trying to get water from the kitchen sink faucet to my still

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trying to get water from the kitchen sink faucet to my still

Post by Turbo6ta »

The silicone hose that connects my still's condenser to the submersible water pump has an ID of 3/8"

I want to connect this hose to my kinchen sink faucet and not rely on a bucket with ice water in it .. The chrome water spout pipe on the faucet is 27mm (1 inch) wide.

I saw a video of a rubber hose adapter that fit over the faucet pipe and had a 3/8" male nipple on the end that the condenser water hose would fit on to, but looking for about an hour on the internet, I just can't find the same thing. Here is a screenshot of the video that shows the hose connected to this guys kitchen sink:


Anyone here know where they sell something like this and have a link?
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Re: trying to get water from the kitchen sink faucet to my still

Post by shadylane »

Maybe use one of these to connect a garden hose to the faucet.

Faucet Adapter with Aerator, Sink Faucet to Garden Hose Adapter, Faucet Adapter to Garden Hose for Kitchen and Bathroom, hose attachment to sink,3/4" GHT Thread Chrome.
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Re: trying to get water from the kitchen sink faucet to my still

Post by SW_Shiner »

Can also get adaptors with a built in valve from still spirits.

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Re: trying to get water from the kitchen sink faucet to my still

Post by Turbo6ta »

Thanks ... Both great ideas
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Re: trying to get water from the kitchen sink faucet to my still

Post by shadylane »

SW_Shiner wrote: Sun Mar 23, 2025 10:33 am Can also get adaptors with a built in valve from still spirits.

Like this
Good find, I really like that.
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Re: trying to get water from the kitchen sink faucet to my still

Post by Turbo6ta »

Here is another option I just found if you want to attach a standard 3/8" silicone hose from the still's condenser to a sink water faucet:

The Camco 'Water Bandit' ... round / flexable silicone end just pushes on to the faucet, and the other end has a standard male garden hose fitting. ... asin_title

Brass adapter ... with a female garden hose fitting on one end and a 3/8" barb fitting on the other. ... title&th=1


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Re: trying to get water from the kitchen sink faucet to my still

Post by OtisT »

Hi Turbo6ta. You may also want to consider attaching your water input from under the sink. I placed a tee with a valve on the input line for when I run my mini still on the kitchen counter.

Looked like this….
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Re: trying to get water from the kitchen sink faucet to my still

Post by Dr Griz »

It looks like you may have already found the kind of slip-on union that you were looking for, but if it proves unreliable, let me offer one more suggestion:

A buddy of mine rents, and so can't do much to modify his kitchen faucet. He has taken to placing a plastic bin in the sink with a submersible water pump in the bin. He runs his faucet strong enough to keep the pump submerged, and discharges the warm water from the condenser down the drain. He tells me it works a treat -- no worries about the cooling water warming over a run (or having to dump in ice to cool it), and no concerns about a flushed toilet messing with his coolant flow (the bin provides a "buffer" for the pump to draw on).
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Re: trying to get water from the kitchen sink faucet to my still

Post by Turbo6ta »

Dr Griz .... That's a simple, but good idea !
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Re: trying to get water from the kitchen sink faucet to my still

Post by jonnys_spirit »

That’s what I do too. When I “upgrade”, i’ll take a feed from the cold water supply with a valve inline so I can shut it off when not in use and also a regulator so I can set the water pressure to be consistent. That supply will have a quick-disconnect for easy setup/tear down. Drain line will be plumbed similar to a laundry drain w/a p-trap. This completely free’s up the sink compartments for sinking stuff whilst running. :) I’ll probably hook up two supplies for both product and reflux condensers.

In the meantime I just got a utility sink hooked up in the shed/garage/shop so i’ll use the pond-pump and a bucket in the sink for cold water supply and drain hot water into the sink.

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Re: trying to get water from the kitchen sink faucet to my still

Post by NZChris »

My condensers are all oversized for what they have to do so can have an On/Off temperature controller looking after the outlet temperature. I use a submersible pump in a bucket in the sink for some of my small stills because it works well and is easy to set up. An oversized condenser gives you lots more options than one that barely does the job.
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Re: trying to get water from the kitchen sink faucet to my still

Post by Chauncey »

I have a sink to ght, then a valved ght splitter, which connects to a ght to hose barb on one side with proper size hose connected to still. The unoccupied side allows me to control flow with bypass if the pressure is being weird in my bldg or quickly use the sink to wash a jar or whatever
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Re: trying to get water from the kitchen sink faucet to my still

Post by shadylane »

NZChris wrote: Mon Mar 24, 2025 10:15 pm
An oversized condenser gives you lots more options than one that barely does the job.
I agree NZ, bigger is better for a product condenser.
With an oversized PC I can turn the flow down low and the waste water temp is hot enough for mashing the next batch while still having enough knockdown power for the alcohol to be cool.
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