Sunday I did my 1st real run in my reflux still using the BW Sugar Wash. I tossed the first 200ml's and collected 10 jars of 200 mills each. Strangely sample #2 (#1 was the foreshots) was the best smelling and tasting out of the bunch. I was figuring that the middle of the run would have been the best, and I would assume it normally would. Here is why I think my run was FUBAR...
my "Laboratory Grade" thermometer is off my FREAKING 6°. Water boils @ 212°at sea level, not the 218° thats shown here !!!. Which isn't a big deal if your cooking a cake, but when your trying to separate ethanol from 2-propanol in a wash its a HUGE difference. I had the temp set at what I thought was 173° to 174° but since my thermometer was off I was in the 179° to 180° range. No wonder the whole batch tasted like crap and it got worse as the run progressed. When I thought I was in tails the temp shot to 180° so I was really hitting 188° and picking up 1-propanol and gawd knows what else as well.
I went out and got a cheap cooking thermometer. The kind that has a probe and a small cord. It tested boiling water @ 212°, exactly where it should be. So please check your thermometers. !!!!
It will be a great day when all children go to private schools and the money wasted on public education goes to building bombers.
You forgot to adjust using zipcode, areacode, and proximity to the Mason/Dixon line... Now where did I put that formula... It's a common mistake so don't beat yourself up over it...