Pot Still Purity
For Pot stills: Calculate start up time and collection rate/time for a volume of wash and given heat source.
Pot Calc (v2)
Not currently working
Reflux Still Sizing & Purity
For Relux stills: Calculate start up time and collection rate/time for a volume of wash and given heat source. Includes variations for different packing types.
EtOH Temp Conv Calc
Correct ABV calculations for temp when using a spirit hydrometer.
Height Equivalent of Theoretical Plate (HETP) for packed columns. Includes variations for different packing types.
Reflux Heat and Mass Balance
Lets you model the heat and mass balances around a typical 4 plate column.
Condenser Size
Calculate the size of condenser for a given heat source. Good for building your still.
Product Dilute Calc
Dilution calculator. Useful when diluting your product to drinking strength.
Calcs from Rad14701
Sugar Wash Calculator - Alcohol Content of the Wash - Distillate To Water Calculator - Dilution Calculator - Temperature Converter - Heating Time To Temp - Vapor Speed Calculator - Dilution Water Calculator
Acidity Calc
Calculate the amount of citric acid to get desired pH for mashing
Alcohol Content Calc
Calculate the ABV% of your wash using the Specific Gravity
Alcohol Yield Calc
Calculate expected alcohol yield from a given amount of sugar in a sugar wash
Specific Gravity of sugar Wash
Input how much sugar to get an expected ABV
Equation Details
Not a calculator but describes the calculators and their equations
Physical Properties
collection of Ethanol-Water physical properties - Vapour Pressure at specific temp - Vaporization temp - Surface tension at temp - Equilibrium Data - Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium - Boil Temperature - Boiling point of ethanol at ABV -
Unit Conversion Calculations
KW to BTU - Metric to Imperial (Mass, Volume, Length, Temp) - Sugar Concentration
Blood Alcohol Content
Calculate your Blood Alcohol Content based on your gender, weight, and amount consumed