sweetfeed whisky

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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by S-Cackalacky »

victn wrote:
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I have read this thread at least two times when it was 132 pages, some of it more than that, and can not understand all the trouble that people are having, just go to the first page and there is your answer to most your questions, follow the recipe, and you can not go wrong, then you can play with it to suit your own taste, is very simple.....and by the way, here is some that has been aged maybe about 5 minutes and the people that have tasted it like it very much, have tried the oak chips aging also, they seem to like this one the better lol this is a great thread except for all the same questions over and over about which sweetfeed to use etc.... and don't worry so much about all the measurements, this is not rocket science, just put some together, when it gets done, run it, i usually toss about one pint at the start, just my two cents worth on this, it makes a great drink :)
+1 - it aint rocket science. Seems that the biggest issue with the recipe is them damned pellets. Wish they could move something about that into post # 2 - would save folks a lot of grief and cut down on a lot of questions to the thread.

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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Due51 »

I stripped Gen 3 this morning and began fermenting Gen 4. I now have 2 gallons of 60% low wines which I'm considering diluting to 40% and running through the reflux still.

I've experienced very rapid ferments with Gen 2 & 3 - less than a week to get under 1.000. I'm not bothering to let it clear that much. Turn and burn.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Coyote »

Due51 wrote "Turn and burn"

I have said it before

Speed & Greed have no place in this hobby

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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by SoMo »

The first person to give me a jar of secret recipe"Tennessee white" tried my heart of the hearts sweet feed with a bit of strawberry panty dropper and said it was the best he'd ever had and that recipe couldn't be beat. I pass that compliment to all of you who helped make it. Kudos to HD and all the people helping to make the magic. Can't be beat!!! Melloman
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Deezil »

Im still waiting for mine to quit bubbling and clear, been a week and its still not done.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by SoMo »

I'm gonna let you guys in on a farm secret two kinds of sweet feed where I buy, 50/50 with pellets, all grain without pellets. They are listed as 50/50 and all grain sweet feed. It helps if there's some kind of manure on your boots. Melloman.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Chroi »

Deezil wrote:Im still waiting for mine to quit bubbling and clear, been a week and its still not done.
if the airlock isn't moving, those bubbles are co2 trapped in the trub. Take a hydrometer reading and give it a taste.

If the airlock is still bubbling, leave it be :D
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Deezil »

Chroi wrote:
Deezil wrote:Im still waiting for mine to quit bubbling and clear, been a week and its still not done.
if the airlock isn't moving, those bubbles are co2 trapped in the trub. Take a hydrometer reading and give it a taste.

If the airlock is still bubbling, leave it be :D
The air that does come out smells like beer, that much I know, airlock isnt really bubbling much like it used to, its pretty much stopped, but its far from clear yet, I tried to rack it into a carboy but its pretty thick yet.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Deezil »

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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Deezil »

New batch. No pellets
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by FloridaShine »

Hi fellow distillers!
I started to try out some Rye Whiskeys, and loving them, I bought Bulleit 95 Rye Small Batch Whiskey.
Loved it! So its 95% Rye. dont know the other 10% Maybe Barley or corn. I would be using flaked rye and barley or flaked corn!

Also today found a bottle of Templeton Rye Small Batch at 44.95 Really hard to find here on the Panhandle of Florida
I made Uncle Jesse's Sour MAsh that came out great last year aging in JD charred wood. nice color and taste.
Has anyone tried making High percentage of Rye, like 95%.
My question to yáll would you make it like traditional corn mash heating up and adding barley for the starch conversion.
Or add sugar, like the sweetfeed or corn recipe's and adding yeast starter after temp is cooled.
So if anyone know of a Straight Rye whiskey for a 6 or 10 gallon run. Let me know
Thanks everyone!

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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Rivver »


Uhhhh, couple things here....Not to be an ass, but your post about 95% rye whiskey is a bit misplaced in the "Sweetfeed Thread", best to start a new thread or find one about rye whiskey. Second, you are giving away way too much info about yourself and location. From one post I can tell you are in the panhandle of Florida (close to Miramar Beach) and your first name is Dennis. This is all info we don't really need to know but the Feds would love to know.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Jimbo »

Agreed Rivver, Ill be snipping that into its own thread in recipe development. Soon as I figure out how..... new to this mod biz
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Halfbaked »

Rivver wrote:Floridashine,

Uhhhh, couple things here....Not to be an ass, but your post about 95% rye whiskey is a bit misplaced in the "Sweetfeed Thread", best to start a new thread or find one about rye whiskey. Second, you are giving away way too much info about yourself and location. From one post I can tell you are in the panhandle of Florida (close to Miramar Beach) and your first name is Dennis. This is all info we don't really need to know but the Feds would love to know.

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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by grizz »

I started my sweetfeed batch on sunday and the sg read 1.09 and finished thursday at .990. Cant wait to run it :D
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Full_moon »

Deezil wrote:Im still waiting for mine to quit bubbling and clear, been a week and its still not done.
Tomorrow I run gen.3

My 1st two acted as yours did. I tasted a beer, slightly sour and it tested .995 and .996. Both were really good.

My Gen 3 is an occasional bubble. I could run it today, havn't tested it, but bet its ready to go, however tomorrow. I have the time.

I bet yours is ready also.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Truckinbutch »

I envy you quick finish guys . Got 2 gen #3 ferments that were set 12/18/13 and 12/25/13 that haven't finished yet . Have never had a 40 gallon ferment finish in a week .
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Due51 »

A month ago, I did a spirit run of my first two strips of sweetfeed whiskey. I put 1 quart on Jack Daniels barrel stave smoking blocks and 1 quart I left white. After a month, I hate the quart on oak, but the white has a wonderful aroma with hints of vanilla. Go figure.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by S-Cackalacky »

Due51 wrote:A month ago, I did a spirit run of my first two strips of sweetfeed whiskey. I put 1 quart on Jack Daniels barrel stave smoking blocks and 1 quart I left white. After a month, I hate the quart on oak, but the white has a wonderful aroma with hints of vanilla. Go figure.
Well, if the white suits your taste, you won't have to be messin' with oak anymore. Even with the white, try setting some aside for a few weeks (or months), remove the lid now and then to let it breathe a little, and after a while see if you taste any difference.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Full_moon »

[quote="Due51"]A month ago, I did a spirit run of my first two strips of sweetfeed whiskey. I put 1 quart on Jack Daniels barrel stave smoking blocks and 1 quart I left white. After a month, I hate the quart on oak, but the white has a wonderful aroma with hints of vanilla. Go figure.[/quoteI

I'm with you, aged some with JD chips and prefer the white also. Aged on chips about 12 days, thought it tasted better when it had aged about a week.
Cant say my aged SF is not good, just the white is better.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Truckinbutch »

Only way I know of to rush aging is with a microwave . Not the same as time but does make drastic changes in a couple days . If ya wanted it yesterday , you should have ordered it 10 years ago .
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Fastill »

Rctime wrote:
Due51 wrote:A month ago, I did a spirit run of my first two strips of sweetfeed whiskey. I put 1 quart on Jack Daniels barrel stave smoking blocks and 1 quart I left white. After a month, I hate the quart on oak, but the white has a wonderful aroma with hints of vanilla. Go figure.[/quoteI

I'm with you, aged some with JD chips and prefer the white also. Aged on chips about 12 days, thought it tasted better when it had aged about a week.
Cant say my aged SF is not good, just the white is better.
Give it a year or 2 on oak, that will change your mind.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by nerdybrewer »

I have read some of this thread including the first few and past few pages.
I have a 15.5 gallon keg and a 2 foot long by 2 inch diameter column that angles to a 26" Liebig condenser.
It's ready to go and I have an AB sugar wash that should be ready to run this weekend.

I am interested in making this sweetfeed recipe next, so as a newbie who has a lot (almost 37 years) of brewing (all grain, partial grain, all malt syrup, mead, wine, grew my own hops and all that) experience behind him what are the greatest pitfalls I should avoid?

I know from reading this thread what kind of sweetfeed to look for, I might also mention I worked as a dairy hand from the time I was 10 until the age of 19 when I decided there just had to be a "better" way to earn a living.
That's to say I am a bit familiar with animal feed, have smelled and tasted it and know at least what to expect.

Now to translate my previous experiences into this new one of making sweetfeed liquor.

So - no pellets, watch out for preservatives and other chemicals (I already read all my food labels as well as the labels for my animals).
I like the idea of being able to brew generations of this stuff seems like a fun thing.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Chroi »

nerdybrewer wrote:I have read some of this thread including the first few and past few pages.
I have a 15.5 gallon keg and a 2 foot long by 2 inch diameter column that angles to a 26" Liebig condenser.
It's ready to go and I have an AB sugar wash that should be ready to run this weekend.

I am interested in making this sweetfeed recipe next, so as a newbie who has a lot (almost 37 years) of brewing (all grain, partial grain, all malt syrup, mead, wine, grew my own hops and all that) experience behind him what are the greatest pitfalls I should avoid?

I know from reading this thread what kind of sweetfeed to look for, I might also mention I worked as a dairy hand from the time I was 10 until the age of 19 when I decided there just had to be a "better" way to earn a living.
That's to say I am a bit familiar with animal feed, have smelled and tasted it and know at least what to expect.

Now to translate my previous experiences into this new one of making sweetfeed liquor.

So - no pellets, watch out for preservatives and other chemicals (I already read all my food labels as well as the labels for my animals).
I like the idea of being able to brew generations of this stuff seems like a fun thing.
Speaking only for myself, I thought I really liked sweetfeed, until I tried UJSSM. Cheaper, just as simple, yields a better product.

That said with your experience I'd take a look at NCHooch's AG Carolina Bourbon recipe.

Oh and there are no "pitfalls" with the sweetfeed recipe. If you follow the recipe to a T and use the correct grain mix to begin with, you'll never have a problem.

It boggles my mind how people take a recipe, change it completely, omit stuff, add other stuff, change times and temps, and then come on here and cry because they're having problems. You don't sound like you'll have any problems
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by nerdybrewer »

Chroi wrote:
Speaking only for myself, I thought I really liked sweetfeed, until I tried UJSSM. Cheaper, just as simple, yields a better product.

That said with your experience I'd take a look at NCHooch's AG Carolina Bourbon recipe.

Oh and there are no "pitfalls" with the sweetfeed recipe. If you follow the recipe to a T and use the correct grain mix to begin with, you'll never have a problem.

It boggles my mind how people take a recipe, change it completely, omit stuff, add other stuff, change times and temps, and then come on here and cry because they're having problems. You don't sound like you'll have any problems
I did that with the AB wash, added too much sugar.
I felt I did a proper mea culpa and received help from the recipe maker which saved the batch.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Prairiepiss »

No pitfalls other then not having enough. LOL

If you know fermenting. As you say. Then you making this would be like a chef making chocolate milk.

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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by nerdybrewer »

I'll take a look at NCHooch's AG Carolina Bourbon recipe - I do enjoy a good bourbon.
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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Butch7 »

Ok, my ignorance is showing and I know it.

I honestly tried to search and read before posting..

We do not have "sweet feed" but we do have 2 grain scratch.

Seriously think about trying to make something with the scratch feed (coarse cracked corn and whole wheat.)

Also have plenty of whole and cracked corn

Point me in the right direction please,,,,yes I know I am very new

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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Prairiepiss »

Slow down. LOL you don't even have a still yet. I would be more concerned with learning the still operations and theories. And all the other new distiller stuff. Which you can find in the must read new distiller reading lounge.
But look at UJSSM recipe. In the tried and true recipe section.

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Re: sweetfeed whisky

Post by Butch7 »


Just had the thought, so I fig to ask...Yes, there is a lot to read
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