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also ran across this

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 6:58 pm
by Freedave
also ran across this.
___________________from alex bokakob_______________________________________

If someone would like to build a spirally shaped leibig here is what I think on how it could be made.
1. Calculate the total length of the piping needed. L=3.14*Diameter and multiply to number of coils. I would say one, max two would be enough.
2. Select two copper pipes which will fit within each other. In my mind 3/8" diameter fits very nicely inside 1/2" diameter copper pipe.
3. Take 3/8" pipe, straighten it and wind on it some bare copper wire from any electrical store. The winding will serve double purpose -- it will keep the center 3/8" pipe in the middle and copper wire winding will force cold water to swirl in the jacket and increase the efficiency of this contraption. Spot-solder this spiral wire so it remains still. Don't make this wire to spiral to tightly, I would say 45* is just fine.
4. Fit both straightened 3/8" pipe with the spiral wound wire inside straightened 1/2" pipe and wind around any appropriate round strong object -- stock pot, plastic pipe, wooden log or anything which could take the punishment.
5. The remaining part - fitting at the ends can be done in a variety ways. The simplest is to find T-adapter with 1/2 x 3/8 x 3/8 ends.
That should do it.


Spiral Liebeg.GIF [ 4.44 KiB | Viewed 639 times ]

Re: Eleanor Pictures

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 5:33 pm
by Uncle Jesse
looks fantastic...except....lose the plastic hose at the end of your worm.

Re: Eleanor Pictures

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:07 pm
by Centimeter
Plastic? There ain't nothing but copper, 304/316 SS, and silver solder that's coming in contact with my hooch. I think you're looking at the water inlet for the condenser?