+1 - it aint rocket science. Seems that the biggest issue with the recipe is them damned pellets. Wish they could move something about that into post # 2 - would save folks a lot of grief and cut down on a lot of questions to the thread.victn wrote:I have read this thread at least two times when it was 132 pages, some of it more than that, and can not understand all the trouble that people are having, just go to the first page and there is your answer to most your questions, follow the recipe, and you can not go wrong, then you can play with it to suit your own taste, is very simple.....and by the way, here is some that has been aged maybe about 5 minutes and the people that have tasted it like it very much, have tried the oak chips aging also, they seem to like this one the better lol this is a great thread except for all the same questions over and over about which sweetfeed to use etc.... and don't worry so much about all the measurements, this is not rocket science, just put some together, when it gets done, run it, i usually toss about one pint at the start, just my two cents worth on this, it makes a great drink