Goofy things I do

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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by cranky »

frodo wrote:that is cool as hell,,,like the little plyers/clamps never seen em before
They are called cleco clamps. Clecos are used to hold parts together through holes until you can rivet them. Cleco clamps are used to hold pieces together until you can get a few holes in them to get clecos in. They are used a lot in aerospace. I got them and the pliers for them many many years ago either here in Washington at the Boeing surplus or at The Yard in Wichita
(" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollow ) or maybe somewhere else along the way. I tell people "don't ever loan me tools because I'll forget who I borrow them from and you'll never get them back" but they never listen and do it anyway.
frodo wrote:i just got off the phone,,scored a 15 gal keg
:thumbup: can't go wrong with kegs.
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by likker liker »

That's the coolest still ever!!!!
fantastic job
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by cranky »

likker liker wrote:That's the coolest still ever!!!!
fantastic job
I don't know about that but I have to admit it is pretty cool. I also have to say it would probably have been easier to make a conventional flute but it wouldn't have been nearly as much fun. I'm actually not that far from completion now. I still need to buy some new all-thread rod to hold it all together but that's not a big problem. Then I just need to add the ring and reinforcements to the base, figure out attaching the condenser to the UFO and finish cleaning everything up. I guess I need to somehow figure out how to find time to strip the 30 gallons of Birdwatchers I have so I can make a flavored wash to christen this with. The Birdwatchers is destined for a neutral in the neutralizer. I have some cheerios and some organic wheat cereal waiting to make a wash out of plus I have 28 pounds of wheat and 4 pounds of smoked malted wheat waiting to make my first attempt at an all-grain. I'm still working on the ideas for a potentially all wheat all-grain with 2 or 3 different smoked malts but it is just a very basic notion currently bouncing around my head.
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by frodo »

your a frigg'n blender genius good luck
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by likker liker »

You've got still style.
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by frodo »

you guys think i should let Cranky in on a secret? glass pipe, acid waste piping,,is cool as hell,might want to see if any of their stuff catches your attention" onclick=";return false;" rel="nofollowImage

when we plumb lab's..we have to fill the pipes up to test for leaks. i ALWAYS buy 4 or 5 gold fish to mess with everyone with, makes the inspector smile..thats a good thing
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by likker liker »

Just say no :lolno: That's funny, I'd say looks like a Crack pipe, :crazy:
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by cranky »

:esurprised: What are you doing Frodo? Trying to get my wife to hate you?
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by cranky »

likker liker wrote:Just say no :lolno: That's funny, I'd say looks like a Crack pipe, :crazy:
Looks like a thumper to me.
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by Hound Dog »

Yea, but did you check the link to the connectors? They would be the dream for Muggles.
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by cranky »

Hound Dog wrote:Yea, but did you check the link to the connectors? They would be the dream for Muggles.
I saw that and was thinking much the same thing. I didn't see the prices though and am afraid to look too deeply plus I already have a lot of time and effort invested in the combination plate/couplings I've made. :( It would be a nice thing for other people thinking about going the visible still route.
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by frodo »

go ahead, step off into the dark side build a thumper

you score the pipe with a cutter, then hit with a propane torch, heat it just a touch

"TINK" pretty little cut, hit it one time with some sand cloth, then buckle it up
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by cranky »

frodo wrote:go ahead, step off into the dark side build a thumper

you score the pipe with a cutter, then hit with a propane torch, heat it just a touch

"TINK" pretty little cut, hit it one time with some sand cloth, then buckle it up
I never really wanted a thumper. I think it's interesting that they say it exceeds cast iron in strength and durability. That says a lot for glass. That system of connecting seems like what everyone interested in glass could use. Do you know how much the parts cost?
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by frodo »

no, I called the company, he is going to send me a price list.
i hate sites that do not post the price, i usually just scroll on away from them

hey, if your to embarrased to post your high price, i do not need to deal wit you
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by cranky »

frodo wrote:no, I called the company, he is going to send me a price list.
i hate sites that do not post the price, i usually just scroll on away from them

hey, if your to embarrased to post your high price, i do not need to deal wit you
I feel the same way but I havent seen anything like this lab drain stuff. The Boro tube my wife got me was from a glass blowing supply place in Oregon so they don't have anything like this place. Looking at this stuff gives me all kinds of thoughts that will get me in trouble.
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by frodo »

LOL....when i first saw you still, i thought it ws glass pipe

google, lab, glass acid waste piping, their is more than 1 co, making it
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by cranky »

frodo wrote:LOL....when i first saw you still, i thought it ws glass pipe

google, lab, glass acid waste piping, their is more than 1 co, making it
Do you mean smoking pipe? That's a very popular thing in this state, and many others. :D I can see where someone might make that mistake until they see the size of it.
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by frodo »

no, not a bong, i thought is was 4'' or 6'' glass waste piping
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by cranky »

frodo wrote:no, not a bong, i thought is was 4'' or 6'' glass waste piping
That must have been the picture with the handles turned where they were hard to see. I can see that too. I suspect that the 95mm tube I made the neutralizer out of was probably intended for something like that before the glassblowers figured out they like them too. But now you gave me an idea, if I were ever caught I could always claim the glass stuff are just big fancy bongs :lol: My state being rather friendly to such things.
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by likker liker »

next build how to use your old, bong, glass pipe or hookah for your still build :crazy:
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by frodo »

Ward Mechanical
210 Market Ridge Drive
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Phone: 601-956-3002
Fax: 601-956-6212 # for shott glass pipe

disregared that...needed some place to park it. lol

glass bong with whiskey bong water...HMMMMM! tasty!!!
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by frodo »

I am so disapointed, ordered a 6 gallon bucket with gamma lid
it arrived today, without the lid..i was going to do a fermint
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by cranky »

frodo wrote:I am so disapointed, ordered a 6 gallon bucket with gamma lid
it arrived today, without the lid..i was going to do a fermint
That sucks. I was thinking about trying to get something going in the one 10gal, coffee dispenser I have set up for fermenting but I am back to working on the green bean trellis today. Yesterday I made a trip to the planning office to talk to them about the porch and spent the rest of the day filling out paperwork and making drawings of what I plan to do. I hope approval goes smoothly on that but expect they won't like a couple of things I want to do. I really want to run off a couple stripping runs but damaged the keg connector on my pot still and had to re-solder the easy flange so now I have to go through the cleaning process before I can do that. :( In the mean time I still have 23 gallons of cider and 30 gallons of birdwatchers taunting me. I plan on saving some of the cider for Christmas presents and that needs bottled soon or it won't be ready in time and fruit season just started. Blueberries are calling and my first 2 apple trees will be ready for picking in only 3 more weeks. Damn life is getting complicated.
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by frodo »

I received the price list, its a pdf file, i have no idea how to get it from my email to here
so, i am pm you my email, send me a email, ill return with file
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by likker liker »

[quote="frodo"]I received the price list, its a pdf file, i have no idea how to get it from my email to here
so, i am pm you my email, send me a email, ill return with file[/quote

talk about being like a kid in a candy store. Thats the stuff for some extremely cool builds.
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by likker liker »

Pdf file
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by frodo »

the drum trap #6708 is what i would like to have....
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by likker liker »

Yah, what and a really tall tower with 6 or 7 plates.
it would be really easy to have two columns one for whiskeys with a thumper, glass drain trap. The other a tall column for the neutral spirits :idea:
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by frodo »

I am glad someone has the $ for that kind of build

that stuff is pricey.

help me out here, I am picking this keg up tomorrow morning.
image (1).jpg
i have 2'' copper, and i can form a flange on the copper,,what fitting do i need

i do not want to guess, and order wrong
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Re: Goofy things I do

Post by likker liker »

First, whats the fitting look like, here two pictures. One is on an older keg
Newer style with two tabs
Newer style with two tabs
Very old keg but much better in someways
Very old keg but much better in someways
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