airhill wrote:Actually I think " The village idiot" was a good title for you; I can't understand why it was changed

. I am happy with "Swill Maker".
Unless Dingo was actually a troll, he copped a lot of flack for asking questions in other threads; and I am sure an aeon is less than five months if you'r a potstiller
I believe in giving everyone an equal chance; if they have a gripe they should be able to express it without recrimination.
I would suggest everyone look up the difference between Mentor and Critic; my interpretation is from caring teacher to a paid slut.

not quiet sure how to take that,, but sence theres a

at the end of it,,, i recon it was just a light hearted poke

what was the guys question anyways?
most of the time, the shit just gets dished out to the newbies because of (A) as of anything in life,, when your new, people are gonna test you. (if some one has found a "happy place" where life is just grand let me know) but until then,, its just human nature. it hapens everywhere,,,, yes, even on the internet.
and (B), heres a comon senerio,,, " hi, im jo blow, been lurking for a few months now, and thought that i should post. my first question is ,,,,, where should i put the rubber bung on my potstill for the thermometer?" WELLLLLLLLLLLLLL thatsbullshit. if they have been lurking for even just for a few days, you should know the answers to both.
iv been flamed more than once here, as im sure that most have, but i aint crying about it..
suck it up people. if you dont get the answer your looking for, so what,,,,, ask another and EVENTUALY, if your question really is that important to you, youll stumble across it on the way.
i dont give out info, because i know little, hell,, i just try to throw up a funny pic now and then,, or crack a joke to lighten things up,,, but some of these fellas got more years on a still than i got candles on my birthday cake.
they dont owe ME,, or anybody else shit,, so i apricate what they do here. some people just think that everything should be handed to them...
ok,, im done