MARASCHINO FROM ZADAR is not only the original product of Dalmatian and Mediterranean climate, it is a symbol of economic wisdom, centuries old experiences, persistency and of affection of the Dalmatian countryman towards his Karst.
In peace and quietness of Zadar Dominican monastery,in Zadar, Croatia, at the beginning of 16th century, the recipe of authentic Zadar liqueur was made and noted, liqueur which for the first time was prepared just by the apothecaries of the Dominican monastery. Special and full flavored liqueur was known under the name of “ROSOLJ” (it came from the word “ros solis”- “the sun dew”). Later on, this liqueur was named MARASCHINO, as it was produced from the essence of ripe fruits of Dalmatian cherry marasca as well as from the leaves of its sprigs. At the beginning, this noble liqueur of delicate taste to which even medicinal effects were attributed, was available only to some privileged. With the appearance of the first manufactural distillers at Zadar in the 17th century (Rota, Mola and Calcengio), the secret of Maraschino taste could be spread.
In 18th century when Zadar started in the industrial production of liqueurs, Maraschino set out from Zadar and “sailed” into every more important European ports and metropolis. Soon it was accepted and favoured by all European courts (Viennesse, Berlin, English court, Bavarian, Italian, Belgium, and Danish court) and later on Maraschino spread to America, Canada, Australia, South America and to the South Africa.
Maraschino was admired even by one of the biggest conqueror of the 19th century, Napoleon Bonaparte who specially enjoyed it after dinner or supper. The French kings, Louis XVIII, Charles X and Louis Philippe as well as the Czar of Russia Nicholas I admired Maraschino too. The British king George IV sent to Zadar the military fleet for taking a hundred of Maraschino cases for the Royal court at London and for the governors of Malta and Corfu. In 1871 on the request of the English queen Victoria, Maraschino was loaded on the English ships at Zadar port. In 1887, namely on September 26th, on his way through Zadar, the Prince of Wales who later become the King George V, personally visited Zadar liqueur factory and on that occasion ordered a considerable quantity of the famous Zadar speciality.
During its five centuries Maraschino from Zadar has been and still remains a drink of elite. It was consumed by world famous lovers as Casanova, by army leaders as Napoleone Bonaparte, by the classics from film and literature as Hitchcock and Baudlaire, world famous artists and singers. It was consumed on the first and very last voyage of legendary Titanic.
To the satisfaction of respectful and erudited persons, up to the most successful business men of the contemporary world and to the pride of the city of Zadar and of Croatian economy, today MARASCHINO FROM ZADAR has still been produced in its native city, at MARASKA – ZADAR, Croatia following the traditional recipe from the beginning of the 16th century, namely from small but rich Dalmatian cherry marasca.