Home-distilling is legal where I am.

I have a real need for a continuous stripper and don't yet have a set design to frabricate ATM so everything is still up in the air.
From the other topics on this forum I have been able to glean bits & pieces of info on how it will come together. Here's what I'm aiming for right now:
1. Small boiler 4~6 liters, with a passive overflow port
2. Loosely-packed SS scrubies for packing. This will get flushed with water after every 200 liters of wash has been stripped
3. Wash is gravity-fed near the top of the packing. A small aquarium pump is also being considered aside from gravity-feed.
4. A means for regulating the wash flow rate will be installed. Needle valve to be used during the initial trials
5. Liebig condenser for condensing the vapor & preheating the wash
6. Another Liebig at the boiler overflow for further preheating the wash
Design goals:
1. Stripping rate: >10 liters of distillate @ 43% ABV per hour, from a 10% ABV sugar wash. Vapor temp ~93 deg C.
2. Maximum heat utilization (low fuel consumption)
3. Should be able to run by itself with minimal adjustments on the fly
4. Spent Wash at the bottom of the column should be <1% ABV
1. is a 3" x 3' column enough to strip the wash down to <1% ABV? I intentionally made it taller to give me a lot of leeway in adjusting for ABV at output & overflow, at high flow rates.
2. Is a 1" x 3' Liebig enough for the heat exchange expected?
3. Am I headed for disaster?
Sugar wash Recipe that I use:
For every 19 liters of wash......
White sugar - 4kgs
Panela - 0.5kg
Juice of 4 pcs Kalamansi
Active dry baker's yeast - 5 tbsp
Water to make 19 liters of wash
This wash ferments to dry in 6 days, minimal sediments, average temp here is now at 30~33 deg C; may need to use extra cooling during the hotter months of March~May
Thanks in advance for any inputs!