In Miami and Denver

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In Miami and Denver

Post by Odin »

Hi folks,

The mss. and I will fly out to Miami coming Wednesday. On Sunday we'll migrate to Denver, where we'll host two distillation courses in the two weeks to follow. If anyone is interested in sharing a few drinks and stories, let me know.

Regards, Odin.
"Great art is created only through diligent and painstaking effort to perfect and polish oneself." by Buddhist filosofer Daisaku Ikeda.
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Re: In Miami and Denver

Post by Honest_Liberty »

I'm in Denver. Bummer. I would have liked to attend. I am about a year too late :/
Sweetfeed 100 proof for drinking white
All grain bourbon for testing my patience
Whatever else is left goes to the Homefree, because, I hate waste
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