A successful All Grain mash will produce a wash of about 6-8%. Its very difficult to push it higher than that. Getting that much malt in that little water, to produce anything higher is difficult and requires special skill and tricks usually reserved for high abv beer makers, triple belgians, double IPA's etc., NOT whiskey producers. Whiskey and bourbon producers target 6-8% wash, for a lot of reasons, not just mashing optimization but yeast health and quality of drink also. Stressed yeast produce a lot of crap, dimethyl sulfide, hydrogen sulfide, Isoamyl Acetate, congeners, esters, fusels, polyphenols, diacetyls etc etc. etc. You do NOT want that crap in your drink.
This applies to the sugarhead folk too. Keep your sugar based washes down to reasonable numbers (sugarhead mentors here in HD state 10-12% maximum), use a good yeast (not Turbo) and your yeast will be happy, unstressed and produce a much better drink.