Just for a Smile

Little or nothing to do with distillation.

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Just for a Smile

Post by DreamBandit »

I KNOW it ain't Right, BUT, Tell me you Didn't have a slight Smile... :)

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Re: Just for a Smile

Post by pounsfos »

It's like that sometimes.
I'm not going to lie, this made me smile:)
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Re: Just for a Smile

Post by bellybuster »

thanks for the laugh. reminds me of The Little rascals and The Heman Woman Haters Club
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Re: Just for a Smile

Post by sambryans »

Haha awesome :D
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Re: Just for a Smile

Post by kekedog13 »

50 reasons why Whisky is better than women

1. Whisky smells good all the time

2. Whisky tastes good all the time

3. Whisky can not nag, moan or complain

4. Even expensive Whisky is generally cheaper than most women

5. Whisky doesn’t ask you to perform menial tasks around the house.

6. Whisky can not talk

7. Whisky can not make your ears bleed

8. Whisky can be ordered over the internet

9. Trying to buy women over the internet will almost certainly get you arrested, and rightly so.

10. Whisky only comes out of it’s storage place when you want it to, women come and go as they please.

11. Whisky never has a headache, migraine, tummy ache or other imaginary problem.

12. Whisky never gets PMT

13. Whisky never thinks that you are having an affair with another bottle of Whisky

14. Whisky, unlike women, does not go through the menopause

15. Whisky never drives your car without permission

16. Whisky doesn’t care if you smoke

17. Whisky doesn’t buy you horrible clothes and then guilt you in to wearing them

18 Whisky doesn’t want to talk for 4 or 5 hours about what happened that day

19. Whisky thinks that all of your jokes are funny

20. Whisky loves to hear about your youthful exploits

21. Whisky doesn’t want to buy new curtains on a yearly basis

22. Whisky doesn’t want to redecorate on a regular basis

23. Whisky doesn’t care if you enjoy the occasional cigar

24. Whisky doesn’t watch cooking shows on the telly while you want to watch the great escape.

25. Whisky looks better with age, women seldom do.

26. Whisky will never throw a telephone at you in a fit of rage.

27. Whisky smells great even if it hasn’t washed for a day or two.

28. Whisky will never spend two hours in the bathroom, unless it is put there.

29. Whisky never pesters you to wash the car or fix a shelf.

30. Whisky doesn’t care if you drink too much.

31. Whisky tastes as good today as it did 50 years ago, try keeping the same woman for 50 years!

32. I’d like to say quickly that I love my wife, just incase she is reading this.

33. Whisky doesn’t cry for no apparent reason

34. Whisky never guilts you in to hoovering the house

35. Whisky doesn’t take up the shared wardrobe and leaving you with room for two shirts and one pair of socks.

36. Whisky never nags you for expensive holidays to places you don’t want to go.

37. Whisky does not own 47 pairs of shoes.

38. Whisky thinks that £10 is enough for a handbag

39. If a bottle of whisky leaves you, it wont take half the house.

40. You can bury a bottle of Whisky in the garden without the police knocking at your door.

41. I really hope my wife is not reading this.

42. Whisky doesn’t care if you didn’t shower this morning, it still wants you,

43. Whisky bottles are collectable, collecting women is called polygamy and unfortunately is illegal

44. More than one wife, would that really be beneficial?

45. Whisky doesn’t change it’s flavour once it get’s married.

46. Whisky doesn’t get mad when you look at other women

47. Whisky doesn’t get mad if it catches you in bed with other women

48. I am struggling now…

49. Whisky doesn’t mind if you like to cross-dress on the weekends

50. Just for the record, I don’t cross-dress…. any more.

This list was created by http://www.whiskyshopstore.co.uk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" rel="nofollow
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Re: Just for a Smile

Post by MoonPie »

That made me laugh!
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