It's a good question.Tōtōchtin wrote: ↑Fri Nov 24, 2023 2:18 pm I keep noticing people going straight to the bottom with their steam. Is there a reason not using different levels to disperse the heat more evenly. I would think at the bottom then 40% up would do a better job...
Waiting to see how your new setup works. I'll soon be working on the steam side of my still.
Steam would likely follow the path of least resistance requiring the steam outlets on the down tube to vary in diameter. Smaller at the top getting larger as it goes down. I'm not saying it wouldn't work. It would take some experimentation to get it balanced. The deeper the steam outlet is the more likely all of that steam will collapse and transfer its heat to the thumper contents. Look at how a milk frother works on a coffee machine.
The last steam run I did had product coming off the spout 30 minutes into the run and the thumper was at a full boil 60 minutes into the run. Initially I start at 100% power and decrease once the thumper starts to boil. 60% in this case. I find little difference in still output is achieved by increasing boiler power once a boil in the thumper has been achieved. There is a difference but not proportional to the energy input increase.
My steam down tube into the thumper is modular and can be set up with different heights to accommodate different thumpers. I use a 20 gallon pot, full size keg or a 1/2 keg depending on what I need. Personal experience shows that the closer to the bottom of the thumper the better it works. The thumper comes up to temperature faster. Once the thumper is up to temperature (boiling) the injected steam is not collapsing / condensing in the thumper as much and does does a pretty good job of stirring the mash as long as it isn't to thick.