What a hobby

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What a hobby

Post by warp1 »

As I'm sitting here sipping some of my 4th gen UJSSM, I cant help but think how awsome this hobby is. I can make it ultra smooth, flavor to my taste, and really enjoy all the work I put into it....PLUS get to tinker in the garage building my latest upgrade or ponder the next recipe I need to try :). I'm so glad this site exists and helped me down the right path....with great advice along the way.

For a beer-only drinker...kind of funny that 12 pack of PBR is still out in my beer fridge, with only 5 gone over the last couple months.....and I can never look at copper the same way again :)

My biggest dilema is I want to try Rad's Gerber....but my 3 ferment buckets are all full of UJSSM and it makes such a great product, I don't want to stop and start over at Gen 1 or store backset :) 1 run a week isn't too taxing on my schedule, additional fermenters would make me do 2. Great problems to have...right? :)

Things still to do short term....
- Practice on NCHooches Bugle that I bought
- Get some more of Tater's Kahlua aging
- Let some UJSM age for more than a week :) (I guess over-oaking isn't 1 of my issues...lol)
- Find a use for the 3" copper I scavenged, most likely involving MR's lava rock
- Develop some sort of Snow-show drink recipe as snowmobile season is right around the corner.

Overall...thanks guys, Newbies and experts alike
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Re: What a hobby

Post by Braz »

That's a problem allright. Just go out and acquire a few 5gal. food grade buckets and add more fermenters to your lineup.

Brandy is always a good "snow-show" drink.
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Re: What a hobby

Post by ipee7ABV »

warp1 wrote:As I'm sitting here sipping some of my 4th gen UJSSM, I cant help but think how awsome this hobby is. I can make it ultra smooth, flavor to my taste, and really enjoy all the work I put into it....PLUS get to tinker in the garage building my latest upgrade or ponder the next recipe I need to try :). I'm so glad this site exists and helped me down the right path....with great advice along the way.

For a beer-only drinker...kind of funny that 12 pack of PBR is still out in my beer fridge, with only 5 gone over the last couple months.....and I can never look at copper the same way again :)

My biggest dilema is I want to try Rad's Gerber....but my 3 ferment buckets are all full of UJSSM and it makes such a great product, I don't want to stop and start over at Gen 1 or store backset :) 1 run a week isn't too taxing on my schedule, additional fermenters would make me do 2. Great problems to have...right? :)

Things still to do short term....
- Practice on NCHooches Bugle that I bought
- Get some more of Tater's Kahlua aging
- Let some UJSM age for more than a week :) (I guess over-oaking isn't 1 of my issues...lol)
- Find a use for the 3" copper I scavenged, most likely involving MR's lava rock
- Develop some sort of Snow-show drink recipe as snowmobile season is right around the corner.

Overall...thanks guys, Newbies and experts alike
i'm taking prarie piss's cinnamon schanpps to the mke show
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Re: What a hobby

Post by Bushman »

Braz wrote:That's a problem allright. Just go out and acquire a few 5gal. food grade buckets and add more fermenters to your lineup.

Brandy is always a good "snow-show" drink.
That's what I had to do! Seems like I've got 2 UJ's going for every birdwatchers. Now I am going to make some apple brandy, my fermenting room is beginning to become to small :D
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Re: What a hobby

Post by HolyBear »

" I'm so glad this site exists and helped me down the right path....with great advice along the way."

It sounds like you are very thankful for the site as many of us are. Ifn ya have a chance, I bet Uncle Jess would appreciate a donation. This site is free for us to use 24/7, the very best resource for stilling information world wide, ran by volunteers, that on occasion need equipment upgrades, licenses fees, and internet bills paid. Its all made possible by folks chipping in a little to keep it going...
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Re: What a hobby

Post by Sloanick »

I have my ujsm bubbling away right now. I'm a little depressed I am only on gen 1 but I will make some nice amereto and whatever the wife wants with it... I have a 3" still and when I realized what the copper packing cost I got really sad, then rubberduck pointed me to MR's lava rock and holy crap it is awesome! I effortlessly (running fast, hardly checking temps) pumped out 96% I can only assume my hydrometer is high cuz it was just too easy... must be sitting at 94% to 95% cuz i just don't believe that on my first run I could have that output.
I too have so much thanks and appreciation to this site! when My wife is done school and starts working, I am going to have a fancy "site donor" beside my name :wink:
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Re: What a hobby

Post by Samohon »

Seems like you've got the bug warp1 and you will never recover from it...

You will even graduate to carrying a small magnet on your key-chain just to make sure the metals are as they should be.. :crazy:

That said: I just decanted 15L of 2YO UJSSM that has been ageing in the eves of the house.
Its amazing what mother nature does to our booze over time. My UJ is not even an All Grain and its friggin awesome..

I'm off to refill my glass, then closing down before I start to turn into a silly-billy... :lolno:
♦♦ Samohon ♦♦

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Re: What a hobby

Post by warp1 »

Have to agree on the donor stuff....I already have gotten my money's worth out of the site for sure
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Re: What a hobby

Post by warp1 »

Whoever posted about the Brandy, agree 100%...thats what we always used, Brandy and schnap's mixed. Nothing better to kick off snowmobile season than the perfect drink to go with it :)

I'm going to try Prarie's Cinnamin piss :) 3 more weeks to go till first taste test. Need to find a better source for cinnamin as mine doesn't have the deep red color all the other photos do....but think the flavor will be perfect.
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Re: What a hobby

Post by Hawk_ »

Ran my first generation UJSMM this morning. Backset is still cooling in an extra fermenter. Right now I'm running my third gen barley gerber along with all the take from my second. Corn and barley are amazingly different. Just remember if you do a sour mash with rads gerber, you won't get more than 2 generations off a box of gerber. First gen I do a box. Second I add a box and third I start over with a third box and backset.

I have 5 fermenters. Keeps me busy and friends and family are all happy. Also made 2400ml of apple pie using a batch of raisin bran and graham crackers. Holy hell it smells good. Just have to hold my horses to keep from drinking it before the Holliday.
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Re: What a hobby

Post by dakotasnake »

warp1 wrote:Whoever posted about the Brandy, agree 100%...thats what we always used, Brandy and schnap's mixed. Nothing better to kick off snowmobile season than the perfect drink to go with it :)

I'm going to try Prarie's Cinnamin piss :) 3 more weeks to go till first taste test. Need to find a better source for cinnamin as mine doesn't have the deep red color all the other photos do....but think the flavor will be perfect.
around these woods the brandy-schnapps mix is called snow shoe grog. great for snowmobileing and icefishing. i keep a flask handy when snowblowing also in case ya get bitten by one of the dreaded ice snakes.
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Re: What a hobby

Post by Buccaneer Bob »

Yes, it's an awesome hobby, no doubt about it.

I've made some great brandy, and I'm honing in on a decent rum.

And my biggest dilemma is that the thought of mashing grain has been calling to me.

I buy dog food at the feed store, and my eyes wander over to the cracked corn... :shifty:

I find myself fighting the urge to ask them, "Is this wheat in this bin right here, or is that barley?"

Yeah, a great hobby.
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Re: What a hobby

Post by Bushman »

I just put up 5 quarts of apple brandy but figure it will not age in time for this winter. But as I put the oak chips in the jars and each set up a little different to test which abv, what to use for cuts (apple cider, water, or combo), raisins, cinnamon sticks, etc. it got me thinking about my UJ and possibly experimenting with a couple infusions as well. Mind you I like the UJ but just thought it might be fun to experiment with small amounts. I am not big on the Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey sold as I think it is two strong but a hint of cinnamon might be nice!
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Re: What a hobby

Post by Bushmills »

Hey all, I'm new to this but very excited, the wife says obsessed, about this site and all it offers. I tend to jump into things with both feet so I have a sweet feed mash that should be ready for the still by the weekend as well as a sugar wash and a molasses wash fermenting since Monday.
This hobby is more than fun and I'm so greatful to the site and all involved in sharing thier wisdom.
Would like to know how the generations process works if anyone has a minute to explain. I wasn't able to find step by step and don't want to guess but I'd love to continue with my original sweet feed mash once the first run is out.
Reduce/ Reuse/Recycle. Right?
Thanks, Bushmills
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OBX Phantom
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Re: What a hobby

Post by OBX Phantom »

Basically each gen. comes from reusing the backset (whats left in the boiler) everytime you make a new mash. So in other words you make a mash run it, then use the backset in your next mash, run it then use that backset in your next mash, and so on. So each time you reuse it that is a generation
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Re: What a hobby

Post by Bushmills »

Thanks OBX. Just to be clear, you make a whole new mash and incorporate it into the backset? Same amount of ingredients, maybe a bit less water so as not to overfill carboy?
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Re: What a hobby

Post by Prairiepiss »

The UJSSM recipe thread goes over the generation process pretty good. The problem with sweetfeed is the molasses. Every generation will use up the small amount of molasses found on the grains. Where in the UJSSM recipe you only replace some of the grains. On a sweetfeed you would need to replace all of them. Or add back some molasses to get the same effect.

If I were to do a sweetfeed generation carry over thing. I would just collect some of the yeast cake. Toss everything else out prepare the next gen with backset sugar and new grain. Then pitch the yeast collected from the first generation. After it cools of course. But that's me.

The backset will vary over some of the rummyness from the molasses like dunder does. But not as much as new grain. You could play with it maybe only replacing 50% of the grain? 75%? What ever you want. Just remember the molasses is part of the flavor of a sweetfeed faux whiskey. So it needs to ne carried on to the next gen somehow.

Advice For newbies by a newbie.
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Re: What a hobby

Post by Bushmills »

Appreciate that Mr. Piss. Thanks.
Swill Maker
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Re: What a hobby

Post by midnightmaraude »

But what if the backset contains a good amount of tails you didn't get out? Wouldn't that contribute to killing hte yeast?
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