low wines and feints if they are not going to be distilled in the near future. I think I get a better yield, but I've never done a side by side to check that.
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