finally made a good run

Many like to post about a first successful ferment (or first all grain mash), or first still built/bought or first good run of the still. Tell us about all of these great times here.
Pics are VERY welcome, we drool over pretty copper 8)

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thump keg
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finally made a good run

Post by thump keg »

Hello everybody its been a while since I posted, I've been doing a lot of trail and error and finally come up with a fine run of likker. I had almost got to the point of giving up but thankfully I didn't. I just wanted to say to anybody that's about to give up keep digging take notes and read read read then read some more. The one thing that help me the most was to run my rig in quiet place with no distractions and listen to every sound it makes and touching it to follow the heat move threw the rig from the cooker to the worm. Ive still got a long way to go but it sure does give you a warm fuzzy feeling when you're hard work starts making since.
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Angel's Share
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Re: finally made a good run

Post by WalkingWolf »

Good on ya Thump Keg -- I had a member get in touch with me by phone just this past week after he posted the doldrums. Had all the aspects down -- had built the still, went through the tried and true and read a lot and just wasn't pleased with anything that he had run up to that point. Our conversation went alot like you stated in your post. Slow down, let your still talk -- listen to what she sayin -- collect small (collecting big is like a run-on-sentence; aint neither one worth a shit). Let the process come to you. It damn sure will if you let it. It aint all perfect when you starting out and we all struggle with different aspects. You can't exactly do a YAHOO search for "how to run a still". A common issue with everyone I worked with on this is that all of the "hard" work was already done. The still built, the wash made - racked - etc. - Just can't get that last curve turned. DON'T GIVE UP your almost there.

Congrats on a run you pleased with. Keep it up and you might end up with something you're proud of!!

Kentucky shinner
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Re: finally made a good run

Post by Kentucky shinner »

Way to go thumpkeg.. So glad to hear bout your success. Man stay after it and every time you run I think you will find you learn more and your confidence will just get better. Kinda like the ole saying " if it was easy everybody would do it".. I really does get to be pretty easy though..
Way to go dude have a drink on me.. 8) 8)
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