Espresso-Laced Vodka

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Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by lacedspirits »

I tried to post this in the "Tried & True Recipes" section but apparently I can't post there so here it is. I work @ a micro distillery in Michigan and this is by far our most popular spirit. Here it is.

Espresso Infused Vodka

1. 500mL Vodka; 100 proof
2. 250mL cup Espresso
3. 1 lb Sugar
4. 1 bean Vanilla, Split or 1 tsp of Vanilla Extract

1. Heat espresso and slowly incorporate sugar.
2. Let cool to room tempurature.
3. Add vodka and stir.
4. Pour mixture into large jar and add Vanilla bean/Vanilla Extract.
5. Let age 6 days, shaking every-other day.
6. Strain/Filter and bottle.

I've found that the wire mesh coffee filters do the best job. If you don't have an espresso maker at your house, just stop by your local coffee shop and pick up a cup. 250mL roughly equals 8oz. The finished spirit makes killer white russians and is great just on the rocks! Nostrovia!

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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by kiwistiller »

I'll make some and comment on it (I get lots of really good coffee beans very cheap), if lots of people agree that it is the mutt's nuts then you'll get to tried and true :)

No recipe notes?

Also, more details on your micro distillery? We'd love to hear about it... I presume you're legal and therefore can talk about it...

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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by kiwistiller »

mmmm espresso. smells good so far. will do a comparison after to the normal faux kahlua I've made before.

Edit - early results are very promising. Flavour and aroma are nicer than doing a cold maceration, to my tastes anyway. will have to sese how it ages up. I know definitions around coffee vary from place to place, so for clarification I basically made short blacks (espresso shots) until I had 250ml. well actually I used a bit extra, because I felt I'd over extracted one of the shots. chucked it in to the mixing pot straight out of the machine, crema and all, meant I didn't have to reboil the coffee or apply too much heat to disolve the sugar, I reckon something funny happens to coffee when reheated. Used a medium roast of Timor single origin organic. Used raw sugar & natural vanilla essence w/ seeds. Added a touch of glycerine. Tastes outstanding so far.
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by SMOKEU »

If I wanted to use ordinary filter coffee, how many dessert spoons of coffee would I need to use?
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by northcountry »

Sounds good. Also roast with organic and like a breakfast blend-italian roast (nicaraguan), with full city (bolivian). Will use vanilla extract, forgo the filtering, and see how it goes.
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by kiwistiller »

SMOKEU wrote:If I wanted to use ordinary filter coffee, how many dessert spoons of coffee would I need to use?
Personally I don't reckon this would work with a filter / plunger. I can't get it as concentrated and strong as with a proper machine. you might be better off using one of the other coffee recipes, it's discussed a bit in 'taters kahlua', tried and true. If you press on with this one, I would use heaps of coffee in a plunger, and not much water, and a very quick plunge, to try and get as close as possible to an espresso shot. Then repeat til you have enough. the other recipes will probably get you better value out of your coffee though. Where in NZ are you again? you can borrow my machine if you are in aucks.
northcountry wrote:Will use vanilla extract, forgo the filtering, and see how it goes.
I didn't filter. I don't mind if some stuff settles on the bottom. I couldn't wait and mixed myself a black russian last night. it was awesome.
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by blanikdog »

Bloody hell!!! I'm trying to ease off a bit on my 'production line' as I'm building up too much stock in the aging room (under the house) and I keep reading more and more interesting recipes to try.

This has to stop!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by LWTCS »

blanikdog wrote:This has to stop!!!!!!
Thats just crazy talk :wink:
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by blanikdog »

Phew, thanks Larry. Just the confirmation I was looking for. :esmile:

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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by SMOKEU »

kiwistiller wrote:
SMOKEU wrote: Where in NZ are you again? you can borrow my machine if you are in aucks.
I appreciate your offer, I'm in Christchurch though.
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by lacedspirits »

I don't find it dishonorable to buy your espresso at a cafe/coffee shop. However, if you use coffee, you may lose your place in heaven.
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by Slow & Steady »

Lasedspirits, thank you for the fine recipe. I started making it last weekend and I just tried it... really nice expresso flavor. I put a dusting of cinamin on top of a White Russian and it was the perfect Chill-Thrill-Cappacino. So easy to make. This bottle goes right up by my Mocha Liquor. Thanks Again!!

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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by kiwistiller »

Yeah I'm really enjoying this stuff. It isn't like a kahlua clone, but more of a pure coffee experience than the mix of flavours...

What's the mocha recipe?
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by Slow & Steady »

kiwistiller wrote:What's the mocha recipe?
Mocha Liquoir

At the same time your are making 2 liters of a Kailua Liqueur make this to add after filtering the Kailua. I bet the Espresso-Laced Vodka would work as a replacement for the Kailua.

1 cup of Cocoa powder
1.5 cup of water
1 quart of 70% ABV neutral

Heat cocoa and water in a stainless steel pot, while stirring, on stove top but do not boil, just bring it to a near boil.
Place a lid on the pot and allow chocolate mixture to cool.
Put chocolate mixture and neutral into a 1/2 gallon jar with a tight sealing lid. Shake once a day for seven days then let mixture settle for seven days.
Pore settled liquid through a coffee strainer. The cocoa solids plug up a filter really badly and that is why you let it settle for seven days... that and you are letting the flavor extract completely.
Now add the extract to your Kailua and you have Mocha Liqueur!!!

Make a White Russian of this with a dusting of cinnamon and you have a Chilled Mocha-chino :D .

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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by kiwistiller »

Awesome :) thanks SS
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by Tater »

I use a pot still.Sometimes with a thumper
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by ScottishBoy »

blanikdog wrote:Bloody hell!!! I'm trying to ease off a bit on my 'production line' as I'm building up too much stock in the aging room (under the house) and I keep reading more and more interesting recipes to try.

This has to stop!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by Slow & Steady »

Not Plane or train or even frog... it's plain to see, there goes BlanikDog!!!

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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by mjstorm »

Very good recipe written lacedspirits.
This cocktail is called "Black Russian". It is delicious.
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We use strong coffee in this recipe, but without the caffeine! This is important!
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by guittarmaster »

:shock: :shock: :shock: coffee vodka!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
I was going to do a potato vodka next... but this will replace it! I cannot wait!
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by kiwistiller »

I can confirm that this recipe is awesome. even better after it has been left to rest for a month or so (the nose mellows out and becomes more pleasant in my stuff). Anyone else been making it?
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by guittarmaster »

move aside StarBucks liqueur! Awesome recipe! I'ld put up against Van Gogh double espresso vodka!
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by kiwistiller »

So who else has done this? IMHO it's tried and true.
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by blind drunk »

How's it different from Kahlua? bd.
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by kiwistiller »

It's the espresso... It just tastes better. This stuff tasted better than 18 month old stuff (from the tiamaria/kahlua thread in t&t) after about 3 weeks. And it's only gotten better. I fed some to a couple of guests the other days, and they immediately wanted to know how much I had, and how much I wanted for it :shock: :shock: :shock: Had to tell them that it didn't really work like that.
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by kiwistiller »

Also, no honey or other spices, depending on your kahlua recipe.
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by blind drunk »

Sounds good, I'll have to try it, new espresso machine and all ... . It's probably like an espresso corretto, but with vodka and not grappa ... and sweetened some. Yummy. bd.
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by treka »

I made a batch of this about a week ago. Started with birdwatchers vodka and real vanilla bean. Had a small sample last night and its good. will leave it aging for a while longer then filter out the vanilla bean. The vodka was my second ever wash so I'm pretty new to this and it has a faint smell about it which I don't like and you can still just pick that up along with the strong coffee smell but its dissipating so I'm hoping it will improve with time - This of course is not the recipes fault :) I'll definitely make this again.
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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by hstuurman »

I like this recipe, gonna try it soon.
Did some calculations, should be about a little more then 1 litre (without filterlost), 24%ABV an 43% sugarpercentage.

I think 43% is rather sweet, do you use realy that much sugar, and does it tast that sweet?

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Re: Espresso-Laced Vodka

Post by kiwistiller »

I make it slightly drier and slightly stronger in alcohol by adding more coffee and stronger neutral.
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