The output is from the vapor chamber above the dephlegmater, it's just a straight takeoff 90 degrees to the column, many commercial builders like Carl and Holstien use this method. The weir downcomer design again is used by commercial builders, and is designed to give a even flow across the plate, and virtually impossible to flood.Usge wrote:I'm not quite getting the new dephleg design. I see how it fits "inside" the tube now, but it's mentioned the dephelg is attached via tri-clamp above the top plate and vapor no longer goes up through the top. I'm not quite seeing that (ie., where does the vapor go if not up through the shotgun tubes in the dehleg?
This could be achieved by raising the height of the weir to enable the plates to hold more liquid.Centimeter wrote: I would cut it down to 3 plates which could hold larger volumes to act more like thumpers
In my research on plates, I have seen examples where just a single larger bubble cap is used instead of multiple smaller ones, a single cap makes the plate construction simpler with less components. In this example you can see the single bubble cap, the shotgun dephlegmater, and above the dephlegmater the vapor chamber with the laminair, which changes the vapor flow from turbulent to laminar for a better takeoff flow.