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Louis Pasteur's Experiment

Process for heating food or liquid in order to kill off microbes and prevent spoilage.

From Wikipedia:

A... method was developed by the French chemist Louis Pasteur during an 1864 summer holiday in Arbois. To remedy the frequent acidity of the local wines, he found out experimentally that it is sufficient to heat a young wine to only about 50–60°C (122–140°F) for a brief time to kill the microbes, and that the wine could subsequently be aged without sacrificing the final quality. In honor of Pasteur, the process became known as "pasteurization". Pasteurization was originally used as a way of preventing wine and beer from souring, and it would be many years before milk was pasteurized. In the United States in the 1870s, it was common for milk to contain substances intended to mask spoilage before milk was regulated.