Re distiling aged whiskey? Anybody did it?

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Re distiling aged whiskey? Anybody did it?

Post by brewmaster2014 »

So this is what happened, I feel bit stupid about it ,but hey you burn uou learn.
Last year I made few whiskeys,some peated,some not,some 100% rye,all of them were distilled in pot still only 1 time,now 1 year later some got really nice ,smooth and beautiful flavor. I had few the other night,and man,the next day I thought my head will explode!! As I do more reaserch I see that too much heads and tails in final product will do this to you, nit to mention only 1 distillation will not do great job in separation of different fractions.
So now 1 year later ,I'm thinking of just putting it all back to my still and run it 2 ND or maybe even 3 time to clean it up more .
What's your thoughts- experience with this? Cheers
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Re: Re distiling aged whiskey? Anybody did it?

Post by Ben »

Water it down to <40% (<30% might give you better separation for cuts) and go to town, run it slow. It will be fine.
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Re: Re distiling aged whiskey? Anybody did it?

Post by OtisT »

I’ve done it several times, to address bad cuts and to try and salvage some so so experiment jars. Nothing odd to report, it works just fine. Just dilute and run slow. Some of the oak flavor will remain in your newly distilled product, though all the color will be gone. What I redistilled I put right back into the same barrels for more aging.

I’ve done this with two Badmo barrels of peated whiskey and one Badmo barrel of single malt. All three are aging out nicely now. My cut issue was too much tails, so on the redistillations I only took a very small heads cut but I cut out quite a bit of tails.

I did a few other batches like this, one containing many different experiment jars of whiskey and another run that was from a lot of experimental jars of rum. With those, I threw out any jars that offended by nose or taste buds (acrid smell/tastes mostly) then resdistilled the rest with small heads and tail cuts. Those are aging in some used Badmo barrels and the jury is still out on the results.

Best of luck to you.

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Re: Re distiling aged whiskey? Anybody did it?

Post by brewmaster2014 »

Ok ,thanks guys ,it makes me feel better,now I'm curious to see what will it come out like! Cheers everyone
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Re: Re distiling aged whiskey? Anybody did it?

Post by NZChris »

Don’t dilute it with water, make some fresh wash to dilute it with. Knock it down to around 25-30%.
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