Blueberry Pie Moonshine

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Blueberry Pie Moonshine

Post by sadie33 »

I made my first batch of moonshine the other day and decided to turn it into blueberry pie moonshine. A couple people asked me for the recipe. This is my own recipe and I'm sure I will change it in time ( I don't think anyone gets it right the first time) :wink: Please keep in mind I have NEVER done anything like this-I just copied my blueberry pie recipe a bit,

This is what I did:
4 cups frozen blueberries
4 cups moonshine (mine was 78%)
about 4 cups of water for dilution
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 teaspoons peach snaps
1/2 teaspoon vanilla (I make my own with rum)

1. I thawed my blue berries in the microwave.
2. Put thawed blue berries in a pot on the stove and muddle them.
3. Add sugars and bring to a simmer, stirring often
4. Add spices
5. Simmer 1 minute
6. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla and peach snaps
7. Let cool a bit and add moonshine
8. Add water to dilute to your liking
9. I stir it every day and tasted to see if flavor got stronger
10. I noticed improvement until day 4 then didn't notice any change.
11. I also ended up adding about an ounce of some of my moonshine I had sitting on whole spices (1 cinnamon stick, 6 whole cloves, 4 whole all spice) in a pint jar. I added to only 1 jar incase it was too strong and I like it. I liked it better with the spice moonshine added :thumbup:

Here is a picture of my blueberry moonshine and the spiced moonshine I added to one batch and will be adding to the other batch as well.
blueberry moonshine #1.JPG
spiced moonshine.JPG