Community Spirits

Discussions of fruits, veggies and grains other then just mashing

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Community Spirits

Post by NorthWoodsAb »

Wasn't sure at first where or how to present this thought. As the end result will be an apple brandy, my first attempt at it, I figured this is as good a place as any.

So about 3 or 4 weeks ago I got a phone call from the owner of the local brew store asking me if I would be interested in making some apple brandy for another contact of hers. Now something you all will understand is digression with our hobby. I asked her who the person is, found out he is a retired local business man, in his 80's, I'd know this guy for almost 40 years but not we'll on a personal level. He had been a big community suporter in many ways over the years. Now I live in a small town over an hour from the next closest town and everyone knows everyone else on one level or another. I agreed that he could give me a call and we would discuss options.
I got a call from another fellow that helps the old boy out he told me the old boy had a couple of apple trees in his yard and hated to see the fruit go to waste, he also liked brandy and wanted to see if anyone local could make the conversion.
Knowing nothing about making cider or brandy I came here to the HD community read up several articles on the topic, built a cider press and ended up with about 30L of cider. Which tasted amazing right off the press.
30L isn't enough to charge my 100L still without risk of burning out an element. I called the brew store owner and asked if she knew anyone with a smaller boiler that would either loan/rent to me or would be willing to run after ferment was finished.
15 min later I get a phone call from a neighbour, says I can use his still, heading to a camp job for next 6 weeks and won't be needing it. The next day I looked out the kitchen window and there is a complete 8 gal still element controller and all sitting on the deck by my back door. I don't know this neighbour very well was blown away by the offer but he liked the idea of what we were up to for the old boy.
The whole point of relaying this is how we all connect in some way or another. Through brewing/stilling I'm part of this community where we share a common interest and information freely. Through a common interest for my home community I find out the guy 5 doors down also distills and is willing to drop it off at a back door on his way to work Sunday morning.
Cheers all.
PS I'll let you all know how the brandy turns out and if the old boy likes it.
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Re: Community Spirits

Post by subbrew »

Great story. Glad to see neighbors helping neighbors. Most of society has become too isolated.
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Re: Community Spirits

Post by Tx Mike »

That's awesome! The country could use a lot more of this.
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Re: Community Spirits

Post by NZChris »

That's very cool. :thumbup:
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Re: Community Spirits

Post by NorthWoodsAb »

Update on the Apple Brandy
So after ending up with barely 30L of cider, with a slightly lowered abv than I expected 1.040. I talked with the guy that assists the old boy about what they were looking for or expecting. I decided to add 5kg of molasses 2.5kg of cane sugar and top up the volume to 45L @ 1.073.
It fermented out nicely in 5 or 6 days. Let it settle for a few more days then cleared it.
Ran it this afternoon I was really impressed with the smell and taste, none of the initial harshness I get with my rum, the wife was shocked how smooth the hearts turned out, right off the still.
I did invite the old boy and his assistant to come out and see how it was done but both were tied up with other things. They did appreciate the offer.
I'm thinking that after 24 hr airing and some time on oak it is going to make a very nice dram.
Might have a decent Xmas bottle or 2 for the old boy.
Couldn't have done it without info from this group.
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Re: Community Spirits

Post by NorthWoodsAb »

Well for fuck sake, I feel like a heel.
I have been trying to connect with " The Od Boy", Dennis for a couple of months.. Wanted to give him the Brandy just before Christmas but he was out of town. Talked to him a couple of weeks ago said he'd been busy with things he'd let me know when to drop them off. Was down in basement earlier this evening saw the bottles thought I have to get hold of Dennis when I go on days off, on Thursday, and get this to him.
Open my Facebook about an hour ago and find out he'd passed away "after a brief illness'.
I think I'm going to have these bottles for a long time.
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Re: Community Spirits

Post by Twisted Brick »

Sorry you lost Dennis before you could give him the brandy. Maybe you and the wife could get together with the brew store owner, Dennis' assistant and the neighbor who loaned you the still and honor Dennis with a wee toast.
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Re: Community Spirits

Post by rubberduck71 »

Twisted Brick wrote: Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:08 pm Sorry you lost Dennis before you could give him the brandy. Maybe you and the wife could get together with the brew store owner, Dennis' assistant and the neighbor who loaned you the still and honor Dennis with a wee toast.
+1 to that and/or maybe some for his offspring, if you can find them? I'm sure they'd love the story and appreciate a "spirit" to honor his.
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Re: Community Spirits

Post by Sporacle »

That's a shame North Woods, was really keen to see how it all turned out. Hopefully some connection can still be made :thumbup:
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Re: Community Spirits

Post by jonnys_spirit »

Yes definitely share some in his honor. Maybe find his grave and pour him a dram or even a 750.
i prefer my mash shaken, not stirred
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Re: Community Spirits

Post by NorthWoodsAb »

Thanks guys, that is exactly what I plan to do. I'll be attending his funeral, give a bottle to Pat, the buddy, my Brew Store owner and her guy, (the guy that dropped off the still) and Wendy the widow. I just wish Dennis had a chance to try it. I talked to him on the phone 2 - 2.5 weeks ago. Just couldn't hook up at mutual times to meet up that worked for both of us.
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