just a noob

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just a noob

Post by moons »

Hey guy just wanted to introduce my self. I have been looking at this site for probably close to a year so i had a great idea.... join it :D and have about 70hrs of read time . So here i am.I want to run a 12 quart ss pot still with 1 in. copper column and half inch worm. Heat source is a turkey fryer burner or hotplate. thanks guys
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Re: just a noob

Post by WalkingWolf »

Welcome to HD moons -- that's the rig I got started with. That rig taught me an awful lot -- the least of which was patience. If you learn your craft your little rig will produce top-notch liquor, albeit in small quantities. I'd be surprised if you don't have an upgrade in your future.

good luck
Posts: 27
Joined: Wed Dec 21, 2011 5:31 am

Re: just a noob

Post by moons »

Thanks and i'd like to well specify a little better upon my rig I plan to build.

Well it was going to be 12-16 quart ss pot depending on price. The main colomn was going to be out of 1inch copper connecting to a 90 then the lye arm was about 3 inches then into a 45 fitting to 12 inch arm.I have the option to run on a hot plate or turkey burner but i thought that a hot plate would be safer. Like i said above i will run a half inch worm. I would like to produce some "corn whiskey" just because i feel you need to start with that just in tradition and also to pay a little respect to Popcorn; but in the future would like to make a lite rum with brown sugar and molasses. Any idea how long to run 2.5 gallons on a single run with this set up?
Thanks guys
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