All you need to know are these three parameter values:
1. Pot ABV ( % )
2. Pot Wattage ( KW )
3. Distillate Flow Rate, D ( L/hr )
Step 1
You know the pot starting ABV and the KW you are running at, and you measure the distillate flow rate D early in the run. Then go to this chart to get the Vapor Flow up the column ( V ) in L/hr.
Step 2
From the V value - subtract the Distillate flow D to get the Liquid flow down the column L in L/hr.
L = V - D
Step 3
Divide L by D to get the Reflux Ratio RR;
RR = L/D
The pot charge is 30% ABV and pot heating is set at 3000 watts ( 3 KW) after heads are taken. You measure the distillate flow D at 2 L/hr at the start of hearts. You are still probably close to 30% ABV in the pot.
So, from the chart, we get V = 8 L/hr.
So, L = V - D = 8 - 2 = 6 L/hr
And, RR = L/D = 6/2 = 3
During the run:
Now, the pot ABV % will change during the run, so it is best to do this just after the heads are taken. During a run, from an accurate pot temperature measurement you can get an estimate of the ABV %, so use that ABV % in the chart to lookup the new V value and the possible change in RR depending on the D value. Here is a Pot ABV % vs Pot Temperature chart for getting RR later in the run.
You can get a hard copy of the above charts by clicking on them, then do a Control-P to print them out. Keep the copies by your still and a quick RR can be done whenever you measure the distillate rate and estimate the pot ABV %.
So, I hope many reflux column distillers try this method and report back on its accuracy and use. Of course, the product ABV% is the most important parameter, but this may help you get the result you want.

For Advanced Study
A side benefit of the two charts could be to determine the pot power ( watts ) to set during a run to keep V constant. So, you find the V rate at 8 L/hr early in the run ( at 3KW ). Then, later in the run, the pot does down from 30% ABV to 15% ABV as seen from the pot temperature of 90.6 C. So you go to the first chart and see that at 15% ABV and V at 8 L/hr the power would need to be 4.5 KW. Doing this at several intervals, say every 5% change in ABV could let you vary the power to keep RR constant keeping the D at the initial value, 2 L/hr.
Anybody understand this advanced study? Do you see it in your runs? Is it valid?
Not making changes in the pot watts ( KW ) or RC settings ( to get a set D flow rate ) is done in many ( most? ) run operations. Both V and D can decrease with run time. Maybe RR stays constant or increases. You can estimate the RR with the two charts using the current values of the three parameters, Pot ABV%, KW and D.
You know the Pot wattage and KW when using an electrical heating element. But with a gas burner, you have to make your best estimate of the effective watts ( KW ) used.