well not too many replys on this but i see a lot of people reading so here goes some more on this project,,,,, total success!!! i just ran the shit outta it,,,, filled the keg with 10 gallons of 56 degree f well water and another 5 gallons went into the boiler section. i wired up the controls 24 volt and just mounted the contactor and transformer to a chunk of wood,,, i'll be picking up a handy box tomorrow to mount everything in,,, so 24 volts out from the transformers up to the controls on the boiler then back down to the contactor,, the contactor pulls in putting 220 volts to the element,, when it hit 13 psi one of the boiler controls opens its circuit and kills power to the contactor killing power to the element,, a 4 pound differential closes the circuit when the pressure drops to 9 psi,,, and it heats up again,,, pretty simple.. i found that it took a hour to get the keg to boil and then the boiler hit 13 psi,,, i see no need to run any higher pressures in the boiler as i had a rolling boil in the keg.. and the boiler never hits 13 psi until the keg is at temp as well,, i guess the kegs so cold its actually condensing the steam right back to water preventing pressure build up until it heats up as well.. but a hour isn't bad getting 10 gallons to boil from 56 degrees. i'm only running a 4500 watt element in it for now.. hers a few pics,, kinda boring as theirs no still head on the keg but you can see steam coming out of it,,

now the pressure gauge has both pressure and a vacuum scale,, after a few hours the gauge should be reading a vacume as the water cools off,,,
death is inevitable ,,, but its also only the beginning..