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Check Your Thermometer !!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:17 am
by maddyn99
Sunday I did my 1st real run in my reflux still using the BW Sugar Wash. I tossed the first 200ml's and collected 10 jars of 200 mills each. Strangely sample #2 (#1 was the foreshots) was the best smelling and tasting out of the bunch. I was figuring that the middle of the run would have been the best, and I would assume it normally would. Here is why I think my run was FUBAR...


my "Laboratory Grade" thermometer is off my FREAKING 6°. Water boils @ 212°at sea level, not the 218° thats shown here !!!. Which isn't a big deal if your cooking a cake, but when your trying to separate ethanol from 2-propanol in a wash its a HUGE difference. I had the temp set at what I thought was 173° to 174° but since my thermometer was off I was in the 179° to 180° range. No wonder the whole batch tasted like crap and it got worse as the run progressed. When I thought I was in tails the temp shot to 180° so I was really hitting 188° and picking up 1-propanol and gawd knows what else as well.

I went out and got a cheap cooking thermometer. The kind that has a probe and a small cord. It tested boiling water @ 212°, exactly where it should be. So please check your thermometers. !!!!

Re: Check Your Thermometer !!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:22 am
by rad14701
You forgot to adjust using zipcode, areacode, and proximity to the Mason/Dixon line... :crazy: Now where did I put that formula... :think: :lolno: It's a common mistake so don't beat yourself up over it... :wtf:

Very good piece of advise... :thumbup: