Samohon wrote:gavin wrote:And this of course was after 1 run only. I can well imagine that after two runs this distillate would be very clean.
Hi gavin, I've never done a single run on BW with my VM. Most of the neutral guy's here on HD strip the wash and gather the low wines produced to make a big spirit run.
Iv'e never went down the turbo yeast road but a friend has, distilling twice, (
2nd time with 1L of milk to 10L low wines), Carbon filtering, ect;
Turned out quite clean smelling and tasting, but there was a little something there that I only ever tasted in cheap vodka.
Then he tried mine made with BW's recipe, he said it was night and day.
Keep the SG @ 1.080, temps between 24C - 30C, plenty of headroom in your fermenter and don't stir the yeast into the wash, let it sit on top.
I promise you won't flunk it. Works for me everytime...
I'd love to know the results from a professional chemical analysis done on your neutral...
Keep us posted man, hope this helps...
That is very helpful, especially the direct comparison between the turbo and the BW. Although the milk kinda throws a variable in there! What was the reason for the milk?
The "little something there" that you mention is I suspect what I'm noting in my turbo results, clean but not spotless when compared to a high quality vodka.
For interests sake I threw my birdwatchers distillate back through the carbon last night, and I just checked it before comming in for lunch. It hasn't changed it one bit, the taste/odor is still there.
Weird really, the birdwatchers was definatly cleaner than the turbo at 94% straight out of the still after one run, and even after dillution to 40%. Yet after going thru the carbon the turbo stuff seems noticibly cleaner (emphasis on seems at this stage!) .
I certainly take on board what you say though about single runs not being the norm for neutral, and that a second run on both may well change those results around completely.
Even though I don't think I went too far wrong with the actual recipe, I may chuck another BW wash down exactly as you have outlined just to be sure. One thing I am wondering about is that none of my washes ever ferment out as fast (including the turbos) as what they are stated to. They all ferment out to .990 or better, but all take longer that what others are claiming. For example my BW took 12days, and I currently have one of rads all bran wash which was pretty well followed to the T, has been sitting at 26deg solid, but is only just dropping past .995 now after a week even though it was started at quite a lowish SG.
I'm not complaining about the time frames, just noticing they are considerably longer that what others are stating. This makes me wonder about my water? (rain water)