Sugar wash stopped early

Sugar, and all about sugar washes. Where the primary ingredient is sugar, and other things are just used as nutrients.

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Sugar wash stopped early

Post by oilguy »

So did a sugar wash today however had to stop midway and shut her down( doing spirit runs) 27 l of 40% low wines. Gonna fire up tomorrow where I left off, question I have is will there be any benefit to pour what I have run off so far back and
Rerun with the original, I have a 15 gallon keg pot still.
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Re: Sugar wash stopped early

Post by googe »

Depends if you like the product you got out of it already?, does it need runing again?, will the extra time/cost be worth running the first lot again. It's up to you in the end :)
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Re: Sugar wash stopped early

Post by Prairiepiss »

Well if we knew how much you collected. And how much is left in it. We mite could answer that.

But I would say. If you collected just the foreshots. Then no don't add it back in. Just start it up again and go.
Same for just a little heads.
If you got into the hearts. It mite be beneficial to add some of the late heads back in.
If you got into the tails. I wouldn't add anything back. Or maybe add the heads back in?

But again you haven't given us enough info to give you a good answer.

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