to HDNB wrote:the long awaited poker scene had to do a little tweaking to make it fit
“phill we going to do this?”
“sure lets get to it”....
Phil and eck sat in the dimly lit room. There were only 3 sat at the table including phil there was Beck and Uncle Mo acting as the dealer. he wanted to make sure things went smoothly in his establishment.
“wheres this high roller?” asked phil
“he couldn't make it tonight but will be about next weekend if you fancy it” said uncle mo.
Eck stood behind phil. Uncle Mo and beck with their large heavy handed goons standing behind them. The light shined bright down on the green felt.
"Right ace's high, blinds 100, 200." Said uncle mo As he placed the dealer chip down and ruffled the cards. Phil was feeling the sting of bank rolling the diners and drinks for the past few days, he was glad to have as much as eck could spare added into his pot. eck leant over and whispered in his ear “when you know you have him reach in your coat pocket and slam this down”. phil felt the left side of his jacket sink. he was glad he had it on the back of the chair. a little confused and worried as eck was known to have a wild streak on occasion. The first round went quickly everyone calling and checking as nothing remarkable came on the flop and subsequently after. The chatter round the table was short and to the point. Each player eyeballing their opponents in an attempt to psyche them out.
After a few rounds eck looking at the stack that was diminishing round by round "Phil man this ain't quite going like last time. we're getting fucked". Phil looking at his stack replied " yeah we are taking a bit of a beating. Just hold out I know I'm due a good hand real soon. Just you wait. "
phil's cards came in 4&5 of diamonds. a small smile came to his lips and quickly vanished. but not quick enough for beck, not to notice. beck offered “lets make it interesting and up the stakes” hoping to recoup some of the losses from the last time they had met. phill looking at his cards knowing the odds nodded “how much?”
“lets make it 1000” said beck with a smirk.
phil raised his eyebrows as he counted his chips. 20g left. fuck it he thought as he chucked in the stack.
the flap came in 6 of diamonds 3 of spades and ace of hearts. each of the players smiled as if that was what they were looking for. phill raised 500 and beck raised another 500. the next card dropped the ace of spades. phil had a shiver down his spine as he raised another 500 in an attempt to bluff beck out. to his surprise raised a further 500 with a chuckle. they stared directly in to each others eyes. phil franticly trying to work out the odds on a four of kind. the final card dropped. a king of hearts. a slight sigh of relief came over phill. he had a strong feeling he had this round the odds of having four of a kind being 594:1. thinking back to his misspent youth he was glad he had read all those books, good too as the stack he was sitting behind was loosing volume fast. he reached towards his pocket as eck dropped his hand on phil's shoulder and said “are you certain you have won this?” phil continued to reach into his pocket when he felt a huge roll of notes. he retracted the hand in shock and through 1000 towards the center of the table the light almost swinging as he winked at eck. beck called and slowly slid his chips towards the middle whilst looking at his cards.
phil flipped showing a sea of red. he sat back and waited for beck to show.
beck taking his time reached into his top pocket and pulled out a monte cristo as one of his goons behind him fumbled around behind for ash tray and a box of matches. both of which were placed on the table. beck struck a match and took a few good puffs, seconds feeling like hours flipped his cards. the first was ace of diamonds. phil's heart started beating faster and eyes widend. the second was the ace of clubs. phil began to shake as beck pulled in all his chips. chuckling away smoke covering his face he sat back. “well how much you got left there boy?”
phil ruffling his chips replied “16g”
“how bout we drop that on the next go?”
phil looked round at eck who was screaming NO! under his breath “ok” phil said as the ends off chip pile were pushed into the pot.
“good boy” smiled beck the red glow illuminating the opaque smoke around his face, as one of the goons behind counted up the chips.
“will you excuse us for a moment” exclaimed neck as he pulled phill up by the back of the neck as the other side of the room laughed. “what the FUCK are you doing phil that’s ALL we got left!”
“trust me, i think i know what i'm doing” phill said nonchalantly.
eck running his fingers through his hair “shit, well its done now. dont fuck this up!”
eck sat at the back of the room frantically trying to roll a cig and failing badly.
phil stepped back to the table and sat down “so are we going to do this?”
beck noded without saying a word.
phil knowing that there was very little he could do sat and watched the cards being dealt. beck picked them up eagerly. phil sat back and crossed his arms.
“are you not going to have a look?”
“no, im damned if i do and i'm damned if i dont”
the flop dropped slowly on to the table. 4 of clubs. 6 of diamonds. 9 of clubs.
beck put his cigar to rest and smiled a taunting smile towards phil. phil sat still and watched.
2 of diamonds came down teasingly on the table. as the dealer was about to draw the final card phill reached out. the room stood still.
“why don't we make this even more interesting” phil said with his eyes locked on ??’s.
“what do you have in mind?”
phill reached into his pocket as eck dove across the room.
“what the fuck are you doing!?”
“trust me” phil said not breaking eye contact. he slapped down a ball that read $100,000 to his surprise.
eck fell to his knees and started praying. not that he was a religious man but it seemed the best thing to do at the time.
“well you in?” asked phil
“ill see you”
the final card dropped. king of hearts. eck sat behind phil still on his knees and everyone else in shock of the last few minutes.
beck flipped his cards to reveal a nine and a seven. phill not even looking down flipped his first to show a five every one across the table relaxed a touch and phil could tell things weren't going well, the sound of eck muttering behind his head was exactly helping him keep his cool. he stared edging the second card over the faces at the other side of the table dropped. phil looked down to see a king sitting there.
as the smile slowly grew on his face he said “will that be cash or check?”
eck after hearing this dropped to the ground and started kissing the ground.
“you can come and collect it, IF you get HIM out of here.” said ?? with a scowl.
phil rushing with endorphins spun round after putting on his jacket and grabbing the ball of cash, all the chips and eck by the collar and dragged him out of the room. eck hit with the lights of the casino floor snapped back to reality and stood up still shaking.
“let me get the chips changed and then you can tell me what is wrong with you”
hearing the shouting and crashing behind them in the private room they quickly exited
the 2 stepped out in the the dark of the street and crossed the road. sitting by the bar phil asked “so what was up with you and where did you get all this cash” handing the wedge back to eck.
eck sheepishly looking at what he had in his hand peeled of a thin layer of notes to reveal newspaper below.
phil's jaw dropped to the floor.
“what happened to uncle sams cash?”
“we couldn't get it in time” said eck